Aeroplane Heaven

Well, one thing is for sure.. I personally dont intend to spend my entire time in FS2020 flying a damned cessna, and this goes a very long way to correcting that glaring oversight..

Damn straight! I need some planes with flame throwers shootin' out the back, and some with the big round loud engines (Seriously, how did MSFS not even include a classic like a DC-33, Ford Trimotor, or something old to at least help the classic airframe ache)?
Damn straight! I need some planes with flame throwers shootin' out the back, and some with the big round loud engines (Seriously, how did MSFS not even include a classic like a DC-33, Ford Trimotor, or something old to at least help the classic airframe ache)?

Could be they're holding it back ? I would. Hypothetical here

Release a game/sim that historically appeals to the systems deep /rivet counters. It would be a waste of time and money to make a F86 or a buccaneer for that crowd. However you will be releasing the same game/sim for the xbox crowd later, who historically ( I know as I am an xbox user ) like the more boom and zoom light the fyres and kick the tyres ( speelt correckly ) then they come in and release those types of planes as a DLC package.

I think we SOH people straddle those 2 markets and that is where it gets frustrating for us. We want the fidelity of the current pc release but want the planes from the xbox release and the price of the xbox release.

Side note : I think baz still has an unbuilt matchbox 1:24 spitfire kicking around... or its the airfix one. The only thing that might slow the dev down on the AH spit is if baz finds the glue and humbrol pots we hid from him.
I also still have that Matchbox Spit mk22/24 1/32 scale in the box also, as well as the Dauntless and Me109E in 1/24 scale in the boxes. They were good for teaching the young'uns to build.:santahat:
I also still have that Matchbox Spit mk22/24 1/32 scale in the box also, as well as the Dauntless and Me109E in 1/24 scale in the boxes. They were good for teaching the young'uns to build.:santahat:

I've got about 750 boxed kits in the cupboard. Mostly collector kits in mint boxes but some are builders. Most of the classic Matchbox 1:32 series are there including the Tiger Moth, BF109, Stuka and Dauntless and the Seafire of course.. Great kits, beautifully made. Never understood why they never made it to collector grade prices. Still, no guilt over building them I suppose.

My favourite is a Russian 1:72 Spitfire Mk1 which, judging by the fuselage and wing shapes was probably manufactured somewhere near Chernobyl. The box is bullet-proof cardboard and the art was probably done by the same guy that did those Lenin posters.

The Airfix 1:24 Spit, Hurricane and P51 are all on the "to do" list for when I get old... but wait....I am old....
My son has the 1-24 Airfix Spit which he wants us to make together...but we live 200 miles apart... :running:
Meanwhile I make do ...

hmmm, distance might have something there. Didn't Airfix try virtual modeling a while back? I seem to remember something about that. In 3D modeling you have the advantage of Ctrl/Z if you make a mistake no glue mess to clear up.:engel016:
I've got about 750 boxed kits in the cupboard. Mostly collector kits in mint boxes but some are builders. Most of the classic Matchbox 1:32 series are there including the Tiger Moth, BF109, Stuka and Dauntless and the Seafire of course.. Great kits, beautifully made. Never understood why they never made it to collector grade prices. Still, no guilt over building them I suppose.
My favourite is a Russian 1:72 Spitfire Mk1 which, judging by the fuselage and wing shapes was probably manufactured somewhere near Chernobyl. The box is bullet-proof cardboard and the art was probably done by the same guy that did those Lenin posters.
The Airfix 1:24 Spit, Hurricane and P51 are all on the "to do" list for when I get old... but wait....I am old....

Of course the old kit modellers saying is worth reiterating: 'He who dies with the most kits doesn't win, he just dies!'
Way back when I was a member of IPMS Victoria 0ne of our members used to buy 3 of everything, 1 to build, 1 to kit bash and 1 for his 'collection'.
When he died about 10 years later the IPMS team who were sorting through his stuff were almost overwhelmed by the amount of styrene in his home.
Unfortunately they had all been opened a fiddled with!
I should add that ANY aircraft we make for MSFS is/will be totally remade, dedicated. We are not interested in "portovers", seeing no point in producing anything that does not take full effect of the MSFS graphics engine. As of now, the SDK is incomplete and the development process "shady" to say the least. We will not release anything that is "half-baked" due to SDK issues and some mis-guided desire to push anything out there just to prove some kind of point. No doubt we are to see a flood of "new releases" hit the Marketplace that purport to be the real thing. We will not be among them.:engel016:
Your artists are utterly spellbinding. The Spitfire, despite being such a common subject, is rarely modelled accurately. You have already knocked it out of the park from what I've seen so far.
Guys, if you do decide on a Beech 18, please make it a newer version, a G18S, rather than the same old rounded wingtip original model. Those Super 18s were very nice planes, and are all getting up there in age now. Just my 2 cents.

Does this mean we may see in-game screenshots like this............?



For the Beech 18, I say the older the better ... we've got enough 'new' planes already...