Hello Aleatorylamp,
Following your posts can be quite difficult at times. You tend to make a lot of edits to your posts.
What I saw this morning and what I see now are quite different, so I am not even sure what I should be responding to.
I figure if the drawings are accurate, I can do my best at representing the shape.
Most of the time, drawings are not so accurate. In this case, each set of drawings has its own problems but the Monografie set looks to be more accurate in general.
The Pitot shows up correctly on my screenshots because I fixed it.
If you look closely, you will see that the shape has been changed as well.
As I have stated a few times before, our goals are different. I am not really trying to fix everything on this model. I am doing my best NOT to alter the shapes of the original unless I feel like I need to. If I fixed EVERYTHING that I saw as incorrect, there would be NOTHING left of the original. ....and it would still be someone else's model and not really mine.
That is why I am just using it to test ideas.
I rebuilt each Outer Wing into a single Component.
The Lower Wing Group proved to be the cause of many problems so I removed everything from it.
The Main Gear Wells had a lot of bleeds, so I rebuilt those and tacked them in place with Glue.
The Wing Fairings (Upper) are still in the Inner Wing Groups.
The Belly pieces include the underside of the Wing Fairings and seem to be a reasonable solution though they do have problems because they are in the Center Gear Group.
So far, I haven't used much Glue on the Fuselage pieces but that is likely to change very quickly when I put in the Cockpit pieces.
I actually may have to rebuild substantial parts of the Fuselage in order for the Pilot and Canopy to fit without bleeds and I really didn't want to do that.
- Ivan.
Following your posts can be quite difficult at times. You tend to make a lot of edits to your posts.
What I saw this morning and what I see now are quite different, so I am not even sure what I should be responding to.
I figure if the drawings are accurate, I can do my best at representing the shape.
Most of the time, drawings are not so accurate. In this case, each set of drawings has its own problems but the Monografie set looks to be more accurate in general.
Aleatorylamp said:I also notice the 2D pitot-tube spur shows up correctly on your display. Mine filled in the front-upper part. I think it´s the modern Open GL graphics that can´t do some old things that the old 3Dfx graphics were better at. The new ones obviously have better capacity for other things, although these would be unused in CFS...
The Pitot shows up correctly on my screenshots because I fixed it.
If you look closely, you will see that the shape has been changed as well.
As I have stated a few times before, our goals are different. I am not really trying to fix everything on this model. I am doing my best NOT to alter the shapes of the original unless I feel like I need to. If I fixed EVERYTHING that I saw as incorrect, there would be NOTHING left of the original. ....and it would still be someone else's model and not really mine.
That is why I am just using it to test ideas.
Aleatorylamp said:Regarding the mid-fuselage/exhaust subject:
For the moment, have you kept the original wing-fairing / wheel-well distribution?
I remember you said that there didn´t seem to be much point in having the wings as upper and lower component halves, but that apparently didn´t include the fairings.
I rebuilt each Outer Wing into a single Component.
The Lower Wing Group proved to be the cause of many problems so I removed everything from it.
The Main Gear Wells had a lot of bleeds, so I rebuilt those and tacked them in place with Glue.
The Wing Fairings (Upper) are still in the Inner Wing Groups.
The Belly pieces include the underside of the Wing Fairings and seem to be a reasonable solution though they do have problems because they are in the Center Gear Group.
So far, I haven't used much Glue on the Fuselage pieces but that is likely to change very quickly when I put in the Cockpit pieces.
I actually may have to rebuild substantial parts of the Fuselage in order for the Pilot and Canopy to fit without bleeds and I really didn't want to do that.
- Ivan.