Caroline Islands JBr UT

Caroline Islands JBr UT 3

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Hi UncleTgt,

It's there and dated 1/25/2002 9:50 PM.

If nobody else is having this problem then there is some conflict within my setup that I will eventually figure out

Hi Voyager,

I tried anumber of different things & couldn't reproduce your issue. I see in your latest reply you say you don't have Rhumbas watermasks installed, so it's not that.


Did you see my earlier posts with Captain Kurt about Rhumbas watermask install mentioning deactivating a whole load of files from the SCENEDB/WORLD/SCENERY folder?

Many people (myself included) installed his watermasks & then deactivated them, & of course, we've never reinstalled these bgls, because his readme says they give double coastlines etc.

Although there's no LOD9 mesh filename in the list that I think would interfere, Captain Kurt did find a problem elsewhere & doing this fixed it.
It just might be one of these files that is interfering with the set up. Just move all the files in this list into a "DEACTIVATED" sub-folder & see if that clears it up. Hope you get it sorted.
Hi UncleTgt & Voyager,

I'm getting those areas of water on Yap as well. I don't have Rhumba's watermasks activated. I'll try removing the stock LOD9 BGLs and see what happens.

By the way UncleTgt, I still haven't got to the bottom of my GSL problems in the Pacific - it's so frustrating.

Voyager/ K Driver/All,

Please let me know if making the pac...bgls as per Rhumbas watermasks is the important missing step, so I can update the zip/ readme to include this step.

Anyone else with similar issues - I don't like putting something out there that doesn't really work properly ....
Voyager/ K Driver,

I'm playing a hunch - different texture sets blend in different ways, as the base bitmaps for each landclass are encoded with different edge blending instructions. I found this out when I was trying to fill in some gaps for DvSlats FSX dark jungle look, & particularly with new water bitmaps. So depending on which bitmap you use as your base bmp to convert, you can get different edge blending results.

If this is the problem, a new, extended coverage of the landclass should deal with the issue.

I've extended the LC coverage for Yap by 1 cell to the west.

Try the new Yap LC in the zip & let me know if this improves things.
Hi UncleTgt,

I just installed the new Yap LC and it corrected the problem! I hope it works for everyone else.

Considering how varied everyone's installs are an occasional conflict with addons is to be expected.

Thank you for figuring it out!!!

Thanks very much UncleTgt,

That worked for me as well. I'm using Pactex2.

There seems to be no single texture set which covers such a vast area of the world successfully. The dark FSX set look realistic in wet equatorial areas but not at higher latitudes. Pactex2 looks very good for northern Australia and around Port Moresby. The only solution to this would be to have different sets for different latitudes. Your Aleutian set is an excellent example.
Voyager/ K Driver,

Glad the fix worked - thanks for highlighting the issue & staying with whilst I sorted it out. :salute:

The upload now contains the new landclass for Yap, Rhumbas file deactivation list from his watermasks, & the fixed gsl for Yap.

kdriver submitted a new resource:

Caroline Islands JBr UT - Caroline Islands JBr UT

Caroline Islands by Jean Bomber & UncleTgt

Updated 28 JUN 12

- new landclass for Yap, fixes display for those using pactex2 textures.

- added list of Rhumba scenery files deactivated (Watermasks install file).

This project started life as a way to use Jean Bomber’s excellent Truk Lagoon scenery in a CFS2 install that used Rhumba's more accurate new world mesh. It quickly grew into a much larger project to redraw all of the Caroline Islands & Atolls so they were depicted better within...

Read more about this resource...
UncleTgt updated Caroline Islands JBr UT with a new update entry:

JBr UT Carolines new version

Carolines Scenery for CFS2 by UncleTgt

View attachment 162620

This is a reworking of my Carolines islands scenery, originally released in 2012.

A report of a CTD when trying a Freeflight from Woleai Atoll resulted in a review of the VTP excludes in use, & I took the opportunity to revise a couple of things as well.

It is designed for use with Rhumbas mesh, but the scenery excludes provided should mean this works well in a stock mesh install too.

I changed the excludes used...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Knowing my son was doing some work in the Carolina Islands UT sent this to me a couple of days ago.There is no more CTD at Woleai.Everything looks and works great.

Thanks for the nice comments, but it was a minimal rework, just to fix the CTD at Woleai when trying to start there.
I took the opportunity to fix small landclass gaps & put in some small water flattens around the Truk islands wherever I came across some sloping water.
I avoided the temptation of redoing the airbases & gsl, limiting the changes to a few hillside gunpits, swapping seaplane aprons to replace the old pier objects, & using the generic lighthouse at Puluwat instead of using Usio's ship model lighthouse object.

I doubt most users would even notice the difference :rolleyes: