******attn prayers and help needed for one of our own*****

He just posted this, about the progress that today is bringing.

Got all my braces back on, Sharon and Dona at MVH taught me how to teach others how to do this. I took all of this off this morning when i was in great pain.Have a nice nurse right now who was willng to learn..So I taught her how to do all of this.Even taught her how to treat my right arm, wounds..Grateful for Dona and Sharon, at MVH they knew i was going to this terrible place, so they made sure i knew all i needed to help with my injuries..To teach others... 5 hrs no braces, and at was niceToo cool..
Keep Yer Chin Up

Hobbit, reading about your plight is deeply affecting. Having spent the last two weeks in hospital, with at least two weeks to go, I can relate to so much of your story. Luckily NZ has free health care to a good standard, but just having to endure hospital routines... you have my full sympathy and best wishes.
Perhaps there will be something good in all this after all.

Our Lord works in mysterious ways..
As some of you know i once served in the Fellowship Prison Ministry..
I have been blessed to have met a man here at Dunbar Rehab that remembers when i visited the prison he was in..
He and I have been speaking together, and shared a prayer..
Thanks be to God..


Getting my meds, on time tonight..Have a new nurse, and every 4 hours getting my meds, no pain!!! Finallly so grateful.


I am most pleased to say today, with the kindness of a nuse here for the first time i recieved my pain meds in the proper amount and every 4 hours, the shift change is a 7pm, an i will have to fight this night crew again for them but at least today it was bearable...
I was also visited my my friends from grade school Kimmie and grade school friend Phil Wicker, which was wonderful.. Preparing for the fight for meds tonight with this night {weekend} crew..Perhaps they may deside to give me my meds, praying for this..The pain with my injuries is unbearable without them..

Today's update from Owen

It Has gone from bad to worse..Finally got the ulta sound on my legs.. The ones in the right legs have grown, and now I have blood clots in my left leg too..Yea,getting worse by the day..Pray please..
I don't believe it! Is the US medical system so messed up that a man's life can be put in jeopardy due to MONEY?? :redfire:
I wish to express my great gratitude for all the support and kindness I from my brothers and sisters here at SOH.
And i am very Grateful for the kind souls who have given so generously to my
Go fund me account..

I am suffering at the hands of a system where the value of a life is counted in dollars..
Please if you love someone, see they have some kind of medical coverage..Whatever this takes to do this.
****Don't allow anyone you love to end up like me..
This is terrible and beyond my understanding..Weeks of suffering and pain, all because i am poor and have no health coverage..
Please don't allow anyone you love to end up this way..
God bless all here for your kindness..
We'll keep praying, and helping as we can.

Another night no meds, lots of pain again..And no blood thinners for the blood clots also.. Hopefully i will survive this place, it will up to our Lord, not the staff here..
It is an unbelievable yet sadly too familiar circumstance that you are currently suffering through Owen.

We are thinking of you and astounded you have come so far so quickly, so stay strong. The system SHOULD be taking more care of you, but there are many behind you in support, thoughts, and prayer. Keep your chin up; you will get through this.


I'm speaking from experience here, I went through a similar experience in 2009. I fell two stories and landed flat on concrete resulting in massive injuries, multiple broken and shattered bones including my back. The employer had no insurance so I was shoved out of the hospital once they realized that there was no money to be had. I spent the next two years re-habilitating myself...no pain meds from day one. I lived alone, so I had no one to take care of my day to day requirements.

First Owen...

You can get through this regardless of the pain. It is not easy, but it can be done.

My most immediate concern is your blood clots. It is very possible that you are having a reaction to medications given to you at the time of the trauma care or currently being administered. Some meds (may, in very rare cases) produce immediate and severe clotting, although very rarely in men.

Regardless of how the clotting was triggered, it is absolutely imperative that your anti-clotting meds be maintained. I don't know what form of thinners you have been on until this point but there are very affordable treatments, like Coumadin for dealing with blood clots. Your bones will heal, but the clotting cannot be left as a unknown.

If you have been prescribed Coumadin.

You should be receiving a series of blood draws to establish your clotting factors. This would be a PT-INR. Usually this is done weekly until your anticoagulant meds bring you to a stable level.
Your thinning meds would need to be adjusted to bring your numbers into a stable range that must be maintained for the duration of your treatment for the clots. I cannot over stress the importance of this.

If you are not receiving proper care, you need to be removed from the facility and take control of the administration of the your meds. If you are on Coumadin, you can take the medications yourself, but it is vital that you monitor the PT_INR results with continual draws until you stabilize.

This is very serious sir, but can be managed if you take control of your care from the care-givers and remain proactive in your own healing.

Last winter I went through a situation where I sustained massive clots in my Femoral arteries, resulting from wrongly prescribed pharmaceuticals, in this case an antibiotic.
Once I isolated the cause, I took control of the treatment with the cooperation of an educated doctor. I spent six months completely immobilized to mitigate any possibility of the clots moving to my heart or lungs.

Reading this blog has been very difficult and troubling. I have my own opinions on the medical/pharmaceutical complex that I shall keep to myself, but I became alarmed when I saw that your blood care is not being taken seriously by those to whom you have entrusted your care.

Please take this post as it is intended sir, and with my good intentions for your recovery.
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Just been told I am being tossed out on the 26th, Yea i can't even crawl, or even feed myself.. But due to money issues I must GO..
Three days fom now being tossed into the street.
Pray for me please that this changes..
Seems things just got very serious ;****I am not being discharged..***And the seriousness of the blood clots addressed..Just found out these can kill me. someone really have screwed up and set this date to toss me out without checking my status.. Thanks to my sister, and to my friend Deano for raising hell, and getting this stopped.I have been placed on bed rest only, no more wondering about, and legs raised till this blood clot issue is over..
I didn't know how serious this was. But i will now get more powerful blood thinners, and blood monitored daily.. Grateful for the help, and hopeful.

This is excellent news to hear that you are being taken seriously.

The blood clots, or Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is potentially fatal for the duration of the existence of the clots. The clots are fibrous and thread like, and if one small piece of that breaks loose it can go to your heart, lungs or brain. That would be incredibly bad.

The blood thinners will slowly break down the clotting, but it is extremely important that you remain calm...relaxed and quiet while your body is doing it's work.

It took six months for me to beat the clotting, and the whole time I remained very quiet. I actually did a bunch of airplane and scenery modeling while I was in the "chair" with my frickin' legs up in the air. Not fun, but I'm alive to be as mean and nasty as ever.

Good for your sister and friend for taking point on this. They probably saved your life sir.

All the best and good energy coming your way to help you safely to healing. It's hard to keep us old bikers down! :encouragement:
I can't understand how it is possible to be thrown away from hospital with serious health issue.

I think it has something to do with the American health system being mostly profit-orientated. I guess ObamaCare tried to change some of that but din't go far enough.

Anyway I wanted to donate but can't since the systemwill only accept credit cards. I don't have one and want to donate through Paypal- Is there any way to get around that please?
A little news from Dunbar Rehab home for Hobbits

Attention ALL I hae been moved to room 307,, no longer in room 315 **** In room 307. New phone number 937-469-6355
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I am so sorry Owen! Dropped in to see how things are gong at the sim outhouse and I see this thread. I always enjoy your post and comments. They bring a smile to my face. I will keep you in my prayers. Stay strong my friend.
