• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

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    Library How to

Alphasim forums ditched

SimFlight was not out of line in my opinion. Just because you can make OUTSTANDING aircraft for FS, that doesnt mean you're mature.

AlphaSim is simply showing the public that they are very immature. Not good.
Hi there tigisfat. How are you doing? Hope you didn't think I was a jinx when my prophesy re. the English summer came true at Fairford.:kilroy:

How's it going? Did you attend RIAT, Duxford or farnborough? You'd think they wouldn't be held almost at the same time......

The food and beer was great, the weather wasn't!!:ernae: I've wanted to go since I was a child, I guess that ruined now....
Has anyone noticed that someone at AS took the 'mean message' down?
Yea and personally I think it was a good thing to do. If you want a forum to post comments in then have one, but please keep the news to news.
How much do you guys want to bet that it was Dano who, once again, removed one of Phil's comments.
Has anyone noticed that someone at AS took the 'mean message' down?

Yes but not the underhand jibe re. 'ageing scenery'. Par for the course though.

IMO Dano is a level young guy who at times finds himself between a rock and a hard place. I fortunately met him at Elvington just before he moved out.
What are you supposed to do, update the scenery so it looks older?:costumes: ...and therefore more current?

Makes no sense to me...
JimJam I also have spent hundreds of dollars on AS products, picking up every release regardless as after all it was an AS product, since way back in 1999 and I agree that if you so much as whispered any concerns with the model, Flight Dynamics (their FD's being my biggest bone of contention with AS products except their latest F-105 which to be honest is a master piece) then you were effectively black balled beyond reason.

..... From the old goat who did the flight model for their F-105D.
..... Thank you very much Pultacatt! :ernae:
..... From the old goat who did the flight model for their F-105D.
..... Thank you very much Pultacatt! :ernae:
If it didn't require saying something positive about Alphasim, I would also speak highly on the Thud. However, since this isn't a "sing their praises" thread, I won't.


I agree that if you so much as whispered any concerns with the model, Flight Dynamics (their FD's being my biggest bone of contention with AS products except their latest F-105 which to be honest is a master piece) then you were effectively black balled beyond reason.

I believe some of those FD designers are at SkySim now.

If this is the case, then it should be interesting to see how SkySim handles FD critique....
Hey, in all fairness to the man who runs A.S., he is an avid indoorsman...just needs to get out a little more.
Panther, I agree it will be interesting to see how "they" handle constructive criticism whether the FD creators have moved to Skysim or anywhere else.

Their E.E. Lightning was pure fantasy despite being "tested by a real life Lightning pilot" etc, etc, etc - I could go on with a veritable list.

Alphasim FD's have been suspect and have never delivered the beans. This is my opinion no matter who's to blame (management, beta testers, or FD designer). Now to make this clear before I get gang flamed: Obviously this is how I feel and I am just one voice, I do not and will not speak for anyone else. To close this semi-rant I will defend AS in saying that FD's are NOT easy to get right as I know from first hand experience...

However their F-105 is almost perfect to the manual, about as good as you are going to get in FSX. We fly that model to the real world manuals we have been given by ex 105 aircrew and it performs perfectly, you step outside of the real world envelope and she (the model) will bite ya!

Thudpilot here's a nickle on the grass and a bravo zulu for a wonderful FD. Thank YOU very much for many hours of enjoyment (60+hrs and climbing in FSX).
Panther, I agree it will be interesting to see how "they" handle constructive criticism whether the FD creators have moved to Skysim or anywhere else.

Their E.E. Lightning was pure fantasy despite being "tested by a real life Lightning pilot" etc, etc, etc - I could go on with a veritable list.

Alphasim FD's have been suspect and have never delivered the beans. This is my opinion no matter who's to blame (management, beta testers, or FD designer). Now to make this clear before I get gang flamed: Obviously this is how I feel and I am just one voice, I do not and will not speak for anyone else. To close this semi-rant I will defend AS in saying that FD's are NOT easy to get right as I know from first hand experience...

However their F-105 is almost perfect to the manual, about as good as you are going to get in FSX. We fly that model to the real world manuals we have been given by ex 105 aircrew and it performs perfectly, you step outside of the real world envelope and she (the model) will bite ya!

Thudpilot here's a nickle on the grass and a bravo zulu for a wonderful FD. Thank YOU very much for many hours of enjoyment (60+hrs and climbing in FSX).

I'm just mildly curious here, do you group helo FDEs in that statement above ? .

Regarding Skysim, I'm not sure any FD developers have moved over there yet ?, AS has its own bespoke FDE man, it used to be Jay McDaniel, now its Shane, as far as I know neither work for Skysim yet, I did the helo FDEs and I dont 'officially' work for Skysim yet ( read no models yet ready for release ). The Vixen FDE was done by the developer and the Hawk also by the developer, there doesnt seem to be a single focal FDE man at Skysim yet, but it is a growing team so that may come in the future.


Two statements here. First, the F-105 is absolutely a masterpiece in FS. Well done Thudpilot and all involved!

Secondly to MD, I will step out on a limb so to speak in saying that I think your Chopper FDE's are damn good considering the inherent limitations in FS you must deal with and the fact that it is virtually impossible to make a perfect Rotor flight model in MSFS. Having 12 hours of actual rotor time in my logbook, I understand the differences and similarities. You do fine work. Period! You mentioned Jay McDaniel. I feel Jay has few if any equals in his game. The guy has in my humble opinion has helped if not actually transformed flight modeling for FS. Shane seems to be doing a good job but no offense to him, I favor Jay's work recent or past. Out of about 3 dozen Alphasim models I have bought(if my count is correct,maybe more or less), I have had few things to fuss about. Figuring in the limitations of FS, the FDE's are pretty solid overall. I will say lastly, whenever I did find an issue either FDE or model related, it got fixed quickly.
I'm just mildly curious here, do you group helo FDEs in that statement above ?
Oh ohs... Now I'm in for it... :icon_lol:

MD I would never have a bad word for your work as you should know from our past email convo's a looong time ago but to clarify I wouldn't critique Helo FD's as I have no interest or flown Rotary Wings - Too unnatural form of flight for me (in other words I can't fly em for love nor money and instant respect for anyone who can).

I do however stand by my comment regarding AS's FD's. The visual models on the other hand have always been very good indeed, I have always bought the models on the understanding that the FD's would need tweaking.
Well perhaps it's time to wrap up this thread. I think everyone has made their point about various topics, but really this was just a thread about a forum closing.

I'm still sad it's closed, but as has been proven in this forum and the FS9 forum, the Alphasim forum members are finding new homes.

I sent an order for an FSX B-24 last night with PayPal to Phil, it was actually a gift which I asked to be sent to Ian (a bribe to keep writing reviews for my site) and the order was fulfilled within twelve hours with no fuss, once again.

I hope Alphasim continue to make nice add-ons, they may not be perfect, but neither am I. I just hope one day they see sense and reinstate their forums.

Right, I'm off to see if we can sort out HD's issues.