some notes to the
original hellijahs model conversion:
there is a few things on the external model which needs do be added yet for the interior, but not much.
then we could mark it as "done". ok, there is few another things which arent life important, eg. the canopy frame vs canopy glass overlayering, a reshaping of the engine gondolas, new exhaust item shape, some kind of mesh uv-maping etc. but in case of all such improvements we would talk about a model overhaul infact.
well, my own scratch made Arado 234 model (wip) is builded with point to avoid of some such problems and basicaly now serves also as a primary source for creating all the additional objects (antene, weapons and pylons...) for the hellijahs model.
in another words, both Arado 234 models basicaly already share some add-on development items.
as to the VC development I can say just this: "Yes, both models should be equipped basically with same VC (virtual cockpit)". as youve noticed it is basically a scratch work (means newly modeled)
regarding to all written above I am getting a small idea / offer now:
I could share public in some short visible future the Arado 234B-2 hellijahs conversion, when done the few interior parts for the external model. no other changes / improvements.
this way you would got a fully working airplane add-on with the simplified VC, as it is known from the actual screenshots.
also for those who owns the
FIREPOWER Arado 234B-2 payaware, I could addapt the helljahs model position to fit with his VC, if you like it bit more.
such way I would fully focus on my owm Arado 234 project bit deeper.
here is how actually the curent Arado from my kitchen looks: