Bleu Ciels Alpha Jet - new repaints

Quax d. Bruchpilot

Charter Member
repaints from "quest" available at

Repaints in Norm72, 83b, specials and experimental. Sorry guys, after this N72 paints I'm "Alpha Jet crazy" Just want to introduce you :kilroy:



Yep, one of my all time favorite jets in both FS9 and FSX, fly it all the time.:salute::salute:
Hello Quax d. Bruchpilot,

Thank you for these repaints of oour Alpha Bleu Ciel Alphajet. No dpubt that with these textures the Alphajet will be even better.

Have a good day

I have visited the site linked above but i cant find the repaints.Can someone point me in the right direction please.

Regards Paul Day.
I am interested in finding it as well...I thought i had found it a while back, but the Alpha jet that I found wasn't very good at all so it probably wasn't the one being referenced here....

I have visited the site linked above but i cant find the repaints.Can someone point me in the right direction please.

Regards Paul Day.
I guess .. you must register first !

Edit .. and you are registered (see you in the online member list :) )
Has anyone downloaded these repaints yet, and if so how?. I registered, went to the hanger section, and could not find the Alphajet repaints. Any help would be appreciated.

Has anyone downloaded these repaints yet, and if so how?. I registered, went to the hanger section, and could not find the Alphajet repaints. Any help would be appreciated.
Definitively they are not there (or are no more there) for some reasons :)
And any searches for hangar or forum give no results ......
Maybe it's a register bait ... ROFL
The Downloads are protected, download only Users can´t see the Download page. You must be active on the entire page, then you get by the Admin the permission.

I leaving this page and this is not an must have.
Are these repaints available to registered users because i cant find them, even in the Hanger?

Regards Paul Day.
okay, so much trouble !!! ??? I've talked to the author ... maybe a DL link for everybody will soon available... Sorry guys for trouble !!!

I only thought this GREAT "FREE stuff" must be shared !!! :applause:


Send me a personal message and I will send you an internet link to download the Alphajet. Since I have less than 20 posts, I cannot yet put a link in my post.

Have a giid day.
