A Lockheed "Rounder"

Bah! No problem; I appreciate your enthusiasm and support. Maybe you guys can help with some early alpha testing if interested.

Milton my hand is up for this. Might even see how it works in P3D if that is ok.

Also interested in the beta when it is ready.
Milton my hand is up for this. Might even see how it works in P3D if that is ok.

Also interested in the beta when it is ready.

Thanks for your interest. When we get a flight model, sounds, and some semblance of a panel, you will be on the list. :)
The following is a partial list of aircraft that were powered by the R-2800 (and a few prototypes that utilized it at one point)...

You shouldn't tempt us like that.

:applause::jump::wiggle: Eeeny, meany, miney....

:icon_eek: Yikes! This is getting seriously awesome...Mmmm...Grumman AF Guardian sounds interesting...

:sheep: which reminds me...I still have the new Grumman F7F Tigercat sounds on waaaaayyyback-burner. I take Tiggie out for a taxi and quick burn-up about once monthly just to remind myself of those awsome engines and supremely awesome fs9 model by everyone's favourite Uncle.

Then I have to do the same for the A-26 Invader...I just get intimidated by that characteristic low whiste sound which I haven't the foggiest how to reproduce for fs...well I have, I just need a GOOD recording of the real M'coy.

And that, in a Rounder bout way, brings us back to point A;
The Rounder!
Next but 1 on my workshop list, (not counting the Avia 57 - that's nearly in the bag if all goes well, Heh,heh).

The next on the list is...The Dash! And that is one awesomely beautiful, sounding, looking, flying, hunk of aviation too good for anyone to miss!

And to my buddy BB686----I'll pinch yer flag again if you mention Sea Fury once more among all these PW's. (Better take it anyway, for safe keeping. There!:USA-flag:)

Okay, I came up for air!...


Better get tapping again before getting carried away with (by?) all this delightfully delicious engine chatter - is there any way to get this little chap running the other way? :running:(Bye-the-way)

Cheers all,

Nigel:USA-flag:(with you know who's flag)
So, I guess ya not retiring any time soom Milton :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:


Nice one Pete. :icon29:

Milton retire? Ha!



He's just begun.:icon30:
I reckon he's just warming to the work as they say.
His fancy footwork would put Fred Astair to shame...

'Speedy Gonzalez' is a snail compared to Milton!:isadizzy:

He eats polys for breakfast and spits out editable mesh with morning coffee. :icon_eek:

No sooner does he post one of those 'shaping up' pics in a thread, the next moment you get to see some awesome looking heavy machinery coming out of a myriad of polygons and vertices.

Then there's a trail of guys trying desperately trying to keep up with him...:kilroy:
You send him some sounds or textures for approval and he's already three projects ahead of you.

HE's the one doing the 'heavy lifting' and makes it look like a walk in the park...

(Commercial break!)

Patience? :wavey:
He's the original Saint!

And just when you think what you've been working on, resembles a dollup of bovine residue or dog's do, he'll focus the remnants of your nerves and logic to see the positive part of what you have created.

He's the REAL wizzard of Oz!
The one Dorothy didn't find at the end of the Yellow brick road.
That dame shouldn't have listened to the Straw Man at the left turn, but follow her own insticts and continue straight ahead...

if she had, she would have ended up with something darn prettier than a broomstick to get around with...
or was that the witch?...can't remember; it must be the noise!
Sounds? Look what it did to this dude and he just had bells to contend with!


Eventually she would have met up with a great guy by the name of Milton Shupe!


Cheers all! :wavey:

Nigel 'Strawman' Richards
And to my buddy BB686----I'll pinch yer flag again if you mention Sea Fury once more among all these PW's. (Better take it anyway, for safe keeping. There!:USA-flag:)

Cheers all,

Nigel:USA-flag:(with you know who's flag)

Naw, mate... those Hogs just like to stay in the company of me Sea Furys...so don't be pinchin' me Flag! :ipepsi2::icon_lol::icon_lol: :salute:

LOL guys. At 2 aircraft per year, that list requires 17 years to complete. :isadizzy:

One day, maybe a B26 but right now I cannot see past the Dash 7, Avia 57, the Harpoons and Lodestars.
LOL guys. At 2 aircraft per year, that list requires 17 years to complete. :isadizzy:

One day, maybe a B26 but right now I cannot see past the Dash 7, Avia 57, the Harpoons and Lodestars.

Nice try Sir. lol.

Last time I counted the past 12 months, good ol' Pythagoras' method of counting gives us;

1. 7 Grummans (which probably in true terms adds up to circa 10 aircraft, but being of true Greek democratic disposition, I'll allow you modest estimation of 7)

2. Avia 51 (not counting amphib!)

3. Avia 156

4. Avia 56 (not counting amphib, ski versions)

5. Avia 57...Ah the 57!!!! (no amphibs on this one please Sir or we'll be sprouting gills)...Sounds are nearly done too!

6. Dash 7 Milton's done heaps of heavy lifting and to all intents and purposes has the plane in the delivery crate! :)icon_lol:)

7. Harpoon and Lodestar? Bah! Piece o' cake (you could do them before breakfast).

That gives us around 16. Rounder number 15!

So I reckon around this time next year we should be moving on to the Wright R-2600 -9 or R-2600-13s.

Uhhhh!...Milton....Sir....are you there?

Hello?...ahh my line's gone dead...shucks! :isadizzy:
LOL Variants aren't quite the effort as an all new project Sir! :)

Seems like you left out the most fun project of all though. Wore out my pedals on the clay oval with this one. :)

This by the way was Damian Radice's last completed paint project to my knowledge.