Charter Member
I just finished flipping through Profile 260 about the Manchester. This and the Lancaster really were not very pretty aircraft.
The interesting bit of trivia I found in a forum message was for the Manchester's Vulture reduction gear ration - 2.38:1.
It sounds like the Vulture has reversible pitch propellers. Runaway propellers were actually a fairly common problem on some aircraft such as the B-26, but the propellers were not reversible.
- Ivan.
OMG...you really like treading on glass don't you....Avro Lancaster not a pretty aircraft, I've a sneaky feeling one or two people out there in the ethos might disagree.
An early Spitfire was definitly pretty
A P51 was pretty
A B24 and its packing case were both pretty
A Lancaster was stunning (I'm biased as I've stood 20yds from PA474 during an engine test at RAF Mildenhall back in the 70's)
Lightnings, Hunters and Phantoms all beautiful
Now certain Amiot aircraft weren't pretty, a Westland Pterodactyl a bit on the side where only the designer would think it was pretty.
I really think you should have a glance through the book by william green about fighters, a large book by any standards but an absolute gold mine. Now that book contains examples of really ugly aircraft.