Any WW11 Luftwaffe airfields out there

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I have tried a number of CFS2 scenery in FS9. Some work, at least partially, some do not at all. Most of the objects show fine, but not all, and usually out of place; buildings, bridges and such.
Thanks Cess for the airfield.

very much so, thank you. How did you do it?

Best regards,

It's done in SBuilder with landclass polygons with elevated points. Quit simple really. Has anyone done this before?


PS: I have more bases that have these dunes and beaches as these are characteristic for the Dutch coast.
Thanks very much for this airfield Cess, and to Huub for the assist ! Mike ;)

Indeed: without Huub showing me around the real airfield and still having this file on his computer, I would still be assembling this base. Do you have Ruygenhoek still on your comp Huub?

Thanks for the scenery Cees :icon29:

I wonder whether CFS2 airfields or scenery can be of any use for FS9?

I did actually try with Achims German airfields, the only elements that show are the background bmps, you'd have to build your own afcad underneath and add your own buildings, and as there only one season, they only look good during the summer months.
cheers ian

most modern CFS2 scenery (including ALL of Achim's) uses the GSL layer for buildings, etc, this is so they are destructible, the whole point, no? GSL is not compatible with FSanything, that being said, older CFS2 scenery that uses API buildings should be fine, but I'm sure you know that already. Comes downtoo the fact that CFS2 had to wait for GSL placement tools to be developed, until then it used the same scenery tools as FS. So, hence the older stuff should work better than the newer.

As you also know, CFS2 doesn't use AFCADs, so they would have to be created by FS user to suit. And again, much to my dismay years ago, CFS2 doesn't do seasons.

Part 1

Do you have Ruygenhoek still on your comp Huub?

Cees, I have the following Dutch airfields done by you installed:





Valkenburg (Fliegerhorst Katwijk)

Part 3



De Kooy


As far as I know only Schiphol and Bergen were used by the Germans during the war. Bergen looked totally different when in use by the Germans. Ab Jansen wrote some books about "Fliegerhorst Schiphol". I don't have these books, but I assume they contain drawings from Schiphol how it looked during the German occupation.


(I think I have a "modern" version from Texel. When my memory is correct you have done "de Vlijt" as well, but I haven't installed it, which probably means I don't have it anymore...)
Ruygenhoek, Ypenburg and Ockenburg are stil on a external harddisc. I don't know about Schiphol. I'll find out. Nice shots Huub!

Are there any WW2 Luftwaffe or WW2 era aircraft as objects?


Wonderful to see these old Luftwaffe bases possibly being resurrected and many thanks to Cees for the Katwijk one but I have a question

Are there any Luftwaffe or even WW2 era aircraft trucks etc available as static objects which could be added to liven up the airfields ? I know that the midway scenery has some Amercian stuff but in my case I would be looking for Luftwaffe trucks buildings and of course aircraft.

I have spent some hours trying to convert some older Fs2000 and CFS models to no avail the models will just not convert.

I know it could be done if there was a gmax model of a ME109 etc but cannot find one so right now stuck

If anybody knows would appreciate any tips as I think that I am not alone looking for static objects to bring the airfields alive

Mats "AkktuStakki"
The Operation Valkyrie package by William "Lionheart" Ortis contains various Opel Blitz models, tanks (PzKpfw IV) and kubelwagens which can be driven, but also used as static models. I'm convinced there must be freeware models as well, but these were the first which came to my mind as they are very nice.

At the time I was working on Katwijk Bill sent me the files for his vehicles of Valkyrie to use in the scenery. I'll take a look. I must have them somewhere. But I don't know if bill meant these to be freeware available to the public. I will put some in the Katwijk scenery and present an update.



Wonderful to see these old Luftwaffe bases possibly being resurrected and many thanks to Cees for the Katwijk one but I have a question

Are there any Luftwaffe or even WW2 era aircraft trucks etc available as static objects which could be added to liven up the airfields ? I know that the midway scenery has some Amercian stuff but in my case I would be looking for Luftwaffe trucks buildings and of course aircraft.

I have spent some hours trying to convert some older Fs2000 and CFS models to no avail the models will just not convert.

I know it could be done if there was a gmax model of a ME109 etc but cannot find one so right now stuck

If anybody knows would appreciate any tips as I think that I am not alone looking for static objects to bring the airfields alive

Mats "AkktuStakki"