CFS in Win 10?


Charter Member
I have been away from CFS for years and I am just getting ready to try it again. Will CFS install and run on a Win 10 PC?
hello RickN...long time no see.
welcome back to cfs1.
according to a february 8, 2018 thread by Killer Svend,
cfs1 does work in windows10.
be sure to check out hubbabubba's windows7 patch
which solves a joystick recognition issues with newer systems.
Thanks I will look into the patch, but I may have to buy a new joystick since I am not sure mine still works. We had a foster pup in being trained as an assist dog and she decided it was a chew toy.
I'm an old time FS2004 user, & I tried installing CFS2 (&3) in my Windows 10 laptop.
Both run perfectly (well sort of), running in Windows XP emulation & as Administrator.
Maybe I'm a newby with the CFS francise, but I cannot get ETO to work, maybe a Windows 10 issue, or maybe a 'me' issue.
You guys have such fun planes that we dont have in FS :jump:
I'm an old time FS2004 user, & I tried installing CFS2 (&3) in my Windows 10 laptop.
Both run perfectly (well sort of), running in Windows XP emulation & as Administrator.
Maybe I'm a newby with the CFS francise, but I cannot get ETO to work, maybe a Windows 10 issue, or maybe a 'me' issue.
You guys have such fun planes that we dont have in FS :jump:
hello zswobbie, i don't have a windows10 machine,
so, i can't speak from experience.
all i can do is echo what others have posted.
according to Killer Svend's thread last month,
he used an old cfs1 install on an external hard drive
and it worked fine.
now, i am curious to hear back from RickN,
whether or not he was successful or not.
sorry, that's all i've got.
I am having joystick issues. It shows up and works in the game settings but I can not get it to do anything in Free Flight. Calibration is good, all the buttons work but no luck in the game itself. I am not sure if I messed up while installing the game or the joystick patch. The game tried to start before I could apply the patch.
as i said before, i'm not using w10.
according to the patch readme;
find the cfs main folder installed on the hard drive.
within the Combat Flight Simulator folder,
find and remove
copy and paste the patch COMBATFS.EXE.FIX file
into the main Combat Flight Simulator folder
and rename the COMBATFS.EXE.FIX file to COMBATFS.EXE
close the main Combat Flight Simulator folder
and start the game
hopefully, if all went as planned, the joystick should now work
and a new COMBATFS.CFG will be created
after you shut down the game

please let us know if it worked or not.
Messing with it on and off all night with no luck. The joystick shows up in the game settings and it can be calibrated, but does not work in free flight. I think I might install CFS2 tonight and see if I can get that to work. If nothing else I can always throw together a little computer with XP to run CFS1 on.
CFS generates a new COMBATFS.CFG
at the end of each session.
that's where the game saves all pertinent information.
so, you're saying, you ran the game, shut it down,
then, looked in the Combat Flight Simulator main folder,
and there was no COMBATFS.CFG file?
that's very odd, Rick.
you have peaked my interest

to be honest, i avoid the newer systems issues.
i run a separate xp machine
for all my fight sim stuff.
Yes no file, and I may end up running a separate XP machine too. I was just hoping to only need one computer cluttering up my area.
was there a COMBATFS.CFG after the original install?
i can't help but wonder if w10 is stashing the file somewhere
other than in the Combat Flight Simulator main folder.
if i might ask, what kind of joystick are you using?
Okay CFS2 will not even start on my Win10 machine. I will wait until I finish building my next rig and convert this to XP.
completely would be my call, too.
but, then again, i would like to figure out how to make it work,
or at least, why it doesn't in w10.
the lack of the COMBATFS.CFG must have something to do with it.
completely would be my call, too.
but, then again, i would like to figure out how to make it work,
or at least, why it doesn't in w10.
the lack of the COMBATFS.CFG must have something to do with it.

That is what I think too. For now I guess I need to find something that will run on Win10. I have CFS3 but never cared for it. I might look into that free combat sim and see if I like it.
sorry Rick, i can't leave this alone.
here is a COMBATFS.CFG
i had to rename it COMBATFS.CFG.txt
so i can up load the file here.
download it and save it somewhere easily accessible.
rename it to COMBATFS.CFG
copy and paste the renamed file
into the Combat Flight Simulator main folder
fire up cfs and lets see what happens.
after you exit cfs, look in the main folder.
is the COMBATFS.CFG file still there?
if it is, make a copy of it, rename it with .txt at the end
and post the file here so i can look at it.

a couple side notes and questions;
make sure your machine recognizes your joystick.
does it show in control panel?
when you're in game and go to the settings window,
make sure to check the Enable joystick box.
when you go to the Game controllers window,
what is the controller name?
is it the same as the device name listed in control panel?
make a note of the name. we may need it later.
an unrelated question, are you able to fly using the keyboard?

finally, be sure to save a copy of this COMBATFS.CFG
if you're up for it, we can try setting the joystick manually.


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