And Mig-21 strikes again!


Can someone please tell me where I can download this beauty? It would be greatly appreciated. Kindest regards, Jeremy
Creator seems do not publish his older migs anymore, but if you go to russian avsim there is link to his new Mig-21 PD STOL demonstrator.
Creator seems do not publish his older migs anymore, but if you go to russian avsim there is link to his new Mig-21 PD STOL demonstrator.

I'm not at all sure that there's an actual download link on that page, just another tantalizing picture.

Having said that, the site is worth a visit as there are some interesting Soviet era photos, and some fantastic pulp/concept Russian space art.
No, it's a different developer.
Which developer are you looking for?

I have seven freeware Mig-21s. Two are by Mehlin Rainier (Mig-21M and Mig-21MF). Four are by Ivan Jurèaga (Mig-21F-13, Mig-21 analogue, E-152M, and E-166). One is by Josef Cepek (Mig-21 PF). It's possible that Cepek and Jurèaga developed together, but am not sure.
Can't find any Mig downloads on that site. I only get books, some images and movies.

Could somebody please be nice and post a direct link to the Mig21-PF download? I'd appreciate it a lot!

There were more content on his site, but for some reason everything seems down including link to Mig-21 PD, i guess its just authors way to tease a little and then go into hiding. Oh and Josef Cepek's Mig-21 PF is for FSX only
Can't find any Mig downloads on that site. I only get books, some images and movies.

Could somebody please be nice and post a direct link to the Mig21-PF download? I'd appreciate it a lot!

I did a quick search and found it on

Minimal Rating 5 4 3 2 and higher
MIG-21 PF /File Link/ | Rating: 4.8!
FS2004 Aircrafts

- Screenshot 1
- Screenshot 2
- Screenshot 3
Fighter-Interceptor MiG-21 PF for FS 2004, but is also suitable for FSX. A good VC, high-quality visual model of the dynamics. There is no 2D panel. sounds - should be set to the E-152 M.

Translation from Russian by

→ Date: 1 year ago (28.10.2011 15:38 MSK)
→ Author: pepekcepek
→ Uploaded by: pepekcepek (uploaded 7 files)
→ Approved by moderator: temp
→ License: License file included in archive

Comments (10) | Download

There easy enough to find over at Avsimrus but you cant download them, the external links provided are dead and im guessing the designers withdrawn them for some reason.
I was just over there and tried to download the MiG-21PF... (I already have it but wanted to see what was up with the external links). Suffice to say, you can no longer download the "PF" with the links provided, like Ian just said above.

Sascha66, I'm not sure that the author/developer wants the plane re-distributed but if it's cool with him, I'd be more than happy to share my copy with ya.

There is a slight mapping issue with the afterburner effect that I wish I knew how to fix.... but other than that, it's a real beauty.

I was just over there and tried to download the MiG-21PF... (I already have it but wanted to see what was up with the external links). Suffice to say, you can no longer download the "PF" with the links provided, like Ian just said above.

Sascha66, I'm not sure that the author/developer wants the plane re-distributed but if it's cool with him, I'd be more than happy to share my copy with ya.

There is a slight mapping issue with the afterburner effect that I wish I knew how to fix.... but other than that, it's a real beauty.


There were more content on his site, but for some reason everything seems down including link to Mig-21 PD, i guess its just authors way to tease a little and then go into hiding. Oh and Josef Cepek's Mig-21 PF is for FSX only

It certainly seems as though there is an element of teasing at work (only kidding). I'd love to get hold of the delta-winged analog Mig-21, but have yet to find a single working link over the course of the past year.

Never mind - perhaps one day a link will stay up for more than ten minutes... in the meantime there are plently of other planes out there to dodge clouds in.

Would anyone be willing to share the Analog Mig and the PF with me? I would really appreciate it. All the links seem to be dead for these and I have no idea where to get them. Thank you. Best regards, Jeremy