Another USN Bird Neglected in Flight Sim

Before this, I was not familiar with these aircraft. I am studying the differences and hopefully, if we do this project (meaning SOH Team-anyone wanting to contribute), I would like to do the C-1A, the S2F-3, and E1-B, simple variants, but not all. It's more complicated and too much like a career to do all of them. Major differences are the fuselage length, the tail, wing tips, and belly bulge, I think. :wiggle:
Explain This Picture ???

Appears to be landing configuration but why are all the radio/radar "appendages" extended? Is this just for a photo shoot to show its stuff?
View attachment 25778

Some nice close up shots, looks like a conversion of tracer to trader.

Another nice shot

A Jamming EC1A Trader?

Apologies if some of the info is duplicated on previous posts

Thank you Richard; these are always helpful. Great stuff! :wavey:

If you need any specific shots, I can take pics of this bird...

I appreciate your offer and your efforts; thank you sir :applause:
ok..i admit i hadnt looked at the whole thread as its in the FS9 area,but will you make this a portover to FSX aswell? and im assuming yer only making the "round engine" version...but any chance you can include the old california department of forestry and fire fighting CDF versions?...i love the S2T.....but those old radials are still in my ears...first the F7F memories and then the S2F and now the S2T in real life....i love it here....we even had B17s and a P61 for awhile
ok..i admit i hadnt looked at the whole thread as its in the FS9 area,but will you make this a portover to FSX aswell? and im assuming yer only making the "round engine" version...but any chance you can include the old california department of forestry and fire fighting CDF versions?...i love the S2T.....but those old radials are still in my ears...first the F7F memories and then the S2F and now the S2T in real life....i love it here....we even had B17s and a P61 for awhile

Anything I do will work as a port over in FSX. If I do this, then you will have a port over available. As to the "T" version added to the list of C1, S2F, and E1-B, that's asking for alot as alot of changes including the nacelles, props, and all new flight model would be required. :kilroy:

Whatever I do (if anything), I will make the gmax source available to anyone who wants it. :wiggle:
Very interesting thread. I did not know about that Fudd and will get it soon. The Hawkeye information is also useful.

Many thanks
Hi Milton,

Appears to be landing configuration but why are all the radio/radar "appendages" extended? Is this just for a photo shoot to show its stuff?

That photo's was from me, it's indeed a show-off photo, thought it would be handy for you.

Photo's is indeed probably taken a airshow or flyby of some sort, it's not the normal approach configuration.

BTW hope you make the "dutch" version with the radar on top of the cockpit.

Some reference and details shot, site is in Dutch so some descriptions:

Launch prep:

Recovery, also shows some approach speeds:

Some more details:

If you deed any specific text translated just give a PM.

Kind regards,


The Karel Doormand is already ready :wavey: ->
Anything I do will work as a port over in FSX. If I do this, then you will have a port over available. As to the "T" version added to the list of C1, S2F, and E1-B, that's asking for alot as alot of changes including the nacelles, props, and all new flight model would be required. :kilroy:

Whatever I do (if anything), I will make the gmax source available to anyone who wants it. :wiggle:

no no ya ...but i ment the radial powered version of the s2 tanker..they were this god awfull green color,like the high vis lime green fire engines or colorblind so i really dont know what it was ugly though cdf tankers of the 80s-early 90s....

edit....they were S2A's and used until the S2T was brought online
no no ya ...but i ment the radial powered version of the s2 tanker..they were this god awfull green color,like the high vis lime green fire engines or colorblind so i really dont know what it was ugly though cdf tankers of the 80s-early 90s....

edit....they were S2A's and used until the S2T was brought online

I would think that that a slightly modified C-1A or S2F-3 would work for that; same fuselage length, wings, and tail configuration as best as I know right now. Someone else might be able to help with the differences. Depends on which S2F-3 we may do. One has the straight belly lines, the C-1A has the bulged belly lines. There were at least 5 different nacelle tails used. The attachment shows the S-2A hawk? nacelle tail whereas your picture shows the later mod.