And Mig-21 strikes again!

Yes, thanks for the heads up; bookmarked that site, looks like some very interesting projects happening there.
Just finished a flight with the PF. Got some issues, so I assume it's a beta.

Wish there was more translation of the installation instructions and panel tips. There are a lot of switches, but its hard to figure out what they do or if they even do anything at all. Took me fifteen minutes to activate the pilot (look for panel on right, open it, and use far left switch on bottom.).

Seems to be some texture issues. Main wheels do not appear mapped, although they are in the texture file. Panel doesn't look complete in some areas, but its hard to tell.

Otherwise, it has a lot of potential.

This site has more interesting Mig-21's.

I have his E-166 and E-152M, and they're both challenging.

He lists a Mig-21 I analogue as being 'finished', but I don't see where that can be downloaded. There are also some other Mig-21 prototypes which I assume are still WIP.

If I could leave hiim a message in Czech, I would let him know of the interest in his work at SOH and encourage him to continue and complete what he started.

Thanks for the heads-up, some more interesting stuff in the works too, can't wait for that VTOL MiG-23!
I can't read Russian, but if you go back to the site and download the latest version of the MiG-21PF, there is a note stating that there have been fixes made. So not sure if it's the same plane, or if the texture issues on the main gear as well as the cockpit have been resolved.

Only problems i noticed are parts of vc without textures, and some graphic glitches with afterburner (blue square), but its another very nice mig i really hope author finish him up.
Only problems i noticed are parts of vc without textures, and some graphic glitches with afterburner (blue square), but its another very nice mig i really hope author finish him up.

I also noticed that you have to hold down the "I" key if you want smoke from the exaust cone, but it is a "beta" and so far... it's very nice :medals:. Tough to land this plane tho... long slow approach to the strip needed. Definately no carrier style landing approaches in this baby!

Sounds like we should use the same technique called for with the Capt Sim F-104. I'm using an approach involving being lined up with the runway 5 to 6 miles out, about 4500 feet in altitude and speed around 220 knots with gear and flaps extended. Rate of descent should be around 300 or so feet per minute - and you still wind up making a mess on the runway more often than you'll land properly. It's tough to get used to landing faster than many smaller aircraft fly. It really gets tricky within about 100 feet of the ground, you've got to resist the temptation to flare and just keep flying the bird onto the runway just slightly nose high. No wonder the AF got rid of it fairly quickly!
A conversion of the textures from DXT3 to 32bit really crisps up the detail on this model. The author really knows his MiG-21's, the visual model is exceptionally accurate, right down to the panel shapes and rivets!! (As compared with photos on the web)

Added a 2D panel, I do most of my IFR flights from the 2D panel, switching from 2D to VC every now and then. Not really sure how to fix the afterburner bleed (blue lights appear through the rear fuselage), but that's a small matter right now.

I just installed and checked out the Mig-21PF. There are a couple spots on the external that don't look like they are mapped....the tips of the landing gear doors (green) and a bulge on the belly of the plane. From external view, some VC parts aren't textured...but since I fly mainly from the VC, there issues become non-issues for me.

The modeling on this bird is superb. The amount of Can't wait for the final version of this bird to be released and some serious skin work to be done. Would love to see it in reflective metal!

I already had his Mig-E-152 and Mig-E-166 packages...and they are nice...but the Mig-21PF really outshines them both in the quality of the modeling and detailing.
