.... but half an hour ago i was at my computer still reading up about MSFS2024 here and at Avsim and searching and ordering an In-line Diffusor for my new aquarium in between. And now, at this moment as i'm typing this, MSFS2024 is running in the background and i made my first flight in MSFS2024 !!
Yessir, believe it or not ! In this bygone half hour i also thought why not have a look at the Steam shop and see what's going on with MSFS2024 overthere. I did have absolutely no intention of buying the thing, needing a new W11 computer to start with and constantly reading bad things about it, how we're all still better off with MSFS2020 apart from the few fairly positive reactions i've read. Arrived at the Steam shop i put MSFS2024 in the search bar and up it came along with a message "This title is already in your Library" and a button that said "Play Now".
I put on my dummest face and just for the heck of it hit that button. What could go wrong ? We'll see when and where the ship will sink.
Some time ago i pre-ordered MSFS2024 via Steam ( bought MSFS2020 also via Steam) just to get that wonderful CL-415. But i've read about MSFS2024 could only be installed/played with a so called 'TPM' gadget and Windows 11. I even opened a thread about that right here. So this now has been proven to be complete bull because i am now flying MSFS2024 on a Windows 10 system with no TPM activated whatsoever ! How about that, huh.....
After pushing the "Play Now" button MSFS2024 installed within like 15 minutes, all that was needed furthermore was to enter my MS account password, choose one of the ugly faces for my avatar et voila, just flown a bit above my own country. Must say errrrmmmm,,,,, I LOVE IT !!
Immidiately one thing i find dramatically terribly awful and even idiotic : ATC is in Dutch !!!! Sjeeeeeshhhhh !!! There it is again, isn't it.... Xbox drama rearing its ugly head !! "Childern don't speak a foreign language yet" ! Again Sjeeeeeessshhh !! Talk about ruining a good game....

Otherwise (and until (maybe) all hell brakes lose) i LOVE what i see so far !! "Feels" good to ! I think i can easily get accustomed to the new UI . I could more or less fly with my MSFS2020 programmed flightstick, only throttle reversed and change camera button doesn't work (anyone knows the key to change camera view ? Thanks ! ;-)
All in all, half an hour ago i still was happy not to have rushed to buy a new 'mandatory' W11 system, forget about MSFS2024 until the dust had settled, like maybe in a month or so but here i am now flying MSFS2024 and sofar loving the heck out of it !!
Here in the Netherlands lived a poet in the 16th century called Bredero who's saying became famous : "Het kan verkeren" ( the tables turn/ things can happen)
He sure was right ! One happy MSFS2024 camper here !!
Yessir, believe it or not ! In this bygone half hour i also thought why not have a look at the Steam shop and see what's going on with MSFS2024 overthere. I did have absolutely no intention of buying the thing, needing a new W11 computer to start with and constantly reading bad things about it, how we're all still better off with MSFS2020 apart from the few fairly positive reactions i've read. Arrived at the Steam shop i put MSFS2024 in the search bar and up it came along with a message "This title is already in your Library" and a button that said "Play Now".
I put on my dummest face and just for the heck of it hit that button. What could go wrong ? We'll see when and where the ship will sink.
Some time ago i pre-ordered MSFS2024 via Steam ( bought MSFS2020 also via Steam) just to get that wonderful CL-415. But i've read about MSFS2024 could only be installed/played with a so called 'TPM' gadget and Windows 11. I even opened a thread about that right here. So this now has been proven to be complete bull because i am now flying MSFS2024 on a Windows 10 system with no TPM activated whatsoever ! How about that, huh.....

After pushing the "Play Now" button MSFS2024 installed within like 15 minutes, all that was needed furthermore was to enter my MS account password, choose one of the ugly faces for my avatar et voila, just flown a bit above my own country. Must say errrrmmmm,,,,, I LOVE IT !!
Immidiately one thing i find dramatically terribly awful and even idiotic : ATC is in Dutch !!!! Sjeeeeeshhhhh !!! There it is again, isn't it.... Xbox drama rearing its ugly head !! "Childern don't speak a foreign language yet" ! Again Sjeeeeeessshhh !! Talk about ruining a good game....

Otherwise (and until (maybe) all hell brakes lose) i LOVE what i see so far !! "Feels" good to ! I think i can easily get accustomed to the new UI . I could more or less fly with my MSFS2020 programmed flightstick, only throttle reversed and change camera button doesn't work (anyone knows the key to change camera view ? Thanks ! ;-)
All in all, half an hour ago i still was happy not to have rushed to buy a new 'mandatory' W11 system, forget about MSFS2024 until the dust had settled, like maybe in a month or so but here i am now flying MSFS2024 and sofar loving the heck out of it !!
Here in the Netherlands lived a poet in the 16th century called Bredero who's saying became famous : "Het kan verkeren" ( the tables turn/ things can happen)
He sure was right ! One happy MSFS2024 camper here !!

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