A thank you by pictures


Here are some good P3 moments:



Sehr geehrter Captain Dimus

Zere you got me really mooved (sniff). Seeink der S.E.5a so beautiful - how can I shoot her down in future? Ze first two pictures are so romantic, zey could be hung to ze wall. For ein Moment, you made me forget, zis is a warplane - an opponent - a crumpet!
But if zis was an attempt to weaken up my fighting spiritz - no way! Ze next time I see her from zis angle, I vill have to press der button!
But it vill be harder now...

Baron von Mahlo - der Bordeauxrote Baron

PS: all posts and threads about P3 have a separate forum now - see main page.
Sehr geehrter Captain Dimus

Zere you got me really mooved (sniff). Seeink der S.E.5a so beautiful - how can I shoot her down in future? Ze first two pictures are so romantic, zey could be hung to ze wall. For ein Moment, you made me forget, zis is a warplane - an opponent - a crumpet!
But if zis was an attempt to weaken up my fighting spiritz - no way! Ze next time I see her from zis angle, I vill have to press der button!
But it vill be harder now...

Baron von Mahlo - der Bordeauxrote Baron
Olham, I happen to be an independant war correspondent touring the front taking pictures.

I would like to ask Baron von Mahlo's permission to visit his Jasta and make a nice feature. As you can see I am equipped with the latest technology secret Kodacolour film that can actually capture colours in the picture, not just black and white. His Bordeauxrote colour will look stunning.
Hi, Dimus

The Baron said, he and his Jasta would feel honoured to be reported about.
"Zis vay, ze vorld vill see, zat ze Germans are not "Huns" at all, nor zat we all use Bosch household devices!"
He doesn't fly the Bordeauxred Albatros anymore (that was a D II, in September 1916 - skin should be in the thread "Showing some skin").
Now, his plane is very colourful, as you may see below. It's inspired by a Halberstadt two-seater, that landed on his airfield.
Hope you like it too (that's still in P2).

Cheers. Olham
Shot from my 7th campaign (I always die in my 2nd or 3rd mission :gameoff: )

Patrol over friendly territory in September 1917. View at my wingman on my right side.

Just a little something from the cheater's handbook; drag that TAC into a corner ( more immersion ) :ernae:
Hi, Dimus

The Baron said, he and his Jasta would feel honoured to be reported about.
"Zis vay, ze vorld vill see, zat ze Germans are not "Huns" at all, nor zat we all use Bosch household devices!"
He doesn't fly the Bordeauxred Albatros anymore (that was a D II, in September 1916 - skin should be in the thread "Showing some skin").
Now, his plane is very colourful, as you may see below. It's inspired by a Halberstadt two-seater, that landed on his airfield.
Hope you like it too (that's still in P2).

Cheers. Olham

Please excuse the poor reporter's ignorance but can you please advise the Baron's Jasta/Circus number in order to arrange the visit?
Hi, DIMUS; it's Jasta 15, June 1918, based at Nesle.

Wow, PAARMA, my favourite plane! Did you OFF devs change the Albatros proportions? It looks even better than in P2, it seems. The relation plane : pilot looks better.
Thanks Olham. I personally did 3 times all p2 albatros dv/dva skins. And spad vii´s has saw many corrections. There is now much more details and colors look more realistic now.

Hi, DIMUS; it's Jasta 15, June 1918, based at Nesle.

Wow, PAARMA, my favourite plane! Did you OFF devs change the Albatros proportions? It looks even better than in P2, it seems. The relation plane : pilot looks better.

How did you do that? I thought that CFS/OFF wouldn't allow individual skins for the different flight members.
Also did you do the skin for the Rose Nieuport 11 for P2? I'm still trying to get a good picture of that rose for a scale modeling project I'm doing.

Hi Scott,

P3 can use different skins in same time.

I think the all nieuport skins is made by "rabu". Meaby he can help you.
Good point to use p3 skins for resource material when making scale models. Actually the skin making is quite like scale modelling. You have to find much resource material fisrt. Try to make the materials like metal, wood canvas look real and then to adjust colors and dirt effects etc...

Im always here for help if need any advice of skins, if those are done by me. Ofcourse i help all the if i can.

All the best



How did you do that? I thought that CFS/OFF wouldn't allow individual skins for the different flight members.
Also did you do the skin for the Rose Nieuport 11 for P2? I'm still trying to get a good picture of that rose for a scale modeling project I'm doing.
