CFS3 City textures

even if not correct, a few bits of green make it look nice..but accuracy is of course..

Not sure what you meant to be honest Ian! :) Do you think more green bits or less?

Did you make that into a base with buildings or was it textures only? It would be nice to have a modern airstrip in CFS3 for the Lago Sims F-16 and the Panavision Tornado!

That just happened to be in the picture Lewis, sorry!
I'm fairly happy with this result, I don't know what to do about the ground objects. If I place a model on every building the pc would stop dead! I may just put trees in or perhaps not bother with the autogen at all?

Hi Pat, with those lovely tiles you have I agree that houses would be totally unnecessary. Maybe just a few of the larger apartment blocks on the right bits in the tiles would provide a bit of relief and realism?

Whatever happens this is a good advance on the stock stuff :applause:

I'm a fan of the buildings myself, large apartment buildings as suggested might reduce the fps hit as opposed to lots of small ones and still have nice density. But to each his own, build it like you like it. Those shots with the resized textures look really good!
Have started placing photo textures under the CFS3 landmarks (and planted a few trees).

Buckingham Palace with Hyde park to the rear. This also gives the oppurtunity to add a few AA guns in the park where they were stationed in 1940.

Sorry Clive, foot in mouth from rushing!:isadizzy:

Just a gut-reaction: but thinking your GPS view is great (has the actual green in); sim needs building accuracy and GPS location for realism (of course), some how 'tailored back' to CFS3 era (however that happens), as accurate as possible (as you do, thanks)

That's the proper way.

But then I compared above with stock CFS3 and ETO shots and saw the location and 'ratio', if you like, of green to buildings/'suburbs'. Made it seem sort of like flying over country side with the surburbs, 'in the background'. Just thought this aspect was 'cute', briefly! Viz: pretty to play with, is all!

Whereas the lower BoB/BoB2 shot (no offence) seems a bit too 'green'. (Buildings, layout, etc is ok)

Don't know if making sense, but realise in the end ideally need the Croydon/GPS data for realism, (rather than making up scenery that looks good); I wasn't suggesting turning 'patches of buldings' green:icon_lol:, but just thinking the green bits as above looked a 'bit cool', is all.

Maybe there were fewer buildings and more open areas in the 40's around Croydon and in general? Then the 'green ratio' may have been more like Stock CFS3/ETO? don't know.

So just stick with GPS data/image, maybe consider the 'green content' of stockCFS3 and ETO, as a sort of mix (if possible), if it's relevant to the era??

Hope it makes sense, this time!:salute:
Good call on putting textures under landmarks. They will look a lot more natural that way I think.
I thought you were going in the right direction with the old Berlin ones; certainly for night time; and one can add facilities on top, either the blanks as I use or specific ones so one can get the damage effects. Daytime and low level maybe more in the OFF direction.
I thought you were going in the right direction with the old Berlin ones; certainly for night time; and one can add facilities on top, either the blanks as I use or specific ones so one can get the damage effects. Daytime and low level maybe more in the OFF direction.

Like a burning building effect in Berlin to make it look light its been bombed...
Clive, how does the scenery work at different altitudes; does CFs3 call on different files? I would still think not many detailed model buildings would be needed for anything over 10k ft and even transparent building facilities could be placed over the GE textures??
OK looked at yr new cfs3BoB_cities at different altitudes and at night.

The 1st two are at 2500 ft over Croydon. IMO could do without the models unless you are going to do something like OFF4. The uploads don't show the models as clearly as on my 46" monitor!

The next 2 are at 10k feet; look good

last 10K at night; need to change contrast for night stuff.

BTW I think I found out how to get rid of river "surf' ; if I can remember, but did it with some of Daniels new water effects.
Thanks James. I've not tried them at night yet, they look ok but you're right. they could be tweaked for a night-orientated install.

Attached are modded lso files that will remove the buildings and trees. Back up the existing ones in the cities folder and replace with these.

The same files albeit with mipmaps are used at altitude/in the distance. There are settings in the mos files to sharpen these but I haven't done this yet.

The uploads don't show the models as clearly as on my 46" monitor!
How I'd love a 46" monitor, we don't have a tv that big!:icon_lol:
OK trying yr new files (BTW the 46" monitor is on a turntable so TV as well :) )

The alts are 2500, 5000, 10000, 15000
I then tried some other things

Your new files in autumn, changing brightness of files by 50% and then 80%, and then showing the 80% less bright in daytime. I also am messing with the river boundaries to get rid of the "Surf" effects.
so thinking of the rivers which really irritate me! 1st the "surf" effect and 2ndly the colour.

1st 2 pics are of scenery with my 1st alteration "surf" attempt; not too good. Then 2 Google earth views or river colour from roughly similar Thames positions. The river false colour is especially obvious a nigth , but at no time are rivers "blue"
There are no BoB winter city textures James, which is why that one looks odd. The water textures are stock so if you install one of the many alternatives around the Thames will look better. There's a fix about for the shoreline too (I think).
Have just about done now, all the cfs3 landmarks have textures under them plus I've added a couple of stations to see how they look. I'm working towards an update for the BoB install sometime soon-ish and this work will be included. (There's a few modern buildings to erase and/or age first!)

Tower bridge area and station.


Hyde Park, Buck house with Paddington at the bottom and Battersea and Westminster upper.

Can your city textures be combined with Johnno's country side textures?

I've not tried them in the ETO yet Lewis but there's no reason why they shouldn't work. However some of the landmarks have been moved as they were in the wrong place so it would mean modding the gsl's, which I'm reluctant to do. The city textures themselves would be ok though.