Asobo and Oliver (Not) Fischer JU-52 for MSFS Released 9/28

Yes, the main cabin door opens as well as the overhead window and the side windows. And yes, that changes the sound. Each window makes for a different sound change because it's near a different engine. Opening all three gets it "as loud as it gets". Which is too soft in my opinion and the opinion of many others. The sound design is top notch except for the volume issue, which I think they'll fix in the first update.

Overall I'm very pleased, it's well done except for a few minor issues, it has character, and it's fun to fly for anyone into classic aviation. The 1939 version is delightfully weird but functional, with a 1930s style AP that will only hold a heading, and a version of German 1930s radio navigation.


Hi Dutch,

how did you get the main cabin door to open?


I finally have it. Yep very nice model and in VR the cockpit ('39) looks very nice and well done (however few things like brakes/rudder and flaps in the real Ju works a little different from the cockpit). For this price is really good decision. I didnt fly more yet and didnt check systems. Just short test.
But what annoys me are the wheels in version 39. They made a mistake here. The wheels are thin, and they put new ones in the 39 version.

Modern - its ok:

But the orginal Tante Ju has this:

this issue is very visible.

Here Junkers presents his wheel and tire quite well ;):

btw. I added it to Zendesk as a bug.
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But what annoys me are the wheels in version 39. They made a mistake here. The wheels are thin, and they put new ones in the 39 version...

I think the 3d model was developed with the restored and modernized Lufthansa D-AQUI in mind and the "vintage" version is more of an afterthought.
The detail and accuracy of the German instrumentation isn't really great either.
There is one single gauge casing developed which suits as a blueprint for all gauges, and this one is very simplified and of a plain wrong construction and shape. Slipballs floating wihtout surrounding glass, flat painted mounting screws allover not even bump-mapped, a pneumatic-electrical compass that acts like a simple whisky compass, "always-on" funky white backlight at night on all gauges which is just a copy of the daylight texture while there should be some greenish radium glow on selected markers only, the list goes on...
Do I enjoy the plane? Yes, I do! It's great value for 15 bucks and big fun to fly around. On the other hand it's an official MS addon and at least in the vintage version they should have jumped a bit higher than they did, after all they claimed absolute accuracy and realism for this bird.
Okay, rant of, back to flying my Iron Annie.:mixed-smiley-027:
Do I love this model? Yes, I do!

I think it is beautiful!

I see and agree with all of the "points" stated above.

I'm not a real world pilot, nor do I work in the aviation industry, but I do love everything that is part of that.

I'll post that I think something is amiss with the position/view of the pilot's seat. I use TrackIR 5. I enter the cockpit and scoot my seat as far forward as I can go. I look down to make sure my position is correct in the seat. I now look up and turn my head to the left where I should see at least the full length of the engine cowling and the prop. Nope!

I hop over into the co-pilot's seat and repeat the same process for getting my butt in the correct spot and then I look to my left, towards the pilot's seat, and extend my neck upward like a giraffe and there she is.... the left engine is in the correct spot :encouragement:

I've looked at videos and photographs of the Junker 52 and the relationship of the cockpit and engines and I absolutely DO NOT want this to be that old tiresome rant that has grown like a "poison ivy" vine in many of the flight sim forums of the years " I can't see the wing from the cockpit"

I'll take her as she is.

I also noticed that when I was fooling around with taxiing on the power of the nose engine only I got a beautiful prop windmilling effect of the engines on the wings when I got her up to certain speed :encouragement: :encouragement:
.... just did a little more testing, sitting in the "landing" position gives a more appropriate view of the left engine cowling and prop, but when you look straight down at your seat, you are far too forward. It is fixable. :wavey:
And on some angles (with the Sun) the prop discs looks very poor, the transparent texture here was done wrong:

however I like it a lot. In VR the cockpit has right size and looks very nice. Ju-52 is a obligatory plane for me like DC-3 in each sim :encouragement:.
Next problem - FM, its a big plane, yep, but it flies (descent especially) like a .... glider ;>. Drag of the model is too small.
Never really understood the appeal of flying around pretending to be a Nazi but to each their own I guess.
Never really understood the appeal of flying around pretending to be a Nazi but to each their own I guess.

This is a long topic that is not worth discussing because it has already been discussed 1000 times, but you can conclude that someone is not supposed to pretend to be a Nazi, he flies like a pilot of the model with realistic repainting. Thats all and it's better not to look for a second bottom here I suppose. :very_drunk:
Its not my skin but I have made dozens of swastikas on my skins or models kit and do not consider myself a Nazi, but a model maker.
Some intelligent people use to call it Historic Reality. Real facts of past times.
Be safe, over and out

Yes, but there's a difference between third-person history ("I know and acknowledge that it existed") and first-person history ("I want to participate in it.")

Also - some of us choose not to fly the Swastika not because we're in denial about history but because we're overly familiar with it. In fact, that history and my family's are quite bound up with each other.

That said, if people want to fly historically accurate paints, they should by all means have at it. Just understand we have our reasons, too.

Be safe as well - all best!
This is a long topic that is not worth discussing because it has already been discussed 1000 times, but you can conclude that someone is not supposed to pretend to be a Nazi, he flies like a pilot of the model with realistic repainting. Thats all and it's better not to look for a second bottom here I suppose. :very_drunk:
Its not my skin but I have made dozens of swastikas on my skins or models kit and do not consider myself a Nazi, but a model maker.

Right, I get wanting to fly a historically accurate livery. In combat scenarios, I see the appeal in flying historically accurate combat missions in their appropriate aircraft and markings. That I understand very well.

What I don't understand is why people choose to fly aircraft sporting Nazi imagery outside of some sort of combat or other scenario set during the period of Nazi Germany, that's all. There are historically accurate liveries that were not used by Nazi's as well. So why choose to represent the Nazi's?

As Alan said, if that's what you are into then please, by all means go right ahead. I'm not saying this repaint shouldn't exist or anything like that and I'm not judging anyone, I genuinely just don't understand the appeal.
Right, I get wanting to fly a historically accurate livery. In combat scenarios, I see the appeal in flying historically accurate combat missions in their appropriate aircraft and markings. That I understand very well.

What I don't understand is why people choose to fly aircraft sporting Nazi imagery outside of some sort of combat or other scenario set during the period of Nazi Germany, that's all. There are historically accurate liveries that were not used by Nazi's as well. So why choose to represent the Nazi's?

As Alan said, if that's what you are into then please, by all means go right ahead. I'm not saying this repaint shouldn't exist or anything like that and I'm not judging anyone, I genuinely just don't understand the appeal.

But don't remember it wasnt only civil transport plane .... and I'm sure you know it very well so why not "simulate" for example "trips" from Stalingrad boiler outside ... wihout any shot? It depends who likes what, if he doesn't use it to promote something, it's his business I suppose.
We can talk about red star also and generally prohibit the use of symbols of totalitarian states because they led to the deaths of millions but I think we are sitting in a simulation to be a bit above politics and rather talk about the history and reality of models and what they represent. At least I think so.
We can talk about red star also and generally prohibit the use of symbols of totalitarian states because they led to the deaths of millions but I think we are sitting in a simulation to be a bit above politics and rather talk about the history and reality of models and what they represent. At least I think so.

Totally agree. This is not about politics. And, please, this subject is the subject of a thousand times, there´s no need to talk about it once more. Not for me anyway...
best regards
But don't remember it wasnt only civil transport plane .... and I'm sure you know it very well so why not "simulate" for example "trips" from Stalingrad boiler outside ... wihout any shot? It depends who likes what, if he doesn't use it to promote something, it's his business I suppose.
We can talk about red star also and generally prohibit the use of symbols of totalitarian states because they led to the deaths of millions but I think we are sitting in a simulation to be a bit above politics and rather talk about the history and reality of models and what they represent. At least I think so.

Well, I appreciate you actually trying to answer my question rather than insult me, so thank you for your insight. To me, it's impossible to separate the Nazi Party from their politics. The Luftwaffe of that era represented the Nazi Party and the Nazi Party represented their political ideologies. Which is why I don't really see the appeal of immersing yourself in something that represents and stands for something so terrible, outside of a strictly historical sense. I play IL-2 and don't really have any issues with it because it's an appropriate theater for that sort of thing but in my opinion it just feels out of place in something like Flight Simulator, which is very much a modern day representation of the world.

Again, I'm not saying anything should be prohibited or that this repaint shouldn't exist or that you shouldn't use it. But if what you are essentially doing is flying from point A to point B, regardless of the livery, why choose to represent the Nazi's instead of flying a civilian airline? That's what I don't understand.
But don't remember it wasnt only civil transport plane .... and I'm sure you know it very well so why not "simulate" for example "trips" from Stalingrad boiler outside ... wihout any shot?

One possible response is, "Right - no shots fired - just peacefully bringing supplies and ammunition for the Einsatzgruppen." If only to point out that these matters are a bit more complicated than combat/noncombat.

Another response - to another poster - might be that to refer to these matters as "politics" really doesn't do them justice. I don't think "politics" accurately describes my grandfather's mother getting a bullet in the back of her head.

Finally, I'll point out again that it's wrongheaded to say that those of us who don't fly the Swastika are against historical authenticity. I think I've just provided enough of it to cause discomfort. Which was, you know, my goal. Because... I'm not trying to censor anything or to object to anyone's painting anything. It's a big world and people get to do all kinds of things. Others, like me can opt out. Think of it as the marketplace in action! But ever marketplace imposes costs, and one of the costs in this one is that people with my background get to make other people uncomfortable. It's a kind of division of labor. Fair enough?

For what it's worth, I think the paint is excellent and should be available to anyone who wants to use it.
It's up to individuals as to whether they want to fly a livery with some historical symbol. I have my own personal feelings about them, but I'm not discussing them here. Just remember that the at least the Ju-52 was used extensively in civilian use after the fall of the Third Reich, and without the swastika. Also remember - that particular symbol was co-opted by the Nazi party, but is actually a few thousand years old. Even the name isn't German - it comes from Sanskrit.