Bleu Ciels Alpha Jet - new repaints

That didn't work for me Benoit. Now, I am running the AlphaJet in FSX and that may be the difference, I don't know. My panel cfg file also does not have the "0, 0, 2, 2" at the end of that line, but since it's commented out I don't guess that really matters.

The startup sequence isn't all that complicated anyway, so getting her cranked up isn't a big deal for me.

For your information Falcon409 :

It worked perfectly with FS9.

By the way is your Top Aces repaint will be for FSX or FS9 ?
Or both ?
I understand we are actually discussing on an FS9 Forum.
For your information Falcon409: It worked perfectly with FS9.
By the way is your Top Aces repaint for FSX or FS9?
Or both? I understand we are actually discussing on an FS9 Forum.
Yep VaporZ I figured FSX was the difference for the startup problem. As mentioned though, it only takes a few seconds to have the airplane running anyway, so I am fine without the "already running at start up" fix.

The repaint will work in both FSX and FS9. I don't use the DDS texturing with bump maps and specular. I'm using standard bmps with an alpha shine, saved as DXT3 or 32bit. The only difference might be that from time to time, where a lot of detail is required, I'll enlarge the textures to twice size for FSX and then do a reduced set for FS9.
Awesome jet I would expect nothing less from a Bleu Ciel aircraft. I absolutely love the Blue Ciel F4U corsair.
Sorry for the delay VaporZ. Right after I posted the last info I was hit with some medical problems that are only now clearing up. I haven't really done anything on the jet since the 10th of February. Just kinda getting my strength back and I'll be back to finishing the repaint sometime in the next week.
forget to say...

also a "differential brake" upgrade included ! Makes it easyer to stear the Aircraft at the ground. Funfactor =100% :applause:

I would love to have the brake update, the steering is an upgrade that would make this jet complete for me. Still cannot download, can anyone PM me with the fix? Mike :running:

Methink you can fix the brakes with this (add the bold sting ..) in the aircraft.cfg

differential_braking_scale = 1.0

You can play with the number for manage the effectiveness.
hello Quax d. Bruchpilot

i'm a french simmer and i can't download your texturespak for the Alpha bleu ciel Alphajet ?

i try two times to register on the german forum but i never receive the confirmation mail of my inscription ...
You are not the only :)
I was able time ago to register on this site after many try .. bored !
And even when you are registered .. you can't acces the download LOL