You don't know how happy I am to see this progress, Milton. :salute: Initially on a different computer I had the Wings of Power P-47 Thunderbolt pack which included the clearview canopy version of the XP-74 "Superbolt". Since there was a hard drive crash on that particular machine, I cannot retrieve those models. But there is light at the end of the tunnel... as the end result your superbly crafted model of the XP-47H will pick up where the XP-74 left off. LOL!!!.
Thanks for keeping the spirit of these ol' birds alive and well!
Thank you BB686; the XP47J and XP47H are moving along together. Nigel will be doing the 47J textures initially and Duckie is doing the 47H textures. The attached 47J shows the bare metal texture by Damian Radice.
Thank you Sir; I'll make sure you and BB686 get an early version to shake these guys down.I love these development models of the P-47. It's great to finally get the chance to fly them in FS. The XP-47H is looking good.