Ankor's Shaders February 2025 Released!


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gecko submitted a new resource:

Ankor's Shaders - February 2025 Release - Part 1 - A massive visual and technical overhaul of CFS3's lighting and environment.

Part 1 of 6 - Main Files

Ankor's Shaders is a complete shaders upgrade, from the default DX8 shaders CFS3 shipped with, to DX9. This has included self shadowing, improved environment reflections, performance optimizations, and many other fantastic additions. Development was begun by Andrey Korchinskiy over a decade ago, and it has gone through multiple rounds of improvement over the years. This version builds on previous versions with significant new features.

New features in this version...

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gecko submitted a new resource:

Ankor's Shaders - February 2025 Release - Part 2 - A massive visual and technical overhaul of CFS3's lighting and environment.

Part 2 of 6 - Weather Files

Ankor's Shaders is a complete shaders upgrade, from the default DX8 shaders CFS3 shipped with, to DX9. This has included self shadowing, improved environment reflections, performance optimizations, and many other fantastic additions. Development was begun by Andrey Korchinskiy over a decade ago, and it has gone through multiple rounds of improvement over the years. This version builds on previous versions with significant new features.

New features in this...

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gecko submitted a new resource:

Ankor's Shaders - February 2025 Release - Part 3 - A massive visual and technical overhaul of CFS3's lighting and environment.

Part 3 of 6 - Optional Stock Map Water Colors

Ankor's Shaders is a complete shaders upgrade, from the default DX8 shaders CFS3 shipped with, to DX9. This has included self shadowing, improved environment reflections, performance optimizations, and many other fantastic additions. Development was begun by Andrey Korchinskiy over a decade ago, and it has gone through multiple rounds of improvement over the years. This version builds on previous versions with significant new features.


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gecko submitted a new resource:

Ankor's Shaders - February 2025 Release - Part 4 - A massive visual and technical overhaul of CFS3's lighting and environment.

Part 4 of 6 - Optional New Shoreline Textures

Ankor's Shaders is a complete shaders upgrade, from the default DX8 shaders CFS3 shipped with, to DX9. This has included self shadowing, improved environment reflections, performance optimizations, and many other fantastic additions. Development was begun by Andrey Korchinskiy over a decade ago, and it has gone through multiple rounds of improvement over the years. This version builds on previous versions with significant new features.


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gecko submitted a new resource:

Ankor's Shaders - February 2025 Release - Part 5 - A massive visual and technical overhaul of CFS3's lighting and environment.

Part 5 of 6 - Optional Hi-Res Water Textures

Ankor's Shaders is a complete shaders upgrade, from the default DX8 shaders CFS3 shipped with, to DX9. This has included self shadowing, improved environment reflections, performance optimizations, and many other fantastic additions. Development was begun by Andrey Korchinskiy over a decade ago, and it has gone through multiple rounds of improvement over the years. This version builds on previous versions with significant new features.


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gecko submitted a new resource:

Ankor's Shaders - February 2025 Release - Part 6 - A massive visual and technical overhaul of CFS3's lighting and environment.

Part 6 of 6 - Optional Ultra Hi-Res Water Textures

Ankor's Shaders is a complete shaders upgrade, from the default DX8 shaders CFS3 shipped with, to DX9. This has included self shadowing, improved environment reflections, performance optimizations, and many other fantastic additions. Development was begun by Andrey Korchinskiy over a decade ago, and it has gone through multiple rounds of improvement over the years. This version builds on previous versions with significant new features...

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It's here, and available as soon as the admin approve it! I will post the links below when it goes public.

There are 6 parts this time. Part 1 contains all the basic files to get it up and running, similar to previous releases. Part 2 contains the overhauled weather files, which make up an important part of the experience in the newly expanded skies. Parts 3-6 are optional upgrades to the water and shoreline textures. They are not strictly required, but are tuned specially for this release of the shaders and will enhance your experience over water.

The installation has a few more steps than previous versions, but they are not difficult and it will be well worth the small amount of extra effort.

A note on the render distances. The larger distances can eat up a lot of PC resources, especially with lots of clouds in the sky. They are worth seeing if your PC can handle it, but lower ranges are provided to improve performance for those who need it. The best bang for your buck is probably the 125 km or 100 km distance. 125 km is like 150 km in that it has a true horizon and not a fog wall, and 100 km has only a small fog wall.

The chief credit of course goes to Andrey "Ankor" Korchinskiy, who has continued to bring impressive improvements to his shaders over the years, and has really outdone himself this time. He also gave me a ton of help as I tried to tweak various equations to create the increased render distances.

Special Thanks goes to Mark Rogers at OBD Software for allowing me to include the cloud textures from the latest WOFF release in this package.

Also thanks to Andy for allowing me to reuse and update his documentation from previous shaders releases.

Happy flying everyone!
Just installed this. It's unbelievably good. Next weekend, I'll be adding the WOTR scenery.

The screenshots of the config settings were really helpful! And blasting a couple of Ju-88's out of the sky is pure therapy! :)

Fantastic stuff, Thanks Gecko,Ankor and anyone else involved in this project.. Quick question if i may. I own BHAH II +OTT and WOTR BOF, is there anything "more" in the 6 parts above that are not in the 2 OBD titles as of yet? Many thanks
WOW! :ernaehrung004: Fantastic amount of work from you Dan. Andrey "Ankor" Korchinskiy, Mark, Andy and all others involved! I shall be installing it on all my European map based installs, including TOW.
Getting to work on it today. Just installed CFS3 Ver2.1 upgrade ,done by Daiwilletti, just for this new Ankor's shaders upgrade.Now set ! Excited ! A big Thank You to all involved in this enormous work !
OK, I'm obviously not all that bright as I find the readme quite challenging!

BUT I have just realized that all my comments below relate to the doc file, whereas the AnKor Shader User ReadMe Feb 2025.txt file is the one I need! :p :banghead: Still, I do find the doc file confusing, so I just changed my original comments

How to install (in the doc file!) is already quite far into the readme, page 8/19 for me, so just dealing with initial ?s from that section.

2. "Copy the Reticle files into your effects/fxtextures folder"
Well since I don't see any here, I assume referring to "A package of dynamic reticles and installation instructions are available at" which is from the .com not .org so I found it here . so, if one already had those from 2015, one does not have to reinstall?

3. "Edit or Replace AnKor's original TextureMagic.ini file in the shaders30 folder with the one provided (not needed if using 2019 version). Note, if you have added lines to the TextureMagic.ini as part of the installation of another add-on you will need to edit again with the new gunsight lines, and not replace the whole file."
Just to be sure, if I already use the 2019 version (with other changes), I don't have to use the one here, but keep everything else in the Main Files Shaders 30??

4. "Edit your effects.xml file to add the appropriate entries from the Gunsight List.txt file (be careful to only paste in the lines from the Effects.xml section or CFS3 will stop working!) You may want to place them at the top right after <Effects> so you can find them easier if something goes wrong."
Where is the Gunsight List.txt file, or is this again referring back to the 2015 add on?

5. "Edit the individual xdp file for each aircraft you want to have dynamic reticles. Examples are provided in the Gunsight List.txt file. These entries are placed in the effects section of the xdp at the bottom anywhere between <Effects> and </Effects>. This is how you choose which Reticle Effect will be applied to that particular aircraft so you can customize to your heart's content."

As #4, the same applies to #6