Bleu Ciels Alpha Jet - new repaints

Ok, I give. How do you start the engines on this thing?
The checklist is in French. Don't speak it.
Tried hitting all the switches. It only lets me get the battery switch on.
I tried the old stand by, Control + E.
All I get is a short wind up to a low RPM on one engine and then it shuts down.
Here is how to perform a "Cold Start" on the Bleu Ciel AlphaJet

These are the steps for the right engine
When done you repeat step 5 to 7 for the left engine

Step 1. Brakes On

Step 2. Open Electric Panel

Step 3. All 5 x Electric Switches "On" ( Upward )

Step 4. Close Electric panel and Open Throtlle panel

Step 5. All 3 x Right Switches "On"

Step 6. Push right Throtlle gently until a square yellow lighting appear
Keep it there

Step 7. Push the right "white/pink" button. Keep Pushing.
( you will heard the engine starting )
Keep pushing until the right RPM gauge "jump" at 6,500 RPM
and the right exhaust ( tuyere ) at 5,000

Repeat step 5 to 7 for the left engine.
After that you are ready to taxi !

Good Alpha Jet Flights
Hmmm ??? Maybe my startsequenze is a little bit easyer :icon_lol:

Take a look at the screenie. Be sure all switches are UP (red circles) press and hold STRG-E (Engine starting) till the first engine runs, throttle 30-50%... The second one will start after it...


I have downloaded the wonderful german air force repaints for the Alpha Bleu Ciel's alphajet. A very fine art work. Bravo. I like the textures, the details and the stensils applied on them. It is a pleasure to look at the alpajet with these textures. Thank you very much for tem. Danke.

To VaporZ and Qmax, thank you for your help to make understandable the engine starting sequeence of the alphajet. Many virtual pilots will appreciate it.

Have a good day


For the virtual pilot who would like to see the alphajet with running engines at the selection, herre is a small modification of panel.cfg file.

1/ Make safeggard copy of the original panel.cfg file under another name.
2/ Edit the panel.cfg file with NoePad for example.
3/ Search for [Window00]
4/ Replace the section [Window00] by the following one


//gauge00=Alphajet!Shut_Down_Engines, 0, 0, 2, 2

In other words put a double // bars before gauge00 line. This will transform this line intto a commentary.
5/ Save the modification

In doing so you will have running engine at selection of the alphajet.

Have a good day.


For the virtual pilot who would like to see the alphajet with running engines at the selection, herre is a small modification of panel.cfg file.

1/ Make safeggard copy of the original panel.cfg file under another name.
2/ Edit the panel.cfg file with NoePad for example.
3/ Search for [Window00]
4/ Replace the section [Window00] by the following one


//gauge00=Alphajet!Shut_Down_Engines, 0, 0, 2, 2

In other words put a double // bars before gauge00 line. This will transform this line intto a commentary.
5/ Save the modification

In doing so you will have running engine at selection of the alphajet.

Have a good day.


Merci' Benoit! Mike :applause:
Where can we find the German Air Force Alpha jet repaint ?

I do not find it anywhere even on the Virtual German Air
Force website.

A specific download complete web address would be appreciated !

Thanks !
Here is an interesting Alpha Jet repaint project.

Top Aces private AlphaJet fleet located at Montreal Airport
( CYUL ) for contracted military support is now gradually
wearing a brand new "Blue/Mid Grey/Light Grey" wrap around
camo scheme.

Can any of our topgun repainter friend produce a repaint of
Top Aces Alpha Jet ?

To know more about Top Aces Inc click here :
I was gonna answer right after you posted, but I had to make sure I still had my paint kit for the Alpha. . .found it. . .along with 6 liveries I did in "05". I'm working on the Top Aces new Camo Scheme now.
Super Falcon409 !

Living in Quebec Province, Canada, I saw these private
paramilitary AlphaJets from time to time.

Thanks a lot !
Some quick WIP shots. Aligning the camo is a bear, but having FSRepaint is making it a lot easier than normal. I'm also beta testing a new aircraft as well, so I'm putting this down for now to go fly, lol.
falcon, how are you working with alpha channels in fsrepaint?
Do you export the alpha back to PS, or ..what?
falcon, how are you working with alpha channels in fsrepaint? Do you export the alpha back to PS, or ..what?
Actually, the only thing I use FSRepaint for is to view the aircraft as I make changes or additions to the textures. I save the texture to the aircraft texture folder in FSX then refresh the FSRepaint window and see how it all looks. I don't do any alpha channel work until I pull the textures into DXTbmp. At that point I build an alpha in PSP, knocking out the areas that don't get shine and import it back to DXTbmp and save the texture.
Where can we find the German Air Force Alpha jet repaint ?

I do not find it anywhere even on the Virtual German Air
Force website.

A specific download complete web address would be appreciated !

Thanks !

I am a somewhat regular visitor to the vGAF foums and have just found out yesterday that only a small part of the download section is open to the "normal" user. Only after I have asked one of the administrators was I granted access to the whole download section. :kilroy:

There I found the Alphajet repaints we saw here...

A rather strange way to handle things...:173go1:
Here is french Alphajet "E9/102-LF" of Escadron d'Entrainement 02.002 "Côte d'Or" based at Dijon Longvic Air Base.

Reference material is french "Air Fan" magazine No.373, December 2009.

02.002 "Côte d'Or" with a strenght of 16 x Alpha Jet is the "Agressor/Support" squadron of the french Armée De l'Air and its multi rôle include :

- Adversary force for interception/air combat training
- Trans border interception training with Nato countries sharing a frontier
with France
- Target Towing, Radar Calibration, Close Air Support training
- Etc...

"Côte D'Or" is also a "flight hours sanctuary" for young pilots waiting for their first operational posting after completion of the AJeTs.

It is also supporting experienced pilots currently on a "Desk" tour with 15 to 30 proficiency flight hours per year allowded for these "Headquarters" pilots.

Both Dijon units EE 02.002 "Côte d'Or" ( Alpha Jet ) and EC 01.002 "Cigognes" ( Mirage 2000-5F ) will move from Dijon ( LFSD ) to Luxeuil
( LFSX ) in 2011 and Dijon Air Base will close.

Full credit to Jonathan "Rooster" Hilaire for its superb "AJeTs" repaint.

I simply replaced serial number ( E9 ), new "air base number" coding
( 102-LF ) and squadron markings ( Black "Chimère" on yellow fin flash ).

I will try to contact Rooster for its authorisation to share it as a freeware repaint. Until then, it will remain a private repaint. No authorisation will imply no sharing. Sorry, but this is the way it should be.

If you know "Rooster's" eMail address please contact me by private message. Thanks in advance.
French Armée de l'Air Fan

For the virtual pilot who would like to see the alphajet with running engines at the selection, herre is a small modification of panel.cfg file. . . . . . . .

//gauge00=Alphajet!Shut_Down_Engines, 0, 0, 2, 2

In other words put a double // bars before gauge00 line. This will transform this line intto a commentary.
5/ Save the modification

In doing so you will have running engine at selection of the alphajet.
Have a good day.
That didn't work for me Benoit. Now, I am running the AlphaJet in FSX and that may be the difference, I don't know. My panel cfg file also does not have the "0, 0, 2, 2" at the end of that line, but since it's commented out I don't guess that really matters.

The startup sequence isn't all that complicated anyway, so getting her cranked up isn't a big deal for me.