Oh Yea!!
Working on several historical missions
<Title> ETO Me 163b Schubert B-17 intercept HH 200
<Overview>***Limited fuel load of 35 percent. to make this mission realistic** 24 Aug, 1944 Jg 400 Schubert intercepted B-17 bombers bound towards Mersburg Germnay. He engaged the bombers from above making two passes, engaging and downing one B-17 each pass, on the bomber formation..
<Intelligence>Inbound enemy bomber formations. Take off and engage the bombers. Climb to 30,000 feet. (9150 meters) Glide back to base and land..
When you make hits from 1000m to 100 meters the 30mm cannon hitting the Bomb Bay makes for some Big bangs..
(First draft of this mission, will adjust as needed on the fuel load need approximately 8-10 mins max.)
Win 7 machine
With the Master Ankor/Gecko (ETO) shaders on and off, Looks great with the shaders on.
But does not look bad with ( the shaders) off either..
WOW!! Thanks to the Masters who are working this bird up..