Canberra B.2 freeware pack out now!


Charter Member
Hello all!

Well, at long last the first of the new Canberra series for FS9 is ready for download. This is the aforementioned freeware B.2 release, sort of a 'taste test' as it were.

The rest of the packs will be released as payware (but will not hurt your budgets!) as a rolling release from this point on. Originally, the release was planned as one big issue, but due to life circumstances, it will now be released as I complete them.

Pilot's Notes are available in PDF from the main download page, and an ongoing support thread has been set up on our forum here:

Thanks to all for your continued interest and happy flying!


Thank you!

Thank you! I am so grateful, have been following development since day 1 and have been keeping my fingers crossed for a timely release! Awesome! Will install asap and do some flying!


what can I say? Been having the day from hell so far today, mayhem over, settled down to relax at my comp and found this. MAN, you made my day!! All is sweet and rosy in the world again, you have my sincere gratitude and I'll be sure to pick up the packs as and when (I figure I owe you for saving me on the counselling bills!!)

Dude, SWEET,
Cool guys, really glad to hear it. One thing. Thanks to Stevo over at the Flying Stations forum for pointing out this rather large boo-boo - the original download did not contain gauges or effects, so if you downloaded the file in the first two or so hours, please re-download with my apologies. You can double and triple check things, but it will take another pair of eyes before you find out the missing parts!

Please re-download in about 20 mins chaps.


**OK, ready to rock, should be sorted now, so try re-downloading**
Brilliant Steve!:wavey:
You are a real talent and thanks very much for sharing your works with us.

Glad to have been of service as it were, it's my all-time favourite plane so it was a pleasure (mostly apart from one or two hair-pulling moments) to work on it. Can anyone confirm if they see the gauges and effects folders now? Cheers,

Perfect, sounds about right then. So nice to see the old girl has a new lease of life, well, another lease of life seeing as mine aint exactly the first, hats off to Paul Foster and his superb series too, not to mention Bill Holker's models. 50 some years of service give you a lot toys to play with so there's a lot more to come...
Very cool! Just got the package and will need to find some time to fly it!

For the sake of simplicity, I've split the release notice and beyond to a new topic, which I'm also sticking.
Thanks Tom

Cheers for that, Tom, I was hoping some kindly soul might do that, as in retrospect I probably should have done so in the first place. Happy cart starts,

I do love a model that...does stuff


I'm really impressed with the way you rolled this release out too, Steve.
Thanks for this one, and the others to come.
Credit card is in locked but loaded position...
Wing_z, mate, I LOVE the shots! Are those from the Dark Side or FS9? Looks like you're using light bloom too, nice settings if so. Well, heck, nice screens and angles all-round, I especially like that view from the drop tank. Nice to see folk getting on well with the parked config parts.

Have to agree with you, I like models that DO stuff too. I came from from the old days of EAW and CFS2 where models DID a lot of things, before transitioning into the world of FS, so when I started this project, I really wanted to make them have some use as well as look pretty. This is the running theme with the rest of the release, as much as possible, if the plane served a specific role, and this has visible parts, you're gonna see them. So any winch-jockeys out there better get ready for some towing-action with the TT.18!

Glad you like the release so far mate, mind you, I almost had a heart attack when I discovered the gauges were missing. RECALL!


Flyboy, you are most welcome, I welcome any screenies that come from your way too - I remember well your Sea hawk screens - droolworthy! Anyone else banged-out yet? Looks like the old Avons have packed up in the shots below - sorry navs, pilot's breaking all protocol and is on his merry way first!


It's a great subject to screenshoot...

FS9 forum Steve, I wouldn't be so rude as to post DarkSide pics here y'know... ;)
A little bloom now and then yes.

My sympathies with your little glitch, I've been there, upload an 80MB zip and as it goes, you realise there's one little folder not there.
Mind you, userside there's finger trouble too: jumping in and plopping the bombs model into the sim without first installing the proto, leaves you without gauges too. Or sound.
I thought your fix had fuxed it.


Now playing some more, I see this bird refuses to die!
No biggie, just a little quirky, like the plane.

Taxiing under the wing of a newly installed MAIW C-5 caused the damage model to trigger - but I was still able to drive on! No amount of reloading the plane would make the smoke go away, though the wing got mended.

And of course one tries punching out, leaving the navigator to figure out his own ejection sequence - but he doesn't, he keeps the plane fully flyable! I duly landed sans driver and canopy :d
A little "i" key does produce a nice puff of engine smoke for the camera though...
Indeed, failing to install the prototype will cause those problems, but it's clearly stated that you need to do so on the download page. The thing is, duplicating the sounds and gauges would have significantly upped the total package MB size, not to mention waste pointless space on your hard drives, so hence the aliasing.

Regarding breaking the plane, lol, well I never had that problem myself; diving it into the ground usually resulted in a pretty solid crash with crash settings duly enabled. Curious about the persistent smoke even with plane reloads, I guess you have to reset the flight - bit of a pain that one. Nice pics as always and thanks for putting her through her (somewhat rough) paces! Glad to hear those RAF navs are doing the flag proud and fighting on sans pilot. There is a momentary stick forward action if you blow the canopy and THEN pull the ring, oddly enough though it seems to vary in harshness, sometimes making it unflyable but other times not. Either way I found this acceptable as you're going to have to either reset the flight or reload the plane anyway.

Ref the FS9 forum, trust me, the amount of times I've been in a FS9 environment, discussing an FS9 product only to have FSX pics and FSX-relevant questions asked is not funny. You're obviously a stickler for the rules- good man :)
Cheers Tom. One more catch I made this evening - small thing, but annoying enough (again). I noticed I had somehow missed out the G-meter needle. To save re-downloading the entire pack, I have put the relevant file in a zip, which you can download here: - scroll down to the red advisory text and you will find the link.

Apologies for all this, and again, the main download pack has duly been amended.