And Mig-21 strikes again!

I just visited this website again, only to find out that all available downloads have been removed UFN. Hope this isn't the last we've heard from this talented developer. He had several repaints for the excellent MiG-21PF beta that I wanted to grab, but alas... they have been removed as well.

I just visited this website again, only to find out that all available downloads have been removed UFN. Hope this isn't the last we've heard from this talented developer. He had several repaints for the excellent MiG-21PF beta that I wanted to grab, but alas... they have been removed as well.


Typical, I looked there the other day but was interrupted form d/ling anything by a demand from guess who to go mall shopping. I went back today and Sorry everyone, but
download is canceled

I'll wait for him to be re-housed.
Looks like takes you to a new website now, with all of the same planes listed. No real way to get the MiG Analog to download fom this new location. Maybe the site is still under construction. I tried to download the MiG Analog from the older site when it was released and my anti-virus clobbered it... (yeah.. right, LOL. Prolly just a "false positive") Funny, the MiG-21PF downloaded and came up clean... I'm getting lots of practise landing that jet... it doesn't like short runways.

You have to be very fast to catch Mig-21 :icon_lol:, i think author is repairing few errors on his models.
I just looked too Middle and I think that they are deactivated at this point. I got the impression that the author was having an issue with his current host and was looking for a new site to host his aeroplanes.
It appears that the MiG-21 Analog is available for download, alond with the other models that have been released. The MiG-21 Analog can be had from:
Everything is in Russian as far as the VC and all the switches and gauges... I had to "fly her by the seat of me pants", and assume that she was doing "OK" for the duration of the flight. So have fun! This appears to be a "Work In Progress/Beta"

The downloads from this developer have been posted at Just go to the FS2004 Aircrafts section from the "Files" tab.

I haven't been able to get any of the downloads to work, since the posts at just link back to his website.

Anyway, if anyone was able to get the Analog, I would greatly appreciate a link to download it, if you have the time.

Hopefully he'll get his site fixed and finish the MiG-23 Faithless STOL he's working on. I always preferred it's looks to the VG MiG-23 they chose instead.