Charter Member
<Admin, can you please make this a sticky and remove the original sticky about an upgrade package? The old link is not functional any more.>
Well, folks there is now a revised Version 2 upgrade package for stock CFS3. The link is
Hi Guys, I've provided a new link. I had to remove the Spitfire IXc I'd included with five skins, because I had failed to read the Readme which said it was not to be redistributed.
But really, you guys should use the full versions, available here at SOH!
Happy Flying
486 people have downloaded v1. Not one person provided comments about gameplay! Version 2 includes all the v1 features, and adds coastal shipping, more missions, improved tree scenery models for the same texture sheet, randomised bullet hole textures. Having different bullet holes appear on the wing each time an aircraft is shot up works very well and I don't think I could go back to seeing the same string of holes (defined in the .mos file) appear all the time.
Utilities include Nuke BDP, multicfs3, and an air spawns switcher so air spawns can be turned off for mission play.
Plenty more things too many mods and tweaks to mention.
Scenery is still "old school" but looks quite nice on a good rig, as scenery density is set to a reasonable level in the budgets files.
You need a completely stock version of Combat Flight Simulator 3, patched to v3.1a, and then you simply overwrite with these files. You also need to overwrite the AppData files with the ones provided.
Well, folks there is now a revised Version 2 upgrade package for stock CFS3. The link is
Hi Guys, I've provided a new link. I had to remove the Spitfire IXc I'd included with five skins, because I had failed to read the Readme which said it was not to be redistributed.
But really, you guys should use the full versions, available here at SOH!
Happy Flying
486 people have downloaded v1. Not one person provided comments about gameplay! Version 2 includes all the v1 features, and adds coastal shipping, more missions, improved tree scenery models for the same texture sheet, randomised bullet hole textures. Having different bullet holes appear on the wing each time an aircraft is shot up works very well and I don't think I could go back to seeing the same string of holes (defined in the .mos file) appear all the time.
Utilities include Nuke BDP, multicfs3, and an air spawns switcher so air spawns can be turned off for mission play.
Plenty more things too many mods and tweaks to mention.
Scenery is still "old school" but looks quite nice on a good rig, as scenery density is set to a reasonable level in the budgets files.
You need a completely stock version of Combat Flight Simulator 3, patched to v3.1a, and then you simply overwrite with these files. You also need to overwrite the AppData files with the ones provided.
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