The idea is that the two shots are measured (at the center of the bullet hole) and the number is recorded.
Perhaps I should have phrased this differently. I seem to have left out a few words.
In the group, the two shots FURTHEST APART are measured.....
Hello Womble55,
I also have a fair amount of experience with Lee Enfields and have owned a few. I have never gotten sub-MOA accuracy out of any of them though the No.4 Mk.I* and a No.1 Mk.III* have been pretty respectable with 1.25 inch groups for 5 shots at 100 yards. The FAL was pretty comparable with good ammunition though there were hints it might do better but the scope mount and front sling swivel didn't look conducive to accuracy.
If your guys were hitting well under 1 MOA at 300 yards with iron sights, you should have come over to this side of the pond and shot at the National Matches at Camp Perry. Consistent groups of that kind are enough to shoot clean scores and win the matches with a pretty high X count as well.
My own scores are not nearly so good. At Prone and Sitting, I was getting scores in the Mid 90s and for Offhand, I was typically getting scores only in the 70s. I wasn't anywhere near steady at standing.
- Ivan.