Sorry Clive, foot in mouth from rushing!:isadizzy:
Just a gut-reaction: but thinking your GPS view is great (has the actual green in); sim needs building accuracy and GPS location for realism (of course), some how 'tailored back' to CFS3 era (however that happens), as accurate as possible (as you do, thanks)
That's the proper way.
But then I compared above with stock CFS3 and ETO shots and saw the location and 'ratio', if you like, of green to buildings/'suburbs'. Made it seem sort of like flying over country side with the surburbs, 'in the background'. Just thought this aspect was 'cute', briefly! Viz: pretty to play with, is all!
Whereas the lower BoB/BoB2 shot (no offence) seems a bit too 'green'. (Buildings, layout, etc is ok)
Don't know if making sense, but realise in the end ideally need the Croydon/GPS data for realism, (rather than making up scenery that looks good); I wasn't suggesting turning 'patches of buldings' green

, but just thinking the green bits as above looked a 'bit cool', is all.
Maybe there were fewer buildings and more open areas in the 40's around Croydon and in general? Then the 'green ratio' may have been more like Stock CFS3/ETO? don't know.
So just stick with GPS data/image, maybe consider the 'green content' of stockCFS3 and ETO, as a sort of mix (if possible), if it's relevant to the era??
Hope it makes sense, this time!:salute: