• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

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    Library How to

Alphasim forums ditched

Panther, I agree it will be interesting to see how "they" handle constructive criticism whether the FD creators have moved to Skysim or anywhere else.

Their E.E. Lightning was pure fantasy despite being "tested by a real life Lightning pilot" etc, etc, etc - I could go on with a veritable list.

Alphasim FD's have been suspect and have never delivered the beans. This is my opinion no matter who's to blame (management, beta testers, or FD designer). Now to make this clear before I get gang flamed: Obviously this is how I feel and I am just one voice, I do not and will not speak for anyone else. To close this semi-rant I will defend AS in saying that FD's are NOT easy to get right as I know from first hand experience...

However their F-105 is almost perfect to the manual, about as good as you are going to get in FSX. We fly that model to the real world manuals we have been given by ex 105 aircrew and it performs perfectly, you step outside of the real world envelope and she (the model) will bite ya!

Thudpilot here's a nickle on the grass and a bravo zulu for a wonderful FD. Thank YOU very much for many hours of enjoyment (60+hrs and climbing in FSX).

Just to pick up on the comment re the E. E. Lightning flight model. Allow me to share a few facts -
The flight model was built by Jerry Beckwith - probably one of the most expert people around when it comes to building flight models
I spent many hours testing the flight model against available data - eg official pilots notes and flight test reports by Roland Beaumont.
The flight model was tested and approved by a genuine ex RAF Lightning pilot.
The flight model was tested and approved by a genuine RAF fast jet instructor with experience on the Tornado and Hunter amongst others.

Is it perfect? The answer is obviously no because FS9 was never designed for fast jets - only GA aircraft and lumbering airliners. Also, I know that the fuel consumption rate is too low - something that we just could not fix to our satisfaction. However, I will still defend the flight model given the expertise and effort that went into it.

I am not looking to enter a debate here, I just wanted to share a few facts!

In terms of the demise of the Alphasim forums, I too am disappointed and think it a step in the wrong direction. But I have been retired for a little while now and obviously have no say in such matters.


Oh ohs... Now I'm in for it... :icon_lol:

MD I would never have a bad word for your work as you should know from our past email convo's a looong time ago but to clarify I wouldn't critique Helo FD's as I have no interest or flown Rotary Wings - Too unnatural form of flight for me (in other words I can't fly em for love nor money and instant respect for anyone who can).

I do however stand by my comment regarding AS's FD's. The visual models on the other hand have always been very good indeed, I have always bought the models on the understanding that the FD's would need tweaking.

Thats ok, I was just curious, one cannot advance ones skills with out critical feedback.

Regarding not being able to fly them, sadly I dont subscribe to that, a good helo FDE should be able to be flown with a modicum of pleasure after a short while by any die hard fixed wing fan, not interested in the subject manner I can understand though, each to their own :applause:.


Hi Paul. :wavey: You're to young to retire. Can we tempt you back?

Hi mate

Thanks! :icon_lol:

But, sorry no........ I was with FS from its first incarnation through to FS9 - and I do still have FSX installed on my pc.

But the new technical challenges of FSX are a step beyond me :d. Also, I do realise that the customer is becoming ever more demanding in terms of 'bells and whistles'. I have no issue with that, but I dont think that I can measure up to the challenge.

Anyway, I wish you every success with your new scenery and your new home.

Best regards

being a pilot, I can't possibly understand how devs think 'flight dynamics based on research using the REAL flight manual' should even be a selling point. A manual may give you performance airspeed numbers, but it can't tell you how something should feel, fly, land, or build AOA.

The other side: Sometimes, customers think something should fly one way and it actually flies another. There are many self-described experts in the MSFS world that complain about perfectly realistic dynamics.

The truth: most of Alphasim's .AIR files are great and passable. Also, most of Alphasim's engine and thrust modelling is horrid and not passable. Lightly loaded jet attack aircraft don't need 2/3rds throttle just to start and stay rolling on the ground.
Also, I do realise that the customer is becoming ever more demanding in terms of 'bells and whistles'. I have no issue with that, but I dont think that I can measure up to the challenge.
Paul, I think you under estimate your abilities, if your previous work is anything to go by, and I think a lot of folk would agree with me.

At the risk of protracting this conversation I will just say this; the E.E. Lightning was a superb model, the AS F-105 of its day but by way of visual model, it really was stunning no two ways about it and stands even now as testament to your design "magic".

Now please understand that with complete respect for yourself and anyone else who worked on that product the FD was still way out of the ball park no matter who created it, his reputation, the work that went into it, testing it etc. To be able to hold an approach and land a Lightning, with a full fuel weight, 70kias below its real world figures says it all, let alone the fuel burn (which is fixed by bumping the fuel scalar to 4.5 giving 40mins unrefuelled flight time with 5 mins on reheat).

I could write a tome about the AS Lightning but Paul I really hate to speak out like this especially as you mention the amount of hard work that went into producing it but the way that AS marketed the product and the manner in which their forum clientele (inc Mr Beckwith) and its owners treated those that tried to assist its design team with very, very polite, well intentioned and constructive critique was deplorable. This was my point and I am very sorry to have upset you, that was far from my intention because even though I rewrote the FD the aircraft was still yours, it looked superb, it was the "mutts", still is and am very grateful that you created it.

To the rest of the SOH people reading this please accept my apologies for taking this thread off topic slightly. :redf:
Paul, I think you under estimate your abilities, if your previous work is anything to go by, and I think a lot of folk would agree with me.

At the risk of protracting this conversation I will just say this; the E.E. Lightning was a superb model, the AS F-105 of its day but by way of visual model, it really was stunning no two ways about it and stands even now as testament to your design "magic".

Now please understand that with complete respect for yourself and anyone else who worked on that product the FD was still way out of the ball park no matter who created it, his reputation, the work that went into it, testing it etc. To be able to hold an approach and land a Lightning, with a full fuel weight, 70kias below its real world figures says it all, let alone the fuel burn (which is fixed by bumping the fuel scalar to 4.5 giving 40mins unrefuelled flight time with 5 mins on reheat).

I could write a tome about the AS Lightning but Paul I really hate to speak out like this especially as you mention the amount of hard work that went into producing it but the way that AS marketed the product and the manner in which their forum clientele (inc Mr Beckwith) and its owners treated those that tried to assist its design team with very, very polite, well intentioned and constructive critique was deplorable. This was my point and I am very sorry to have upset you, that was far from my intention because even though I rewrote the FD the aircraft was still yours, it looked superb, it was the "mutts", still is and am very grateful that you created it.

To the rest of the SOH people reading this please accept my apologies for taking this thread off topic slightly. :redf:

No problem my friend!

As I said, I do not want to enter a debate. It was just that a huge amount of love and effort (for not a huge reward) went into the Lightning. So, I guess that I am just being a 'lion looking after its cubs'! :icon_lol:

Best regards

being a pilot, I can't possibly understand how devs think 'flight dynamics based on research using the REAL flight manual' should even be a selling point. A manual may give you performance airspeed numbers, but it can't tell you how something should feel, fly, land, or build AOA.

The other side: Sometimes, customers think something should fly one way and it actually flies another. There are many self-described experts in the MSFS world that complain about perfectly realistic dynamics.

The truth: most of Alphasim's .AIR files are great and passable. Also, most of Alphasim's engine and thrust modelling is horrid and not passable. Lightly loaded jet attack aircraft don't need 2/3rds throttle just to start and stay rolling on the ground.

Well (Hi Walker),

Using a manual for flight dynamics can provide the 'feel' of the aircraft - by the performance figures, lift characteristics and roll rates. However, as you rightly state, some people think aircraft should fly differently, and then there are the Mach 2 at sea level crowd who complain the aircraft wobbles like f*** at 500 feet and Mach 2 who don't read the manuals!!
I still fly the Lightning a lot! It's one of my favorite planes ever made for FS! Thanks for the effort Paul.

