[Ask] How to change Me163_599 / Me163B cockpit?

Wow, that's a really nice model! Does anyone know Czech and could contact them about this?
i've already contact him gecko and here's what he said and maybe you guys can help him and contact him personaly
i just received this email today and he still active i guess

"Hi Wiekniera,
I wonder somebody knows about the CFS3 add-on yet :)
well, as we know, the "never-release" marking of user created projects is a very common event...
this seems is the case of the CFS3/FS Komet project too.

it is more than four years back Ive touched the airplane add-on, and I dunno hows the latest stage.
at 2011 Ive tried to port a simplified Komet model into a self made arcade game, which have nothing to do with a real airplane simulation.
this work never has been finished of course :)))
check my YT channel for more, samples here: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=komet+boreks
or here

I am creating racesim car add-ons latest years, some of them has been released already...

Hope you guys could encourage him back again :adoration:
here's another email he just sent it to me...looks like there's a green light..he will join this forum soon :encouragement:

"It would be great, finally finish it and release it public. It needs some seriously working and experienced moder which is ABLE to finish it in a short time.

I remember foggy why it isnt marked as finished
* wrong physics
* some gauge issues (warning lights)
* the weapon logic didnt worked well
* the airplane have no retractable gear, so the dolly needs to work like a bomb/empty fuel tank. after start needs to drop it out, landing should be possiblem with skid only
* missing objects at cockpit right side (radio panel and oxygen pipes)
* all the lever mesh could be modeled smoother
* some texures should be made better "
Great news! I can handle several of those items:
-physics - we have a couple decent FMs floating around that could easily be applied to this model with minor tweaking.

-weapons - depends on what isn't working, but I can likely fix it.

-takeoff - this has been done for other models and shouldn't be hard to adapt for this one.

-someone who knows something about gmax will need to take the other items, but I'd be more than happy to get the above items together myself.
hi to all Komet fans,
I am glad there are some people they know about my ancient FS project :)

so, as you maybe know already, my first Komet model project was started at 1998, and has been transfered and reworked from CFS2 version (released) to a new CSF3 model version at 2002 - since this year actually didnt much changed, Ive only started to make better cockpit gauges, at 2008, shortly and at 2010, for some while.a small scream into darkess only, I would say
at 2010 Ive discovered a free 3drad game editor at 3drad.com, so Ive decided try to "reborn" the Komet project and give to people some own made easy rocket flight game some day at leats. this of course is easy to say, but whorse to make :)
coz I am years away from flightsim scene, I discovered few days first, that there is finally, finally a Komet add-on, which doesnt look like a crap - its the Me-163B from Flight Replicas. this is how I would do it for public release now

at 2010 Ive stopped to bother with the MSFS/CFS related work
for the 3drad game model Ive fixed external texture mapping, canged some textures for cockpit base interiror, Ive removed all the 3d gauges, added the propeller, did a pilot animation, changed levers mesh for the pilot animations, Ive also created some AI B-17 model as a target.
this all presenst videos on my YT channel...

why I am talking about the 3drad airplane game over and over, you can ask... its because the model is bit better in some small external model aspects andthat there exists two Komet models infact - the MSFS/CFS gmax source and the model for arcarde game...
I would be happy I could merge the needed mesh into one "solution", I would be happy to fix the ugly low polygonal cpit instruments and repaint finally the tragical looking textures. I can do such things, but I have no time for it... :/

to be honest, I am not proud of the actual stage and that is why the model never has bene released public.

Great news! I can handle several of those items

well, some news guys, not much, but some of you could find it interesting:
latest days Ive worked on my small personal "virtual museum" project again, called Komet Fighter (FS/CFS nonrelated stuff).

you can check gallery project progress images here: http://stilz.euweb.cz/albums/3drad/komet/
you can check latest video (lowres only, sorry) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YrulhOV9Ws

with this work is related some skin stuff creation too - I did finally some paint template for the airplane. because the Komet Fighter project textures are identical with the old unfinished dated CFS3 airplane add-on, I did some gmax model source changes (adding specular maps). I could offer such stuff for public download, including the gmax source, if there will be interest.

you can check the latest CFS3 images here: http://stilz.mypage.cz/menu/letecka-simulace/projekty/messerschmitt-me-163b
Hello BorekS,

that looks like a really good external model. If you lack the time to work on this I am sure there are people in CFS3 community who would like to help out. (sadly I do not have the skills)

thanks :) well, it is a very dated model, but it could give some fun to CFS3 players yet, maybe.
I could change some things with gmax, but this can do the other people too, I suppose :)

I will add the paint template into the public release package, which is related to one question: does ever support CFS3 selectable aircraft skins?
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ok guys, Ive got the airplane selectable skins working. I think I will do this: will release the beta stuff on my website first, everybody can check the actual stage and try to tweak the editable files (flight model, weapons etc.). gmax source will be not included - its not necessary.
ok guys, Ive got the airplane selectable skins working. I think I will do this: will release the beta stuff on my website first, everybody can check the actual stage and try to tweak the editable files (flight model, weapons etc.). gmax source will be not included - its not necessary.

Excellent, thanks very much! :ernaehrung004:

Some cockpit mods can be made by swapping references to textures. I hope that will address the original topic of this thread?
ok, I will try to add my first image here... :)
you can notice most of the untextured cpit objects is removed for now and some new mesh is modelled instead, or is repainted at least. my goal is to give to you bit better stuff in some acceptable time frame. that means you cant await any super-duper warbird add-on, it should be just slightly modified 12 years old (or maybe bit more) ariplane add-on :)
the old skin have the new radio texture but the new skin doesn't



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looks brutal nice to me, the shadows!

well, Ive checked the v01d add-on pack ingame now again, twice, and I cant see any problem there with the missing box texture...

maybe you have some mixture of old and new version objects in your komet folder... needs to delete all the old stuff before new version test fly, but I am sure you are doing this... ;)

check for texture "texture_main\vc_util.dds"
also all the cpit m3d files should be same file size and date...they are just clones of the initial cpit mesh.
my fault :banghead:...and it's working now mate, everything just in place and all have texture !! :jump:
you're right ! seems i just overwrite the old one and didn't delete all file from previous version... ! :encouragement: