Coming Soon...

ETO does not come with ENB, you have to add it yourself. In any case it is unlikely to cause problems if you did have it installed already, just make backups of those files before installing the new ones so you can copy them back if you decide you don't like my version. Enjoy!
its works well , excellent addon and fix on many fronts ,,,,

i have a mixed eto-fp cfs3 in one , and this really enhances the features day and night - etc.....

,many tks ...and your work on this matter likely will be the start of a new era on this feature youve started for many years to come to the community


How did you do the mixed ETO-FP in CFS3? I was thinking of trying it because I can't install ETO at all.

If you could send me a message or an e-mail on how you did it, that'd be fantastic!


This is working well in a modified stock install. :medals:

However I added enabled specular for single texture sheets in the shaders.xml, so that the aircraft got their shine back. Watching the wings glint on a flight of P-51s as they banked into a turn with your improved sky and sun, was great to see, once I got the shine back.

Thank you!
This is GREAT!
Loaded into my advanced ETO setup.(70gig install) Works great!
Thanks for this improvement..
No problems setting up and loading..

:salute: :salute: :salute:
Need some help installing enbseries

:wavey:Need some help installing enbseries, I have it installed, but what do with it, where dos the enbseries go? How do I use the tool bar? Aint as bright as I once was:mix-smi:

Everything goes into the main CFS3 folder and that's it. You don't have to do anything else to use it, it just loads with the game and provides some graphical enhancements automatically. Not sure what you mean about a toolbar, never encountered anything like that with it.

Glad you guys are enjoying it, work is proceeding on various MAW, Rising Sun and PTO flavors to give the sea and sun some regional variation. Shouldn't be too long before they're ready.

Wow Owen, I thought my install was big at 24gig, impressive!:isadizzy:
I can't imagine what goes into a 70Gb single install.:jump: I don't think even my 11 separate installs get there!:icon_lol:
Thirteen installs of this largest is my advanced CFS3 install 80 gig..Has all expansions added..And every thing I can find added..
Environment package now added to this also..

Just finishing up the TOW ETO install , from you James.. Number 13..
The environment package works GREAT there too..

And there is much rejoicing!
Thanks for this beautiful addition..
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Glad you guys are enjoying it, work is proceeding on various MAW, Rising Sun and PTO flavors to give the sea and sun some regional variation. Shouldn't be too long before they're ready.

I have already tried these mods in MAW,PTO and DPC Korea, there is an improvement, can't wait for the real stuff tho.:jump::jump::jump:
Forgot about Korea, the water is done differently there, so I'll have to do a set for that one too.
Everything goes into the main CFS3 folder and that's it. You don't have to do anything else to use it, it just loads with the game and provides some graphical enhancements automatically. Not sure what you mean about a toolbar, never encountered anything like that with it.

Glad you guys are enjoying it, work is proceeding on various MAW, Rising Sun and PTO flavors to give the sea and sun some regional variation. Shouldn't be too long before they're ready.

Wow Owen, I thought my install was big at 24gig, impressive!:isadizzy:

:salute:Thanks gecko :icon_eek:I d/led the worng file:redf:. Went back to the site and d/l the correct one:jump:
Everything fine now.The new effects are really awesome, :redfire:Can't wait for the MAW, Rising Sun and PTO flavors.
This is working well in a modified stock install. :medals:

However I added enabled specular for single texture sheets in the shaders.xml, so that the aircraft got their shine back. Watching the wings glint on a flight of P-51s as they banked into a turn with your improved sky and sun, was great to see, once I got the shine back.

Thank you!

Thanks for the new effects files! :applause:
Will try them out tomorrow!

I would also like to have that!
Could you please explain what to change and how? :isadizzy:


Looks great !!:jump:

Will this work together with the updates from our friend vonOben ??



If you are using my "7 Season Scenery for CFS3 ETO Expansion 1.40" and WMScenery or
CFS3 and default WMScenery textures:

Then these files from NEW CFS3 Environment\effects\fxtextures should be placed in \WMScenery\Sea\ and one of the Calm, Heavy, Light or Medium folders.
I put them in the Medium folder.

Hi gecko

I've tried your new files now and the new CFS3 Environment is looking very nice!

Thanks for all your work on it, much appreciated!

On my set-up the horizon fog looked rather white compared to the clouds in that mission.

View attachment 90874

Is it perhaps possible to blend the colors for the horizon fog a bit more with the cloud colors?
