... and to the Republic for Which We Stand ...

Natural metal. That's really amazing.

Paint some numbers on the side, and it's RfR.


"Ready for Reno."

Okay...Cleveland 1947? That'd be a RfTT.....

Seriously....beautiful work.
Wow! Nigel, your words are most kind. As I mentioned in a previous post in this thread, no small thanks go out to you for suggesting I try this uncharted water, and for even planting the seed of perhaps a racer! :mixedsmi:

Hey magoo, you mean something like this 1946 TT entry by the USAAF with special permission from General Spaatz as long as no USAAF funds were used? It looked great as a ramp mate siting next to the two P-80s entered in the new Jet Division. :icon_lol:

But be cautioned, still a little waiting yet to do. :running:

View attachment 79822 View attachment 79823
Duckie, this is magnificent.
Guys please include this texture in the final release.
It looks like a whole lot of fun waiting to happen.
Duckie, this is magnificent.
Guys please include this texture in the final release.
It looks like a whole lot of fun waiting to happen.

I have to agree wholeheartedly. Not sure you can have just one though ... might have to have a second variant for the competition. :) :applause:
Big plane, lotta jam. Could out-drag the P-38's, P-39's, P-63's. Once in front....the wake turbulence alone would keep those peskie P-51's at bay.

You could win the day. The organizers probably wouldn't let you back next year.

Defiantly hang out with the "jet" guys.
Reviving this thread as work has been re-started on the VC after a long break from everything. With the S2T Trackers released (except the tankers for FSX Portovers awaiting Hansi's dll for FSX), I am back on the XP47J/H VC. Nigel is working to complete the "J"s exterior textures and Duckie will be doing the interior textures.

Since all the old attachments are gone, maybe we can post some fresh screenies here. I'll start. :)
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Looks great guys! Now I need to remain patient as I know which models have to roll out Uncle Milton's factory first...... :ambivalence:

Will revise the flight dynamics when the power comes back on in a couple of days. Cool airplane!
