I got a docking Station, and took my hard drive from my old XP computer and put it into the docking station..
I now have ALL the CFS 3 files from the past available.. Even started CFS3 virgin set up today.. it works on my newer desktop.
I am transferring all the Microsoft games folder to my newer desktop today 60.9 gig And will set it all up for the Win 7 desktop I use ( perhaps)??
I can just use the Old hard drive from the Old XP computer to run this also it seems.. I did start CFS3 Virgin and configured it Just as a test, ( it fired up and ran like normal..)
Learning about doing this, May just store a copy on my Newer Win 7 desktop and run the original CFS 3 set up ETO, RS, MAW etc. From the older XP hard drive using the docking station..
WOW! This is wonderful I have working copies now from when I was Building and setting up missions..
Much that I had feared I had lost , is Now available ..
One step closer , and soon Open the Hobbit mission factory again!!
Much Rejoicing!