Coming Soon...


Charter Member
A new set of environment effects for CFS3. Improvements include water reflection and color, improved canopy and metal reflections, improved sun light and sunrises and sunsets, properly dark nights, and improved weather conditions. It's out to the ETO crew for testing now, upload here soon to follow. This version will work well in any European theater install. More versions with colors tweaked specifically for MAW, PTO, and Rising Sun are in the works.
Thanks! The thread title ended up being misleading due to unforeseen PC issues, but all is well now ( sort of) and I'll get the ETO package up this week.
Great!!!!!!!!! Looks like alot of folks are very much enthused and waiting on your talented included. Thank you for sharing.

Just uploaded the CFS3/ETO version, should be available soon:

Make certain you install the whole package as described in the readme, picking and choosing parts to install will result in some odd looking effects as all the parts build on and modify each other and are unlikely to be compatible with other versions of the same effects you may have from elsewhere.
:cool: Is this any different from the test package Daniel, can I download and overwrite?

I very much like the enhanced horizon effect and new clouds/weather! :applause::applause:
Glad you like it. There are a couple improvements based on some feedback I got, so I recommend you overwrite your old files with these.
Dense Question?

Would very much like to install this to my CFS ET) 1.40....but not sure if 1.40 has the ENB stuff already which case the install instructions are different.

Sorry to be so dense. I have a clean 1.40 install that works great. Don't want to mess it up.

So, if 1.40 doesn't have the ENB stuff automatically included, then it appears I can just install this great new enhancement without worry.

If 1.40 already has the ENB stuff automatically included, then i will need to follow those specific instructions.

Can anyone who knows the answer please comment. Thank you!!!!!