... and to the Republic for Which We Stand ...

Milton Shupe

Staff Contributor
Staff member
Well, I got the xp47j out of the back of the hangar and started the serious mods necessary to get her up to date.

Exterior model is complete but work on the VC interior and panel/gauges remain, and in progress.

This is good "filler work" as most of the heavy lifting is done, and Fliger has the flight model mostly completed.

I can't remember where the 2D panel bitmap came from so if anyone can help identify it, I need to request permission to use it.
Watch out for brown recluse spiders lurking inside that XP-47J, it's been stored away for awhile. :icon_lol:
Watch out for brown recluse spiders lurking inside that XP-47J, it's been stored away for awhile. :icon_lol:

True that is; I actually started this project in May 2007. :)

Gave the gmax source to someone 2 years ago and they released their modified version of it.

After further mods in 2010 and 2011 and completing the exterior model, now updating the interior model with serious cockpit work, and hope to get it done with the group of aircraft in progress.
For what it's worth, that panel has a number of gauges in it that look like something out of CFS2 . . . think they're from one of those aircraft?:icon_eek:
The gauges are all temporary.

The bmp and VC will look more like the real thing (by that I mean like the "N" that was under development about the time this was being tested).
Any time Uncle Milton talks about releasing ...

... a WWII era aircraft I get the same feeling I had when I was 10 years old and it was Christmas morning!

Thanks Milton and team!

PS and OT, glad to hear Nigel is feeling better! :guinness:

That 2D panel BMP is the same one that came with Gnoopey's P-47. Inside is a readme from the author, Claudio Di Lullo. I'll PM the details (e-mail etc.)

- Paul

That 2D panel BMP is the same one that came with Gnoopey's P-47. Inside is a readme from the author, Claudio Di Lullo. I'll PM the details (e-mail etc.)

- Paul

Ah yes, thank you Paul. It would be nice to use for a basic 2D panel but I think I will use a variant of the VC panel instead. I will use this one for testing until I get the VC done however. Thank you for your time and research. :)
Another "Battle Wagon"... bristling with all the latest and greatest weapons technology that 1941 can offer....:applause: It is a rather nice looking bird tho. Looks really good, Milton. Can't wait to see the finished version in all it's magnificant glory. :icon_lol: LOL!

:ernae: - BB686:USA-flag:
Interesting facts about the series: http://www.faqs.org/docs/air/avp47.html#m7

"The "XP-47J" began as a November 1942 request to Republic for a "hot rod" version of the Thunderbolt, using a lighter airframe and an uprated engine with water injection and fan cooling. Kartveli designed an aircraft fitted a tight-cowled Pratt & Whitney R-2800-57(C) engine with a war emergency rating of 2,090 kW (2,800 HP), reduced armament of six machine guns, a new and lighter wing, and many other changes.

The first and only XP-47J was first flown in late November 1943, but by this time Republic had moved on to a new concept, the "XP-72", described in the next section, and the XP-47J was used mainly as a test machine. With various refinements, such as a GE CH-5 turbosupercharger, this aircraft achieved a top speed of 813 KPH (505 MPH) in level flight in August 1944, making it one of the fastest piston engine fighters ever built. However, the new jet aircraft being designed were clearly capable of much better performance, and the XP-47J was a dead end."
After finishing that off, how about the XP-69. I know you could pull it off, but Nigel would have a real challenge with the Wright R-2160 Tornado engine ;)

A bit of research material here....



I know building one off airplanes is almost a waste of a talented polybenders talents and every detail of such a project is much more difficult due to the limited details available.

After finishing that off, how about the XP-69. I know you could pull it off, but Nigel would have a real challenge with the Wright R-2160 Tornado engine ;)

A bit of research material here....



I know building one off airplanes is almost a waste of a talented polybenders talents and every detail of such a project is much more difficult due to the limited details available.


Wow! Amazing that those drawings are still available! I have only seen one picture of the 69 so that is very interesting. :)

If I do variants, I would do the XP47H. It's ugly and awesome at the same time. :) Of course the xp72 would also be fairly easy to get out if I share cockpits with the xp47j.

That is one hot :ichile: puppy, Mr. Shupe!

- H52

Legally "Hot" indeed ... she can be a handful if abused. Fliger did the FM for this one.
"If I do variants, I would do the XP47H. It's ugly and awesome at the same time."

Lordy Lord A'mighty!! I was HOPING you'd say that. :applause:

- H52
If I do variants, I would do the XP47H. It's ugly and awesome at the same time. :)
Oh, real Hemi power. I've always liked this beast.

I have to say, the XP-47J is my favorite though. My understanding is Kartveli was originally asked to develop it to counter the FW-190. This could get me out of my Bearcat. :)
"If I do variants, I would do the XP47H. It's ugly and awesome at the same time."

Lordy Lord A'mighty!! I was HOPING you'd say that. :applause:

- H52

Yup, been wanting to do this for a long time too. :)

Oh, real Hemi power. I've always liked this beast.

I have to say, the XP-47J is my favorite though. My understanding is Kartveli was originally asked to develop it to counter the FW-190. This could get me out of my Bearcat. :)

Plenty of toys and time to enjoy each, one at a time. :)

Mean looking too!

:icon_eek: No question about it; the Jug is one BIG aeroplane!

- H52
Will be fun to peek back at the flight dynamics for this one, as a light weight souped up jug it is a fun flier. Glad to see this one floating to the surface!


:icon_eek: No question about it; the Jug is one BIG aeroplane!

- H52

AND... just imagine how hard it was to see over the nose cone of that thing. Definately a case for "weaving" back and forth over the centerline on the taxiway. But once in the air... Oh what fun!! :jump:

Well, while awaiting textures for the Avia 57, the Harpoon, the Dash 7, and the S2Turbo, I thought I would get the XP47H going ... and I am making some headway here. :)

Now if we can just get that inverted Chrysler cranking out the proper HP, and get some appropriate sounds assimilated ... :wiggle: