... and to the Republic for Which We Stand ...

I wonder what the beast sounded like? An inverted 16 cylinder engine with both turbo and supercharging. Must have been pretty awesome.
Well, while awaiting textures for the Avia 57, the Harpoon, the Dash 7, and the S2Turbo, I thought I would get the XP47H going ... and I am making some headway here. :)

Now if we can just get that inverted Chrysler cranking out the proper HP, and get some appropriate sounds assimilated ... :wiggle:

I doubt if there is anyone left alive that ever heard that proto hemi run. But it would sound different than the v12's based on there being a difference in sound between a wedge and a hemi v8 with similar exhaust systems.
I wonder what the beast sounded like? An inverted 16 cylinder engine with both turbo and supercharging. Must have been pretty awesome.

Just LOOK at how streamlined that engine is. Now that is some real design engineering. It probably had a very unique sound... being inverted, my guess would be that it sounded like a Daimler-Benz DB-603 on steroids.

Heh!...Milt...Milton....Sir! SLOW down a tad, can't keep up Sir!

Well, while awaiting textures for the Avia 57, the Harpoon, the Dash 7, and the S2Turbo, I thought I would get the XP47H going ... and I am making some headway here. :)

Now if we can just get that inverted Chrysler cranking out the proper HP, and get some appropriate sounds assimilated ... :wiggle:

"Headway": he says!


Sounds to me like you're going hell-for-leather Sir!
We's trying to keep up and you're hitting the GM-1 boost or water-methanol.:icon_eek:

If I take a crack at these sounds, I reckon they'd sound something like cross beteen a RR Griffon and a souped up Napier Sabre...:pop4:

and take a crack I WILL! :USA-flag:
"Headway": he says!


Sounds to me like you're going hell-for-leather Sir!
We's trying to keep up and you're hitting the GM-1 boost or water-methanol.:icon_eek:

If I take a crack at these sounds, I reckon they'd sound something like cross beteen a RR Griffon and a souped up Napier Sabre...:pop4:

and take a crack I WILL! :USA-flag:

Ah HA!... Pinch me flag one more time, mate and I'm callin' up the "tooms" to pay you a little visit. I'm sure young Matt is eager and willing for a low pass over your beloved orchards... LOL!! :icon_lol:

And maybe an XP-47H... or a big ol' Harpoon, or both, to put the finishing touches on things.

I will say that a cross between the RR Griffon and the Napier Sabre would be a very unique sound indeed. Just starting that thing up would be a sound experience for the ears, let alone hearing it roar as the juice was added.

Ah HA!... Pinch me flag one more time, mate and I'm callin' up the "tooms" to pay you a little visit. I'm sure young Matt is eager and willing for a low pass over your beloved orchards... LOL!! :icon_lol:

"Hello? 338? yeah it's me.... yup thats right, same location as usual, make it low.... drop the airbrakes and dump on the power this time, thanks"

Nigel knows i ain't joking :icon_lol:
A little more "H" progress to share getting all the exterior skin ports and exhausts in place.

Milton Sir, am I glad you decided to do these other awesome variants - The posibilities for 'what if?' versions are a texturer's delight!

Ah HA!... Pinch me flag one more time, mate and I'm callin' up the "tooms" to pay you a little visit. I'm sure young Matt is eager and willing for a low pass over your beloved orchards... LOL!! :icon_lol:

And maybe an XP-47H... or a big ol' Harpoon, or both, to put the finishing touches on things.

I will say that a cross between the RR Griffon and the Napier Sabre would be a very unique sound indeed. Just starting that thing up would be a sound experience for the ears, let alone hearing it roar as the juice was added.


"Hello? 338? yeah it's me.... yup thats right, same location as usual, make it low.... drop the airbrakes and dump on the power this time, thanks"

Nigel knows i ain't joking :icon_lol:

Now, now you pair of tearaways!
My orchard for 'Toom' target practice?

No can do Gents, we unfortunately have a major forest-fire on nearby Mt Athos!
My place is currently crawling with 6 Bombardier/Canadair cl415's, 2 Canadair cl-215's, a pair of box-like Russian heli's (the type of which I haven't a clue) and a lone 'Cricket' Skycrane.

Great to be surrounded by all the awesome sound, but a sad pity - the destruction of such unique forest!

I'm only bearing the flag in honour and pride of this fantastic project.

I solemly promise to hold it in safe keeping.:USA-flag:

If that ain't the truth.:icon_lol:

Yeahhhh!...and don't we just luvvvv it Sir!:salute:
yeah your Daughter told me about the fires at Ouranopolis and Mount Athos... truly sad... the 'boxy' Russian Helicopters are most likely either 'Hoplite's or 'Helix's i'd say...

Mount Athos is a beautiful place, to all of you who have never heard of it just Google image search it, it's a little corner of paradise...

Stay Safe Buddy! :salute:
Sorry to hear about the fires... It's a dry place all over, mate. The USA is having it's share of troubles with the wildfires and drought effecting the farm crops. I have some property up in the Rocky Mountains near the Wyoming border where several wildfires came very close to a small cabin I have there. Luckily they got things put out in time.

Like the man says... stay safe.

Dumb question time - there was a very picturesque monastery used as a shooting location in "For Your Eyes Only," at the end of the film. Portions of the fiilm were shot in Greece, the monastery has to be there. Where was that location, anyway?:icon_eek:
yeah that was Meteora (Thesaly region) , just one of six monasteries that seem to rest on 'pinnacles', it is second in Greek Orthodox to Mount Athos (currently still burning last i heard)... again it is missing from FS which is a shame :(
Well, Matt - there's something to contemplate - a scenery set of the most picturesque spots in Greece, or at least the "pinnacle" monasteries. Do you think the monks there would mind a helipad in the sceneries - even if it's a platform? From the looks of things, that might be necessary with some of them - which is what makes them so visually striking.
If you look at Google earth the 'marker' is a bit off to the NE of where they (Meteora) actually are. I went looking to see if anyone had made them up in Sketchup for GE, no dice though.

XP47H Progress

Duckie and I have been working on the 47H refining the canopy and cockpit areas, the wheel wells, reshaping the lower fuselage areas and redoing the the various exhaust and flow ports. With all that done now, I have the 47H remapped now for textures and Duckie is "set free". :jump:
You don't know how happy I am to see this progress, Milton. :salute: Initially on a different computer I had the Wings of Power P-47 Thunderbolt pack which included the clearview canopy version of the XP-74 "Superbolt". Since there was a hard drive crash on that particular machine, I cannot retrieve those models. But there is light at the end of the tunnel... as the end result your superbly crafted model of the XP-47H will pick up where the XP-74 left off. LOL!!! :icon_lol:.

Thanks for keeping the spirit of these ol' birds alive and well!

I love these development models of the P-47. It's great to finally get the chance to fly them in FS. The XP-47H is looking good.