AAC_Sunday Mission?



~S~ smilo,

I noticed you post in the Frankydog link, and when I arrived on Sunday There was a lot of pilots in the air. Has the time for the Sunday mission changed? If so what time is it? So I can be there on time.

yeah, I noticed that you were late.
what happened?
being as I am on the USA west coast, PST,
I have to get up at the crack of black to get everything set up.
as you know, we have several pilots from the UK and one from Sweden, so for them, our sunday fun starts late in the afternoon.
quack, quack, quack...sorry, the answer to your question is,
the warmup free for all and mission briefing 15:00 GMT
mission start 16:00 GMT

here's a link to find out what GMT is for all time zones;

ya know, I just noticed that I need to edit my profile details.:redf:
it says -7 GMT and that's for daylight savings time.

~S~ smilo,

According to my clock on my computer it is 0334 GMT now.

Look at the time on top of your last post. Mine is saying
November 21st, 2008, 22:34

So it means that 3:34 GMT = 22:34 MYTIME > -5 hours

15:00 GMT minus 5 = Noon, which is what it should.

How about you?:kilroy:
Our game is at 1700 GMT, my apologies.:redf:

This means NOON for you anbu.

Come one hour before game time for practice and preparation.

P.S.- smilo, EST gives me -5 GMT. Since game is at 1200 on my time, I guess it is 1700 GMT, unless something was changed?
well, there may be a problem.
I have been telling people 16:00 GMT for Game Start,
15:00 GMT for the PreFlight Warmup and Mission Briefing.
yes, I know that 15:00 GMT is 10:00 AM EST.
quit complaining, you could be on the West Coast where it will be 07:00 AM PST.
I will fire up a Game at 14:00 GMT/ 06:00 PST and post the IP on the ACP TeamSpeak Server.
the TS IP is in my Signature.
hope to see yaz in the morning
can someone explain GMT to me? so i'm not in the dark for every flight time haha :costumes:

*wait, by golly i think i have it. lets say there is a flight at 18:00 GMT and i'm -5 GMT making it 13:00 GMT for me. so if i'm right that would be a flight at 1:00 pm....right? i hope.
Nothing that simple mathematics can't solve:icon_lol:!

Yep, that's it!:applause:

GMT= Greenwich Mean Time, time by which all the clocks are set according to their relative time zones. Mine and yours are -5 hours, smilo is -8 hours.

So, I guess game time has switched to 1100 hours, prep at 1000 hours.

anbu, if you're about to learn flying, better get used to it... :kilroy:... unless you intent to only shuttle between Flint and Detroit.

~S~ All,

Here it is 1:05 am CST, In GMT it is 7:05 am, I am 6 hours behind, anbu and Hubbabubba are 5 hour behind and smilo is 8 hours behind.

Hello All,

This is the time to REALLY confuse the newby. You military folks certainly are familiar with this:

GMT == UTC == Time Zone Z or "ZULU"

You oughta see what plotting a ship's time and waypoints looks like when moving around the international date line.

- Ivan.
not to mention that the Day Light Savings switch really screwed us up.
the Game is up NOW!!!
Meet at ACP TeamSpeak Server
the Game IP is posted there
Pilots are already gathering
haha. yea i have s new system to laearn but it doesn't seem to rough.
Another One For the History Books

~S~ All,

Well the way I see it the Axis did a fine job of defending the Fatherland against the Allied aggression. I think I am starting to sound more like a Russian.

Many thanks to smilo and Limy for a very fine mission. ~S~ guys.

There was a lot of confusion and last minute issues for some, but it was well worth it for those who made it.

I do not think 1100 like the fact that he could not shoot down anyone today. I was glad to get one kill, but not to happy about running out of fuel and crashing during a dead stick landing. It was the flaps, never should have used them.

Scanfox was his usual self, I do not know how many he shot down, it was more then I did. smilo got his share of kills, but Hubbabubba, was hot to trot. He had to wait the longest before getting his kills.

Great game, great bunch of guys, great fun.

Thanks again,

I concur and have to add that it was great to see NeoKage in the Game today. Great flying with you.
I am coming to the conclusion that confusion at the beginning is a given. it seems that we need a challenge to get our blood pumping.
maybe next week, we can work to straighten out some of the connection issues that seem to plague players.
did you notice that today was the first time in several weeks that Hubbabubba did not loose connection at anytime during the Game? he must be ecstatic! it would seem that the AAC TeamSpeak Server is the solution to his problem.
the only other real problem we need to straighten out is the time issue. a few weeks ago, it was discussed that we start an hour earlier so that the pilots from over the pond wouldn't be flying so late on Sundays.
I think that we should use the passing of Daylight Savings for that purpose.
in other words, keep the start time at 16:00 GMT with warmup and briefing at 15:00 GMT.
granted, this will cause those of us in the USA to start an hour earlier, but I think we can handle it.
so, here it is;
Warmup and Mission Briefing begins at
15:00 GMT
10:00 AM EST
09:00 AM CST
08:00 AM MST
07:00 AM PST

you guys in the rest of the world can figure it out or ask and we'll do our level best to confuse you.

since I live on the West Coast,
well...lets just say I am willing to do it.
heck, I was setting things up at 06:00 anyway.

~S~ smilo,

I think you need to check you times again, It is 0828 GMT but here in CTZ to is 0228 6 hour different.

I don't have a problem flying an hour earlier... it gets me out of bed haha.
and i'm happy to say I made a kill on sunday ^_^
Sunday Kill

~S~ a,

You will get more kills with more practice. Pick the aircraft you want to fly and only fly that one. Out the box, the P51d is the best, but with a lot of practice the Fw190a would be the best. The 190 should have been the best, but the game was made by Americans. You will have the same issue with IL2, made by Russians. It would be easy to cheat and make things the way they were, (use 1% aircraft) but that is cheating. I have noticed a very few have tweaked their .dp and .air files, but they are not fooling me. Almost everyone thinks 1100 is cheating, but he is not. He flies the P51d, almost all of the time. He can be shot down in a dog fight sometimes by a Hurricane, but he is getting better against them.

Practice makes perfect.

~S~ a,

You will get more kills with more practice. Pick the aircraft you want to fly and only fly that one. Out the box, the P51d is the best, but with a lot of practice the Fw190a would be the best. The 190 should have been the best, but the game was made by Americans. You will have the same issue with IL2, made by Russians. It would be easy to cheat and make things the way they were, (use 1% aircraft) but that is cheating. I have noticed a very few have tweaked their .dp and .air files, but they are not fooling me. Almost everyone thinks 1100 is cheating, but he is not. He flies the P51d, almost all of the time. He can be shot down in a dog fight sometimes by a Hurricane, but he is getting better against them.

Practice makes perfect.


i play quick combat with the p-51d all the time on ace but they are so darn predictable. they bank right and try to try to my 6. but i found some maneuvers online i have been practicing.

i can't keep the german planes in the air you turn to tight and they fall like brick... a brick that doesn't fly good.
Hey Johnny,

I believe the FW 190A is a pretty hot aircraft also in reality, but the game does some really silly stuff with this bird. What do you think are the advantages of the FW 190A over the Mustang? I believe in the game, about the only things the FW 190A has over the Mustang are a slightly better roll rate and much better firepower and better directional stability. What advantages do you see in the CFS FW 190A?

- Ivan.