CFS 3 Upgrade package Version 2


First, I've an error message with the cfs3config : "Unrecognized property set on line 501 - Propertyset=global settings".

Greetings, tartinou, It must be difficult to follow this in English.

This first error is from "cfs3configdatabase.txt", in the main install. Try using the copy from your original CFS3. My file is dated 21 January 2003.

When I launch CFS3, another message appears : "Th configuration override file is out of date. Please re-run CFS. CFS3will now exit".

This second error is in your AppData folder for your modified stock install. The file is called "configoverrides.xml". Change this file from "readonly" to readable. Use the mouse, right click on "configoverrides.xml", select "properties" and find the "Read only" box. Untick the box.

There is good description above in this thread about the procedure from here.

Just run cfs3config.exe, and set it up the way you like it.

The run cfs3.exe and use the top right drop-down menu to make more changes to display options.

NB you will probably have a problem with the horizon - this is "dual pass render" in the configoverrides file in the AppData pathway. Go into the configoverrides file and Turn Off "Dual Pass Render".

Now run cfs3.exe again. If it looks good, then exit. Go to AppData pathway and make cfs3configoverrides "Read Only" again! (this will stop cfs3 from turning on "Dual Pass Render" sometime)

Thanks for our help

I had already made some correction witout sucess ... J'm going to continue with your details
Super !

Thank you, it's working for the moment.
I put a copy of "cfs3configdatabase" from my dvd, and after lauching the program, I return the update file.
I also did the manipulation with the file configoverrides.

Now I need to found how to change the cockpit view, I only see the viewfinder.
Now I need to found how to change the cockpit view, I only see the viewfinder.

F4 cycles views. F3 turns on/off the open view with the gunsight. Add a screenshot if you have more problems. Ctrl+shift+F4 cycles view from player/target to target/player.
It's alright, I've found two keys in the configuration that allow to advance or to go back in the cockpit :adoration:

thank you