Appreciate the heads up! I found the books webpage and was able to order it directly there for $90. Also thinking I may have to book a ride in the CWH Chipmunk later this year. Been slowly working through their offerings having done the Harvard, Norseman, Beech 18 and Dakota.
Very glad to see the Chipmunk book is still available. It is an absolute treasure trove of info, and a must have for anyone who loves the Chipmunk. There is only one other aircraft profile book of this depth that I own, and that one is for the Harvard! Entitled "Harvard - The North American Trainers in Canada" by David C Fletcher and Doug Macphail.
While I have not flown in anything from CWH, I did get to fly four times with CHAA. In fact, I only figured out a few months ago that my flight time is greater in the Harvard than it is in the Chippy. But there was one day on which I flew in both types back to back. This was back in 1994. I was at Tilsonburg to fly the Harvard for the first time with CHAA. As we were holding short awaiting takeoff, a Chipmunk landed. After my flight in "46", I introduced myself to the woman who'd brought the Chipmunk there, and a flight ensued. Yes, Harvard and Chipmunk on the same afternoon. Just fantastic. Can't believe this is almost 30 years ago already.
I have yet to fly in a Beech 18, but have enjoyed flight time in the Dakota, L188 Electra, L10 Electra, B-17, T-34, Piper Cub, and Fleet Canuck. Would like to fly in some warbirds with a museum out here on the prairie, but I can't as I do not meet their current requirements. Maybe another year.
So, for now, it is Harvard and Chipmunk in MSFS, and currently mostly Chipmunk. Just hoping the repaints start to flow at a faster rate.