Milviz announced in a comment on their Facebook page that the Corsair will release Thursday!

Milviz announced in a comment on their Facebook page that the Corsair will release Thursday!
The SDK of the sim, as well as the sim itself, are still being developed/improved. This is a continuous process that takes time.
You can see this as a "temporary" lack of system depth, if you want![]()
The SDK of the sim, as well as the sim itself, are still being developed/improved. This is a continuous process that takes time.
You can see this as a "temporary" lack of system depth, if you want![]()
Steps for good takeoffs:
- Look to your left console. There is a placard showing the takeoff trim tab values for rudder, aileron and elevator. Set them like that.
- Lock tailwheel (Important!)
- Set flaps at 2nd notch or more
- Gradual throttle and be ready to use right rudder once you feel the need, not much needed if you set the trims right.
- It will normally lift on its own without need for elevator forward or aft