Aeroplane Heaven


From FaceB

Guess what we're building for Microsoft Flight Simulator...

A totally new, high definition Mk1A. We are at work on a number of subjects for the new simulator and will publish details soon.





All I can say is Yippee



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From FaceB

Guess what we're building for Microsoft Flight Simulator...

A totally new, high definition Mk1A. We are at work on a number of subjects for the new simulator and will publish details soon.





All I can say is Yippee

This is what I've waited for in this beautiful sim (well, this and a Mustang, Mk IX Spit, Thunderbolt, Hunter, etc, etc)
Looks fabulous.
Very good news.

I will buy FS20 later this year and will be looking for a few solid, built-from-scratch payware warbirds to buy with it, or as soon thereafter as possible. This could definitely make my shopping list.

Oh yes please! As soon as there are WWII aircraft, cold war aircraft and modern day fighters available, I don't think the other sims will have a long life on my PC!!

Except for the ones that allow me to shoot up stuff from time to time (when I'm in a foul mood)

Glad to see this and hope for many more great projects. Reading and partaking in some of the conversations with AH, I had the impression they held a good deal of concerns about FS2020 and it's future and weren't totally on board which is understandable from their investment perspective. I can assure them, I am a happy customer for their products and hope to enjoy them in FS2020 which for me is a superior platform over all my past versions. I will certainly invest in AH products again for this sim.
Glad to see this and hope for many more great projects. Reading and partaking in some of the conversations with AH, I had the impression they held a good deal of concerns about FS2020 and it's future and weren't totally on board which is understandable from their investment perspective. I can assure them, I am a happy customer for their products and hope to enjoy them in FS2020 which for me is a superior platform over all my past versions. I will certainly invest in AH products again for this sim.

Thanks for the kind words. The "concerns" we have (and still do by the way) are more of a practical nature. Simply, developing for MSFS, and I mean genuine dedicated MSFS add-ons, is a far more complex, time and resource consuming process than for any other sim. This time consumption has an impact on smaller companies' cashflow. We can't develop in the volume we could for say, P3D in the same timeframe. And if we are not developing for P3D/FSX, we lose that income stream. Many devs will feel this pain as they dive into developing for MSFS. If people no longer buy add-ons for P3D, smaller outfits are going to find it hard to survive while they develop for the new simulator. Some may even implode.

Add to all this that the SDK is still not complete - there are large tracts of invaluable info and data missing - which is hampering the release of genuine, dedicated new product, life, shall we say, is getting very interesting.

In a nutshell, the development industry needs people to continue to support P3D while MSFS and developers find their feet.:engel016:
Having said all of that, I'm ready to pay a premium over P3D products for MSFS, due to the added development time sink. Also for add on packs. Have I told you the clipped Spit Mk.V is my favorite Spit? Just saying, in case you make some add on packs to help pay for the initial development.

BTW, thanks for the preview pics, they look more like actual parts than a flightsim development update.:encouragement:
Unfortunately for most developers, "premium" prices are not going to cut it in DLC. Most people will probably be looking to pay no more than $19-25 max, based on other DLC games. Some will pay the big tickets but they are in the minority "passionates" class. I know the argument is that there will be more potential customers but that's not certain by any means. Add-ons are going to have to be very high quality- the stock items are way above anything ever produced stock by Microsoft in the past. Anything that at least is not comparable will not sell well. It's certainly going to be a rocky old ride.:engel016:
Thanks for the kind words. The "concerns" we have (and still do by the way) are more of a practical nature. Simply, developing for MSFS, and I mean genuine dedicated MSFS add-ons, is a far more complex, time and resource consuming process than for any other sim. This time consumption has an impact on smaller companies' cashflow. We can't develop in the volume we could for say, P3D in the same timeframe. And if we are not developing for P3D/FSX, we lose that income stream. Many devs will feel this pain as they dive into developing for MSFS. If people no longer buy add-ons for P3D, smaller outfits are going to find it hard to survive while they develop for the new simulator. Some may even implode.

Add to all this that the SDK is still not complete - there are large tracts of invaluable info and data missing - which is hampering the release of genuine, dedicated new product, life, shall we say, is getting very interesting.

In a nutshell, the development industry needs people to continue to support P3D while MSFS and developers find their feet.:engel016:

That and as you also mention, the payout in the DLC market soaking up profit to a company that has invested little to no time or money into the 3rd Party Dev's project and your getting a license to build a Boeing, Cessna or other content or have lawyers breathing down your neck. As far as the Dev time and cost, we saw this back when FSX came out which before, FS9 projects were turning out in months time with full time development then things started becoming considerably more complex and expensive and that trend has continued up to now. While I am optimistic about FS2020 development, I get it that the pace of things will be slower which means some Devs will turn out less and less (the PMDG & A2A business models) which some Devs understandably won't be able to accomodate on top of everything else. I think in time it will work itself out much like the slow reception FSX got and I was one of many naysayers back then who weren't willing to budge for years because I had so much invested in FS9. As noted before, I am on board to buy your future products for FS2020 and maybe by then, Asobo will add some things and get the kinks out (which the latter is certainly in line to be done).
Good news :)
The AH BoB Mk1A is already my favourite plane in MSFS, despite the limitations of being an FSX import.
Thanks for the kind words. The "concerns" we have .. If people no longer buy add-ons for P3D, smaller outfits are going to find it hard to survive while they develop for the new simulator. Some may even implode...In a nutshell, the development industry needs people to continue to support P3D while MSFS and developers find their feet.:engel016:

First of all, why do you tease us by posting RL pictures of the canopy and exhaust manifold? ;)

On a more serious note, I am one who has basically stopped buying P3D add-ons. Why buy something that I won't use? P3D V5 won't work any longer on my computer and LM's lack of customer service makes me question if I will even purchase the next version. Why support a company that won't support their customers?

My issues with P3D aren't the fault of Airplane Heaven or any other developer. I could use an add-on in V4.5. Yet, why? The only time I go to P3D now is for Milviz beta products. So, again, why buy something I know I will not use?

MSFS has amazed me. I thought I would quickly get tired of its game like structure and eye-candy. I haven't I have visited places all over the world that I have been to in RL and some that I haven't visited, and now I am interested in going because of what I saw in MSFS.

I too will purchase your upcoming product.