******attn prayers and help needed for one of our own*****

Thanks everyone, I am very Grateful for the folks here and your kind support..
God Bless each of you.
Still fighting the system here and praying everyday..
I got CFS3 reloaded onto my desktop, Thanks Joshua for the disks. I have set up the Firepower add-on, and saved virgin copy of CFS3 for later needs.
As I am able, I am reloading ETO, the the BOB install from Clive, then will do MAW next.
All this will take weeks for me at the rate I can work with my limited use of my hands..
I can't use them for much without GREAT pain, even typing this is a very painful experience.
I am grateful to have CFS3 running again on my desktop, another step a getting a piece of my life back.
Oh yea!
Missions forthcoming!!
Don't over do it Owen. Need you in one piece my friend..... Just take your time. Pray that you will continue to heal. It takes time as i know from when i had a very bad fall years ago and still suffer with it over 20 years later. Hope the best for you....... Best Regards,Scott
Signed the paperwork with my lawyer today. it is finished. 504,000 in medical bills covered, and all lawyer fees covered, i get enough momey to repair Scooterbike . And that is it. Glad that is settled. Thanks be to God. :applause:
VA Support for Hobbit

Owen: If you are a veteran you should be able to get help from the VA. You must use a Veterans Service Officer to get the best help. There are several and you do NOT need to be a member of their organization - VFW, American Legion, Amvets, etc. Have you called the Ohio Department of Veterans Services, ODVS at 614-644-0898 ? Please PM me if you wish. Regards, Rene
Master Led Zeppelin Working on the other issues and surgery, seems none of the Doctors on the list for the program I am on, are taking new patients..
Rene, Thanks for the VA info!!!
This I can use.. Oh yea!:applause:

Still trying here, but it is difficult, soon I will have wheels ( my VW beetle) again, then I can go to the VA and see if they will help me.
If I can still drive, we shall see.
Hope for the best with you ,Owen. I went through the ringer with the VA before. I got help but it took awhile to get things going. Hope they can help you. Regards,Scott