Arado-234 freeware?

for cfs3 only the pointer is moving, his position determines the airplane left/right bank angle there, the values match.
What do you think? I feel that might make slightly more sense although if you have been looking at this and this I am wondering if it could somehow be linked to views up and down as the 8 and 2 number pad keys do, or the joystick up and down views?

I assume you have this
you are right :) well, I think I could try to do it the way there would be three objects (layers):

1. bombsight tagged: main static cross paint
2. gauge pitch indicator tagged: elevation angle marker as as the PDF Lotfe description (1)
3. gauge bank indicator tagged: drop angle marker as the PDF Lotfe description (2)

the goal would be to meet the (1) and (2) at zero position.
If you can relly get that working and it drops more or less on target, that would be a huge leap forward for all bombers!:jump: It would be another upgrade to CFS3 reality. Now if we could get NJ/NF radar similar to IL246 here
from my own poor experience is CFS3 bombing very accurate, where the cross center is, there the bomb falls :) it needs just to set the airplane optimal position. a piece of cake with auopilot on ;)
One reason i love IL-2 '46 so much !! REALISM !! Would be nice if CFS3 would feature this too. Have BAT and really enjoy it.
from my own poor experience is CFS3 bombing very accurate, where the cross center is, there the bomb falls :) it needs just to set the airplane optimal position. a piece of cake with auopilot on ;)

That's true of course although I don't normally have autopilot on running along the waypoint lines, so I am piloting manually; certainly for the last section to target. Even then of course if the X is on target, the bombs fall there!
You are brilliant! Showing the gauge data within an animated bombsight reticle was a stroke of pure genius.

Here! Here! I 2nd and third that! I can't wait to get hold of this! BTW could this be applied to the BZG-2 which is similar to your

I have no idea how you did what you did but a great upgrade for CFS3.:applause::ernaehrung004:
glad you like it guys.

well, its described pretty good how is it made ;)
alot helped me I am usually doing all working gauges for virtual cockpits myself, from scratch (see the Me 163 Komet, Lippish P.13, Horten 18...). for CFS3 they are gMax animated 3d objects. my latest nongerman gauges related challenge was creation dials for the japan version of the Komet, the J8M / Ki-200 Shusui.

yes, any CFS3 pointer movement gould get the BZG-2 bombsight too, thats easy, but the only problem is to rethink where should all the pointer marks meet for the 0 position. the regular BZG is way complicated with all the values there. I would rather simplify it. I mean the paint. and maybe I could add compas dial feature yet...
I have no idea how IL2 46 works but I assume maybe more realistic for bombing than CFS3 which, as you said, hits whatever is at point X. Given that, your idea of pitch and bank/turn being at 0 might be the best we can do. The next ? is, can you do a +clight version ?
thanks ;)

the +clight texture is a sure thing ;) I did the Lotfe bombsight from scratch with Inkscape, so I can easy change the color index of any painted part there (because they are vectors)... the only problem could be some Ankor Shader related special texture limits, the bombsight is mapped from three standalone textures. however, this would be easy solvable by merging them into one singe one and remap the needed parts. still, if I am getting it right, the limits is max two special textures for the standard one, so it would be ok there.

btw, for me would be very handy to get some small Ankor Shader readme where is ALL the special texture list with a short description what it does. no bible needed. I just did not noticed any bit of text about clight in latest pack readme, for example. the latest january 2018 shader pack is called "".
I was one two years away from CSF3 scene and if somebody means I will read over 700 posts at "This Could Be Very Interesting - AnKor's Shaders" thread, to discover all the latest shader features, then is totally wrong :) this should be a matter of readme files.
so, now I am getting it, Ive looked for old pack readme files. I hope having at home from some lucky reason installed the january 2018 package, which Ive found some googled way - I remember I was confused when searching for them at the old good CFS 3 Other Add-Ons - Effects section.

now I can see the CFS 3 Other Add-Ons section offers a lot of new stuff. its a root content. LOL.

well, my bad, still there should be a strict politics where to put the files to avoid of to put them once there and later overhere ;)
ok, lets put a few another shots how the simplified, scratch made VC for the hellijahs model variant looks now.

* the canopy frames are remodeled again.
* now are animated all the levers including pedals and joystick

what lefts to do (mainly) for the VC yet:
* to resize, resmooth and remap the main front braun panel
* rearange existing gauges and to create turn / bank gauge indicator
* to rework / texture periskope
