... and to the Republic for Which We Stand ...

HUH? :icon_eek: lol! Actually, that 4 blade prop looks pretty good on the XP-72, versus the 3 blade contra prop.


BB686; yes, agreed!!!

(686, I do believe, you're beginning to understate, in yer old age - couple of years ago, you would have been clear jumpin up and down. Lol.)

Is what some clever bugger will post...or something to that effect, but they don't know what comes AFTER that...that's where I am right now...:sheep::USA-flag:

Uhhhhh, Ohhhh! Back to the aircraft:

looks businesslike and makes it an even more beautifully ugly brute - quite...

ummmm... 'Seafuri-ish' ?

(now there's a useful new description for the Oxford dons to mull over)...wonder if we can arrange for one of them..
(set of props, idiots - not a bally don!)

BB686; yes, agreed!!!

Uhhhhh, Ohhhh! Back to the aircraft:

looks businesslike and makes it an even more beautifully ugly brute - quite...

ummmm... 'Seafuri-ish' ?

(now there's a useful new description for the Oxford dons to mull over)...wonder if we can arrange for one of them..
(set of props, idiots - not a bally don!)


Hmmm... maybe so. Best to keep it under yer hat for now mate. BTW... even at my age, I have been known to jump up and down with the best of the younger blokes. Not so much over "props" tho... but then again....:kilroy:

Right, then!!

"Pluggin away" and gettin' places!

Finished the landing gear doors; got the fuselage star and bar fitted, applied some grime to the gear wells and a few various and sundry other tweaks and cosmetics applied.

Chipped and worn paint around the frequently removed engine and belly panels and fasteners is up next.

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Ooooops! When did THIS get posted? :isadizzy:

Love the motto and the work!

My she's taking shape - Steady as she goes Duckie! :medals::wavey:
That sure is "purty" Duckie :applause:

You have worked painstakingly hard to mold this paint scheme (and my modeling) into something worthwhile. Hopefully we can make the VC interior as nice.