A Lockheed "Rounder"


I had some serious assistance from djs here about bringing textures into FS9 from FSX and these textures are from the original download to prove to myself I'm not totally past it!


and it is with many Thanks I post these two here.

Also many thanks to Martial Feron:applause: for this beautiful repaint for the Lodestar from Milton and Team:applause:

Thank You all,



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My pleasure Andy. I'm normally asking for help on here rather than giving it so a very pleasant change for me.
Finished the FSX version, need to do the FS9 stuff to the original bitmaps and package 'em up.

A somewhat obscure Swedish domestic cargo hauler.




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Hi Friends,
I just uploaded the "Pennsylvania RR" liveries in two different packages (for FS9 & FSX), the FS9 version contains also DXT3 format textures while the FSX one contains HiRes 2048 x 2048 dds format textures. I hope You'll appreciate them. However I'm actually searching for "Great Northern" and "Southern Pacific" (Empire Builder & Daylight) docs ......

Trying something new (for me) here. I just uploaded the Airtaco Lodestar to the Warbirds Library in a combined FSX & FS 2004 zip file.

I had some serious assistance from djs here about bringing textures into FS9 from FSX and these textures are from the original download to prove to myself I'm not totally past it!


and it is with many Thanks I post these two here.

Also many thanks to Martial Feron:applause: for this beautiful repaint for the Lodestar from Milton and Team:applause:

Thank You all,

Thank you to all for sharing your work! Was this United scheme a hard one to convert to FS9?
None of this is my work at all!
This site has people of enormous talent who provide these wonders for us to enjoy and it is 'Thank you' to them.
I have to say that I have shown myself to be incapable of working out how to transfer Textures from one sim to the other, and it was only with the examples sent to me by djs here on the Forum showing the procedure he uses that I began to see the trees in the wood. I have my doubts as to whether I have remembered enough to be able to do another one. There are lots of tips in this forum post alone which explain how it's done :applause:.
Hi Friends,
I just uploaded the "Pennsylvania RR" liveries in two different packages (for FS9 & FSX), the FS9 version contains also DXT3 format textures while the FSX one contains HiRes 2048 x 2048 dds format textures. I hope You'll appreciate them. However I'm actually searching for "Great Northern" and "Southern Pacific" (Empire Builder & Daylight) docs ......

Yes, bring on the railroad! They look great! I'll happily download any railroad liveries. Thanks! :applause:
Just changed out the original Airtaco zipfile with the updated one with the engine textures (Can't believe I left the darn things out). Now the engines will match the rest of the aircraft.
Manuele, I really like your Penn RR liveries!

But they may not be as completely fictional as you think. I can't verify it, but I believe that Penn Central Airlines was started by the Penn Central Railroad, which I think is the same company that was also called simply the Pennsylvania Railroad, back in the 1930s. Their early, overall maroon/red livery is one of the alternate decal options in the old Williams Brothers 1/72
scale Boeing 247 plastic kit.

Their livery might very well have evolved into something like what you painted; it has a very late-40s/early-50s look about it. And if they'd stayed in business independently instead of merging into what became Capital Airlines, they might have flown Lodestars that looked a lot like your skins.

So you skins are fictional, but they have a suggestion of reality about them.
Manuele, I really like your Penn RR liveries!

But they may not be as completely fictional as you think. I can't verify it, but I believe that Penn Central Airlines was started by the Penn Central Railroad, which I think is the same company that was also called simply the Pennsylvania Railroad, back in the 1930s. Their early, overall maroon/red livery is one of the alternate decal options in the old Williams Brothers 1/72
scale Boeing 247 plastic kit.

Their livery might very well have evolved into something like what you painted; it has a very late-40s/early-50s look about it. And if they'd stayed in business independently instead of merging into what became Capital Airlines, they might have flown Lodestars that looked a lot like your skins.

So you skins are fictional, but they have a suggestion of reality about them.

Hi Mick,
I think You are right, I just find this PCA logo on the Web :
Its shape is clearly similar to the PRR one ..... But it seems the Penn Central was created in 1968 when PRR joined the NYC (NEW York Central) and the NHHR (NEW Haven).

Mick, my take on Manuel's railroad paints is more like an executive transport much like the TWA one I did. With the TWA Lodestar, it was officially a "Flight Research Laboratory" (tax reasons?), but used as Jack Frye's personal aircraft. As it was the only Lodestar in the TWA fleet, it was rather obvious when the big boss came to visit.

As for Santa Fe, they really did start up an air cargo service post WW2 using DC-3s and DC-4s and were ranked #5 in the US for air cargo in the 18 months they were in business. The paint I did was mostly based on the late Santa Fe scheme. Apparently the existing big airlines took exception to this and had Santa Fe Skyway shut down by the feds. Much like what Juan Trippe & Pan Am did for Matson Line's short lived airline adventure about the same time frame. Hmm.. Matson... I think another one just got added to the list.

I've kind of got a thing for obscure & defunct airlines...
Hi Mick,
I think You are right, I just find this PCA logo on the Web :
Its shape is clearly similar to the PRR one .....


Yes, the similarity of the logo is a big reason why I think the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Penn Central Railroad are two different names for the same railroad company, perhaps at different times, or maybe just different usages.

It wouldn't be the first time a railroad adopted a "nickname" and did business under that name. The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad was also known as the New Haven Railroad. Some rolling stock carried the long title and other engines and cars wore the shorter one. Their logo was simply a stylized NH. There are other examples, but I can't think of them right now.
Mick, my take on Manuel's railroad paints is more like an executive transport much like the TWA one I did. With the TWA Lodestar, it was officially a "Flight Research Laboratory" (tax reasons?), but used as Jack Frye's personal aircraft. As it was the only Lodestar in the TWA fleet, it was rather obvious when the big boss came to visit.

As for Santa Fe, they really did start up an air cargo service post WW2 using DC-3s and DC-4s and were ranked #5 in the US for air cargo in the 18 months they were in business. The paint I did was mostly based on the late Santa Fe scheme. Apparently the existing big airlines took exception to this and had Santa Fe Skyway shut down by the feds. Much like what Juan Trippe & Pan Am did for Matson Line's short lived airline adventure about the same time frame. Hmm.. Matson... I think another one just got added to the list.

I've kind of got a thing for obscure & defunct airlines...

I like that Santa Fe skin! And the others, too. Matson would be nice.

I've been thinking of a skin for New England & Western Air Transport. That was an airline based in Springfield, Mass., where I grew up, owned and operated by the Tait Brothers, owners of the Tait Creamery and Springfield Airport, the folks who lured the Granville Brothers to Springfield to set up the factory where they built the Gee Bees. Tait daughter Maude was one of the more successful race pilots who flew Gee Bees. NE&WAT served Springfield, Boston, Albany, Hartford and New York City. The line folded in the early thirties and the most modern plane they ever flew was the Ford Trimotor, but had they stayed in business, the Lodestar is just the sort of plane they would have operated. I've considered painting a Lodestar in their livery, but their planes weren't at all colorful - just plain silver with the NE&WAT logo and lettering in black. But I have a copy of the logo from when I painted the Gee Bee C8 Eightster in that scheme, so it wouldn't be hard...

Once again, thanks so much for the FS9 versions of your skins!
A Lockheed "Rounder" United Airkines texture for FS9

Hallo Friends,

I downloaded from flightsim.com the United Airlines textures. in the name it is said FS9 and FSX.
When I unzipped it and I did see all the DDS textures - grrrr !
Allright I converted them into bmp, rzized them and got just a gray unpainted aircraft.
In the textfile nothing is said about FS9 or FSX.
So I hope that a real FS9 texture would be avaible.