A new Fs9 Messerschmitt Me410A1 Hornisse

Norab ... thanks a ton. I have a bunch of port overs that need this fix!

Shessi ... thanks for a really great aircraft! (engine sound is absolutely heart-rending!!!)
Is there something wrong? I use winzip to extract the zip file, normally works fine but the Me410 zip file won't open, a box comes up says file is corrupt or has nothing to extract! I've downloaded 6-7 times and it still doesn't work.....all other zipfiles extract fine.
OK - a great looking model, nice sound but, one minor thing - In the VC view the rudder pedals move opposite to normal. When turning right, the right pedal should move forward not the left one.
The external view rudder is OK , just the action of the pedals.

But, as I said, it's just a minor thing, you can't see them in normal VC view when looking at the instrument panel.

A very good model of a rare (in flight sims) aircraft. :applause:
Considering how many people have DL'd and used it, it is not the zip file. It will almost certainly be your anti-virus, blocking the DL zip contents. A lot of AV ware do not like the gauge files .gau files, as these contain xml code which they find 'suspicious' and block them. That's why you get the zip file but it is empty or corrupted.

What you could do (and it is your decision to!) is to briefly/temporarily disable your AV, download and unzip the file, then re-enable your AV. Hopefully that will give you the files.

Thanks and whoops!:icon_redface:

I'll take a look.


Thanks for posting, and a nice little video there!



p.s. Don't forget to close your radiator flaps as you'll over-cool your engine and cause unnecessary drag...only in real life though..;)
Shessi, I did disable my Norton AV, and did what you suggested, but it was still the same. It's odd, as I've never had a problem at all with downloading zip files with gauges and XML's included,etc, with my AV running at the same time. My AV would have let me know if it didn't like the contents. It's rare for this to happen on my PC. I don't know why, it has me stumped.
Do you have an alternative site to download it from?
I've been communicating with Shessi of what I've been doing with the Me 410. Some work I've done on it so far...


Hello TuFun

-beautiful livery for this aircraft was missing in FS!:applause:
It flies very well in my FSX!
-Can you improve cockpit textures, because they are not very nice!
Thank you in advance!


Excellent effort!!!

If I may be so bold... and please don't take offense... just trying to help you
develop some useful techniques...
The paint job is excellent... but there is a tiny bit item not quite correct...
The Luftwaffe aviation gasoline caps are not quite like that...
Round access covers are fine... with small screws in the round..
but the gas caps, are different... with flip toggle closures as per my diagram enclosed...
also... the yellow triangle indicating the octanage.. DOES not go on the cap itself...but
rather forward or astern of it... in the wings... and in the fuselage... below or above the cap...

Just imagine a gas cap with screws in the round... it would take at least 10-15 minutes to open
and then the same to close... decidedly not the way to go for fast mission turn-arounds... lol

I can let you have the original PSP or PSD layered template I just did... and you can
use it repeatedly on other textures... (I built up a bevy of these things... like instrument
faces, etc. that make repainting a breeze..) Just PM me... or follow my thread...



  • german gas gaps.jpg
    german gas gaps.jpg
    36.5 KB · Views: 1
Hey Ted --

This screenie of the 410 gives the model a very eerie, ghostly appearance.


Your finished product will be a masterpiece, mate! Looks great so far.

The "Ghost" is the basic paint kit version. Refine some lines of the fuse... not a fan of those big gaps in the panel lines.

Resized the decals...


Working underneath the model thus far...


Couple more...


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Almost there guys! Just need to look at the inner doors, radiator panels, and lower nacelles. Should be ready next week. Need to organize the paint kit and final touches. Seemed to find stuff that needs attention. Textures are 1024 x 32.


