Computer shutting Down in P3D

Damn Falcon, when it rains it pours. I sure hope that doing a fresh install of your OS fixes the issue you were having.
I still think it's a heat issue that was causing the crash, but I hope I'm wrong.
Well, since everything it took me months to build after moving back to Win10 from Win7 is gone now, it will take quite awhile before I'm even in a position to get P3D up and running again. Since the system shutdown only happened while I was flying, I won't know if it's still a problem until I get this mess worked out. Everything has to be reinstalled since about 98% of the programs were installed into the registry and all that's gone. so just double-clicking on the program icons no longer works. . ."can't find this file", "can't find that file". . ."you need to install this file to allow the program to start". . .yada, yada, yada.
Well, since everything it took me months to build after moving back to Win10 from Win7 is gone now, it will take quite awhile before I'm even in a position to get P3D up and running again. Since the system shutdown only happened while I was flying, I won't know if it's still a problem until I get this mess worked out. Everything has to be reinstalled since about 98% of the programs were installed into the registry and all that's gone. so just double-clicking on the program icons no longer works. . ."can't find this file", "can't find that file". . ."you need to install this file to allow the program to start". . .yada, yada, yada.

Been there, got the T shirt. I feel for you. :banghead:
Still trying to find a solution for the "black-out" problem with my PC. Happens every time I go flying and normally takes no more than maybe 15 to 20 minutes before the computer goes black. I have ruled out overheating completely and am now looking at the PSU. I bought it through an SOH member quite a few years ago and it was used even then, so it's very possible/probable that it is giving out on me. Googling the error code I get in the Event Viewer (Kernel-Power_41/63), brings up several pages of results all of which relate to the same or very similar problems with PC's. Most, like me have narrowed it to a power problem in some form. . .either a failing PSU, a bad Power Strip or a faulty wall plug. In a week I'll replace the Power Supply and see if that corrects the problem and I'll purchase a better Power Strip and plug that into a different wall socket.

As an aside, the one difference between my problem and those I've found online is that when my PC "goes down", all fans stop, both monitors go black and the PC appears to be "Off", however there is power still available as a small plug-in fan I have plugged into a USB port still runs and the lights on my Joystick and CH throttle are still lit. It's not until I turn off the power supply and wait a few seconds that the external fan and those lights finally go off. . .then I can turn the PSU back on, hit the on button and get back into Windows. The info I've read from others online is that their system goes off, reboots and re-enters Windows or the PC just locks up and they have to reboot.

Really puts a hold on flying right now as my time in the air is based on how long it takes for the power to shut down. . . .which isn't really enough to enjoy getting in the air. . .knowing it's gonna shut down at some point and I never know when.:banghead:
get this error with not compatible aircraft,so maybee check at this,i did a systemrestore to a date were this not happen,was the only way for me to get this fix:ernaehrung004:
Could it be some tricky power management in Windows ?
Like, Windows switching to sleep mode without asking you ?
Could it be some tricky power management in Windows ?
Like, Windows switching to sleep mode without asking you ?
I went through every power setting I could find (and there are far more than the average PC user realizes) and made sure that especially "Hibernation" and "Sleep" were not options. Realistically though, this is something that happened before the current reinstallation of Win10 and had those settings been a problem, it would have been happening long before this.
I'm glad to know it's not heat. If your going to pick up a new PSU make sure it's rated 80+, and if you can find a deal on a
modular one even better.

The error you get suggests it's a hardware problem. Disabled any overclock on the CPU might do the trick, also check your voltages on the VCore. If you are unable to access your BIOS you can try clearing the CMOS on the motherboard.
NVidia drivers? I've had black screens during simming with finicky GTX drivers in the past. Apparently the latest (385.41) is a dog. Windows may have sneaked an update in on you, or maybe you upgraded?
Have you checked all components are seated properly and dust free within the PC. I would consider removing every component one at a time, compressed air to remove any dust and re-seat. I haven't read all the thread so apologies if this has been done/suggested etc....
Ed, I'm not experiencing your exact CTD, but many times since the last Windows update the computer goes to black screen and is in-recoverable. This has happened many times when I have left programs or Prepar3D open, and I leave the desk for a period of time. Maybe ten to fifteen minutes later I come back to black screen that requires a hard shut down and re-boot.

I'm not sure if it applies to you, and I know you don't appreciate non-specific data, but it may help you in your search parameters.

Hope you get it sorted out.
Have you checked all components are seated properly and dust free within the PC. I would consider removing every component one at a time, compressed air to remove any dust and re-seat. I haven't read all the thread so apologies if this has been done/suggested etc....
Thanks for the suggestion. I think since this problem began, I have used compressed air to blow out just about everything I can think of, lol (I'm considering investing in a small compressor and air fitting to get better pressure than the store bought cans, lol). I am going to continue to search for a reason this is happening as it has put a halt on any flying. Now that I no longer do scenery design and was never great at doing liveries, Flying in V4 is all I have left as a reason to stay in the hobby. This is a frustrating problem with so many varying reasons for it happening that it's like chasing a ghost. Hopefully I'll get to the source of the problem soon and get back to flying.
Ed, I'm not experiencing your exact CTD, but many times since the last Windows update the computer goes to black screen and is in-recoverable. This has happened many times when I have left programs or Prepar3D open, and I leave the desk for a period of time. Maybe ten to fifteen minutes later I come back to black screen that requires a hard shut down and re-boot.

I'm not sure if it applies to you, and I know you don't appreciate non-specific data, but it may help you in your search parameters.
Hope you get it sorted out.
Thanks Gordon, it does sound very much like what's happening to me, but I get the impression that even after your monitors go black the system itself continues to run in the background, you just can't get to it. In my case, everything shuts down and I don't know how else to describe it except that all functions stop, yet some external items (throttle and joystick and USB fan) remain active. Once I turn off the power switch to the power supply, those shut down also. I am hoping that replacing the power supply next week will correct the problem. . .if it doesn't then I really will be at a loss as to how to correct it.
Looking for information on my current PSU was a bit tough since all decals were on the side I couldn't access, lol. Eventually I found a number and Googled that and came up with a 600W Thermaltake. I'm currently looking at a 750W on E-Bay (New) for $41.00. :jump:
Funny thing is Ed,

I do hear the system fans, GPU, CPU continue running, but all of my peripherals are frozen. The keyboard and mouse are locked out, so I can't query the is just a black screen and completely frozen. My only choice is to shut down by holding down the power button for five seconds. All work that may be on screen is lost, but there is no way to go in and save once the freeze sets in.

I have had four or five instances in the last two weeks where I'll be working and the CPU/C:Drive begin grinding and churning away. I check my system stats and see the C:Drive grinding away at 100%. If I am running CS6/3DS Max, which are memory hungry, I might be lucky enough to save my work before she blows up. Most times not.

Invariably, in the next day or two the Windows Update "option" shows up in my Windows Power options when I go to shut down or restart the system.

Invariably, I begin to get the various anomalies and artefacts associated with the updates. Most recently I've had the black screen episodes similar to your experience.

This is wayyyyy over my head, but I'll ask a (former member) techie friend of mine. He may have some insights and advice. He helped me with the complete rebuild Windows re-install I did last winter which, by the way, MS have managed to infiltrate...again...with stuff I don't want.

Hate to see you going through all of these issues lately, but if there is any solace in it, you are by all means...not alone.
OK Ed,

I heard back from my Tech friend. Below are the excerpts relevant to this conversation.

"I’m hearing more and more about this thing...It doesn’t happen with people running OpenGL games either, which is why I’m thinking of DirectX.*

It seems to me that the latest builds of Windows with their respective version of DirectX are the culprits. *Sadly I don’t know of a fix yet.*
...sometimes rolling back to previous drivers of the card will alleviate this.
For the time being, roll back to a previous version of the Nvidia Gforce drivers, disable the Physx and Experience. *Just cleanly install the drivers..."

Might be worth having a look...hope it is helpful.