Many Thanks, Too All..
God bless everyone..
I have been moved to Dunbar rehab, the only place that would accept me, seems that when one is very limited in resources,one has to do whatever presents itself..
I am doing as well as possible, have blood clot issues,will know more tomorrow.after the ultra sound is redone, will return to the hospital as a outpatient.
I was unable to stay in the hospital due to money issues.
Hobbit is mobile, have a hobbit sized wheelchair, and even surprised several today by moving from the bed to it with no help..
I also manged to find the front door here and go outside, first time for this. still have only one somewhat working hand, and leg, but all is good.
Trying to keep all here surprised, and do more then expected. Must keep up the the honorable and kind reputation, of my dear brothers and sisters here at SOH,
and show that we never give up.
Truly humbled, and grateful for the concern, and support from so many of my brothers here at SOH I cannot express in words how greatly touched I am and overwhelmed by this kindness..
Many have touched my heart, and i hold each of you in my prayers. with great gratitude and love.
Aain thanks to Jeff, and Andy, for their support and friendship..
And know I shall fight the good fight, and return to my work here, and agin ride Scooterbike