Asobo and Oliver (Not) Fischer JU-52 for MSFS Released 9/28

Are you using the Steam version of MSFS?

If you are, make sure the in-game overlay is enabled, since that being disabled somehow keeps you from making purchases in MSFS.
The Microsoft Store version is failing for some of us as well.

This house of cards is fragile enough without trying to balance it on top of Steam as well. :)
Love the plane, though I'm somewhat dissappointed with the vintage cockpit.
They just didn't get the gauges to look right. Dials are mostly okayish but the housings are just wrong.
The Microsoft Store version is failing for some of us as well.

This house of cards is fragile enough without trying to balance it on top of Steam as well. :)

Steam purchase fine for me, first time and no issue. Updates work well too.
Having been an alpha [STRIKE]tester [/STRIKE] hamster and using the MS Store then I'd not touch the store version...
My first impressions:
The modelling is quite superb inside out. A bit of a weak point IMHO are the paintscemes. They seem very generic and "halfbaked".

The flight model feels allright, but I miss a more differentiated soundscape concerning the two engine layouts Having witnessed both in real life I remember those BMWs being more noisy than the smoother P&W ones. Powerwise there wasn´t much difference, but all in all the P&W threeblade layout felt slightly more stable and smoother.

Morning Flight (great to have a day off today:)))


My purchase/download on MS Store last night was completely smooth.

I agree that it is a pretty nice plane, the cockpit does not look as convincingly vintage as "other Olivier's" Ju 52, and we need decent paint schemes, a lot of them, and fast. A paint kit may be too much to hope for so we'll just hope our favorite skinners find it worth the extra effort. This might finally be the plane that tempts me to take a shot.

I saw the thread about the takeoff performance on the official forum but was not able to reproduce that video. With half fuel and no pax it took off pretty fast but not where it bothers me or where I'm certain it's wrong. Mind you, I am not blessed with the certainty of some of the know-alls on that forum.

Overall I'd say this plane exceeded expectations and is better value for money than any MSFS release I can think of in a while.

My purchase/download on MS Store last night was completely smooth.
..... Overall I'd say this plane exceeded expectations and is better value for money than any MSFS release I can think of in a while.


I'd agree with that. I find its flight behaviour OK, although it suffers from the twitchy directional problems that afflict all tail draggers (actually all aircraft) at low speed during takeoff in MSFS. When you consider you get a wheel, ski and float version and two alternate panels (original & more recent) it's certainly good value.
The Microsoft Store version is failing for some of us as well.

This house of cards is fragile enough without trying to balance it on top of Steam as well. :)

Open MSFS, but not as Administrator.
Then go to the Market Place. It's what I have to do to get purchases to completion.
The Microsoft Store version is failing for some of us as well.

This house of cards is fragile enough without trying to balance it on top of Steam as well. :)

The reason the house of cards is so fragile is because of the Microsoft Store. I know my advocacy for Steam is probably getting annoying at this point but it really is just better. No issues installing updates, no hidden files or inaccessible folders and all your in-game purchases are done via Steam, who have absolutely wonderful customer support and everything works just as expected.

On the the topic of the Junkers I am very pleased with it. This is sort of the sweet spot for me in terms of price point and fidelity. There aren't any third party developers who can match the 3d modelling and sound design that Asobo include in their aircraft. I enjoy the way it flies. I have no idea if it's "realistic" or not and frankly I don't really care, it flies how I would expect it to. Basically, if I have fun flying it and it behaves how I would expect an aircraft of that size and in that configuration would, I'm happy. For less than $20 you can't go wrong.
Now, can some of the owners shed some light here? Do the cabin doors open on this model?



Yes, the main cabin door opens as well as the overhead window and the side windows. And yes, that changes the sound. Each window makes for a different sound change because it's near a different engine. Opening all three gets it "as loud as it gets". Which is too soft in my opinion and the opinion of many others. The sound design is top notch except for the volume issue, which I think they'll fix in the first update.

Overall I'm very pleased, it's well done except for a few minor issues, it has character, and it's fun to fly for anyone into classic aviation. The 1939 version is delightfully weird but functional, with a 1930s style AP that will only hold a heading, and a version of German 1930s radio navigation.

now it looks nice, but I am totally unimpressed with the choice of paintschemes, not a single historic scheme included. I'm not sure if it is possible to repaint it since it seems to work with decals for the registration, and I can't find the decal file. This was something that annoyed me with the original default asobo aircraft, and here they do it again. Looks good as a model, flies ok I guess, but I move it to the back of the hangar for now

jk8205 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
Sad but so true. This plane was supposed to be tied to the Germany/Austria/Switzerland WU so you would think we would get some accurate skins for the region, or any of the hundreds of great historical paints available, instead we get a set of skins that a bored 12-year-old might make up. And no help for the talented user community to create new ones. Definitely the least impressive thing about this plane.

Looking forward to an update fixing all the animation errors (there are actually quite a lot of them), allow repaints and maybe include some documentation about the "autopilot" in the 1939 version. Or has anybody managed to get that thing working?
Yes, the main cabin door opens as well as the overhead window and the side windows. And yes, that changes the sound. Each window makes for a different sound change because it's near a different engine. Opening all three gets it "as loud as it gets". Which is too soft in my opinion and the opinion of many others. The sound design is top notch except for the volume issue, which I think they'll fix in the first update.

Overall I'm very pleased, it's well done except for a few minor issues, it has character, and it's fun to fly for anyone into classic aviation. The 1939 version is delightfully weird but functional, with a 1930s style AP that will only hold a heading, and a version of German 1930s radio navigation.


Hi Dutch,

thanks for the info! I will seriously consider buying it.

Best regards,
