A Taste of Things to Come (Spitfire Preview)


Charter Member
As promised earlier, here is a video of one of the new features that will be part of the Spitfire Mk.II project. The end got chopped off somehow, but at that point I was done talking about it, so you're not missing anything. Enjoy!

The animated clickable cockpit for this is very cool.

One other point about setting the range by fixing the convergence distance and then adjusting to the type of aircraft. If you set the span between outer markers to match a medium bomber then a fighter fits between the center pip and the outer marker.
We've had the dynamic sights function like this in a previous Spitfire release, but yes indeed, the clickable cockpit animations are new.
We've had the dynamic sights function like this in a previous Spitfire release, but yes indeed, the clickable cockpit animations are new.

Hi Major,

Have we had a spitfire gun sight with correctly adjustable sighting distance and wingspan settings and diming functions? I know we have the dynamic reticles that move about relative to eye placement but didn't think we had the in game adjustment factors built into them. Dans reticle is calibratable to real world specs for distance and aircraft wing spans based off each distance increment on the fly in game just as the real world counter part worked.

Its a lot more then the gun sight though, new engine management systems with all the corresponding VC animations matched to the key/button bindings, but not just eye candy they actually control the specific systems and impact aircraft behavior, ie Coffman starter, progressive braking system linked to rudder bar in conjunction with brake lever on the control column, and the list goes on. I'll let Dan explain more as system programing is his baby. But I can say you have never seen this level of control of aircraft systems in a CFS3 environment before.

The upcoming Spitfire set is well worth the year or so of time we have spent on it, and I am very confident that you will all be blown away.

regards Rob.
I think the video was accidentally misleading. I was just using the mouse as a pointer, the cockpit isn't clickable unfortunately. I'd love to add it, but I have no idea if it is remotely possible.

The difference in the gunsight is how many settings you can have, and that there are two adjustment modes. All of this is coupled with the cockpit animation of the adjuster rings so you can actually keep track of how the gunsight is set. Before, you had a maximum of 10 settings with no way of reading what each setting was. This gunsight has 2016 possible settings and the ability to keep track of them all visually the same way it was done then.

Like Rob says, there will be quite a few more systems modeled with similarly new functionality. Watch this space.
New Spitfire Gun sight

Greetings all! this new Gun sight along with it`s cockpit really looks good,my question is,will it be adaptable in other Spitfire`s eg BoB and Just Flight models.

kudos to all involved glad to see a progressive attitude to you all.

Thanks for your efforts,

I was thinking of the ones like Spitfire_LFMkIXc_3W-B that had the 8 different range settings, and 8 levels of dimmable sights.


SHIFT+[ and SHIFT+] control the range
CTRL+[ and CTRL+] control the dimmer

If we're getting new shader capability for this does it obsolete all the old sight calibration formatting in the TextureMagic.ini?
The old ones still work, and the new lines still use the same basic format, but there are more parameters now.
MajorMagee, old settings still work. I wouldn't dare to break them knowing how much work you put into adding reticles to various aircrafts. And speaking of work - the new version simplifies positioning and calibrating of reticles. Too bad I didn't implement it earlier.
I can send it to you if you are interested.

As for clickable cockpits - I've looked into it, but not too much as it goes beyond the graphics features I'm interested the most.
I tried to find and somehow reuse CFS3 code which shows labels when you mouse over certain gauges, but haven't been able to. However even without it I could write my own code to track mouse pointer over specific objects -- that's not too difficult.
I also tried to find the code responsible for handling control commands, so I can send them directly, but didn't want to spend too much time on it. Perhaps it could be simpler to simulate keypresses and let CFS3 engine handle them normally, like it does when using AutoHotKeys.

So clickable cockpits are sort of possible, but do you really need them?
To me they feel like a gimmick. Interesting to try a couple of times and then never come back.
The clickable cockpit is what I miss the most from CFS1. It has always been on my wish list. To me, it adds to the realism of actually being in the cockpit and controlling the airplane. I almost always start the engine with the individual individual commands, but it bugs me that I have to use the keyboard.

I use the dynamic gunsight all the time, if I can find the the right settings, so more adjusts are very welcome.

Gecko, I really liked the video and now I'll have to try out your tips for deflection shooting.
Yes, and an early Mk.V. Not sure if they will end up being released together or separately.

And to Alcanallen's question, probably not very adaptable to existing models, but it will cover all the same variants.
Yes, except for things that are related directly to features of the shaders, like the gunsight reticle.
Can't wait for these Spitfires to be released ! Would go nicely with the ETO Bf-109's and the newest SJ Fw-190's.Maybe,down the line ,a Bf-109E/F-(updated), would be nice. Have some really nice Luftwaffe aircraft ,so it's about time for some really good British aircraft to go with them. Biggest thing to happen this year....so far ! So much has been done i can't imagine what else awaits us. Can't wait to get my new gaming rig-(if my health gets any better), so i can use AnKor's shaders to take full advantage of all the new features with these Spitfires. Regards,Scott