Another view of the engine bulge and oil cooler.
Drawings of this area are unreliable. I reviewed a LOT of photographs to get this and I still am not sure I got it right.
There are also comments that the C.202 did not have an aerodynamic balance on the stabilisers but from photographs, it appears that the late C.202 did have a balance. The Smithsonian C.202 in theory is a Serie IX.
- Ivan.
Drawings of this area are unreliable. I reviewed a LOT of photographs to get this and I still am not sure I got it right.
There are also comments that the C.202 did not have an aerodynamic balance on the stabilisers but from photographs, it appears that the late C.202 did have a balance. The Smithsonian C.202 in theory is a Serie IX.
- Ivan.