CFS 3 Upgrade package Version 2


Charter Member
<Admin, can you please make this a sticky and remove the original sticky about an upgrade package? The old link is not functional any more.>

Well, folks there is now a revised Version 2 upgrade package for stock CFS3. The link is

Hi Guys, I've provided a new link. I had to remove the Spitfire IXc I'd included with five skins, because I had failed to read the Readme which said it was not to be redistributed.

But really, you guys should use the full versions, available here at SOH!

Happy Flying

486 people have downloaded v1. Not one person provided comments about gameplay! Version 2 includes all the v1 features, and adds coastal shipping, more missions, improved tree scenery models for the same texture sheet, randomised bullet hole textures. Having different bullet holes appear on the wing each time an aircraft is shot up works very well and I don't think I could go back to seeing the same string of holes (defined in the .mos file) appear all the time.
Utilities include Nuke BDP, multicfs3, and an air spawns switcher so air spawns can be turned off for mission play.

Plenty more things too many mods and tweaks to mention.

Scenery is still "old school" but looks quite nice on a good rig, as scenery density is set to a reasonable level in the budgets files.

You need a completely stock version of Combat Flight Simulator 3, patched to v3.1a, and then you simply overwrite with these files. You also need to overwrite the AppData files with the ones provided.
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Sounds like a winner ! Have your older install and it works perfectly. Time for a new install to play with ! Thank you very much for all the time and effort put in this. Hopefully this will help newcomers get started on a easier note.Thank you very much ! Regards,Scott
Sounds like a winner ! Have your older install and it works perfectly. Time for a new install to play with ! Thank you very much for all the time and effort put in this. Hopefully this will help newcomers get started on a easier note.Thank you very much ! Regards,Scott

Thanks, Scott! I forgot to mention it is still running the January 2018 version of Ankors shaders. If you are having trouble with the shaders just remove the d3d8 files in the root directory and run with what you have. This will probably require running cfs3config after installing the upgrade (only do if if asked for). Once CFS3 thinks it is configured, just use the configoverrides.xml provided for the App Data folder, and overwrite the original file. Keep the configoverrides.xml as read only, and things should work well.
Happy to report it works well - except your configsoverrides xml doesn't work.
Have to use the origional.
Happy to report it works well - except your configsoverrides xml doesn't work.
Have to use the origional.

Thanks for the feedback, okyone. Always useful to get these comments. Of course, config settings depend to some extent on the computer you are using, but I hope that what you refer to as "original" is a bit more recent than the 2002 version! For one thing, "Dualpassrender" should be turned off with Ankor's shaders. Also the shadows setting, can't remember what it's called, should be turned off because Ankor's shaders generate their own shadows.

In general, most of my configoverride settings are recommended for a newish computer and graphics card. For example, the Render_target setting for textures gives a nice sharp appearance. There are some guides, the Ground Crew website guide for config setup is old and you can create larger aircraft texture budgets in the configoverrides. The setup guide is hidden away in the hangar on the GroundCrew website (IIRC the site is hosted by "mrjmaint"?). If you can find a slightly older setup guide for Over Flanders Fields (OFF, as opposed to HITR), that could be useful too.

Sorry i haven't posted back about the new improved version is that i'm waiting on getting a new pc to run it on since with mine i can't use Ankors shaders. Regards,Scott
Question answered. Looked at the weapons file and saw them. Sorry for the dumb question...:dizzy:

Hi Scott, that is definitely not a dumb question. Not all the AvHistory weapons are there. Ones relating to countries other than stock (ie gbr,ger,usa) may not be there - I haven't been fully consistent on that I'm sure (if you want consistency, deal with Majormagee :biggrin-new:).

However the Avhistory effects and fxtextures ARE all there - or equivalently-named items. The combined effects.xml is included.

hope you get your new rig up and burning framerates soon!
Just wanted to pop by and say thank you for this mate,its a great piece of work it installed easily..Thanks again :ernaehrung004:
I may have missed something but can I install this over your previous version?

Very much so, James! It is a stand-alone upgrade so it can write over stock CFS3, but I can't think of a reason not to let it overwrite V1.

One thing I didn't do is use the fab new cutscenes provided for ETO. It would take a bit of modification, but would have been well worth it.

@Adger, thanks very much!

once you get comfortable with the file structures and bat files, I would say that ETO is a far more complete upgrade, it just takes a bit more work and knowledge of editing bat files, to get it running properly.

My modified stock package V2 gets things going more quickly and is enough for some people who are "time challenged". I also use it as a "test mule" for my constant tweaking and experimenting. I quite like the "old school" scenery.
Is "time challenged" a polite way of saying "ageing"?

Ha, ha no that is not what I meant! More that this is a quick way to get some of the advances that have come to CFS3 over the years. It saves running around applying everything yourselves.

Also I hope to show enough that people persevere and graduate to ETO v 1.50 and learn to navigate the .bat file system for changing eras. It is worth it!
Thank you. I tried it and had a disaster with the cofigupdater thing which made it crash, so I am back to vanilla again now after another reinstall.